Hall C Document 1037-v1

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Final BCM Calibrations for Summer '19

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Submitted by:
Dave Mack
Updated by:
Dave Mack
Document Created:
09 Oct 2019, 11:44
Contents Revised:
09 Oct 2019, 17:00
Metadata Revised:
04 Mar 2020, 09:07
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This docDB entry contains: two versions of gscalers.param for use before and after the early July '19 major power outage; an overview in ppt format with a fairly detailed uncertainty estimate (with BCM1,2 we achieved ~0.5% over a wide dynamic range); an Excel file with the individual bcm calibs, their weighted average, and the error model; an enormous and slow Excel file with lots of residual plots for 1.4 days of EPICS bcm data which I converted to the new calibration parameters.
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