Hall C Document 1096-v2

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Final Systematic Error Analysis of HMS Scaler-based Fall '18 Boiling Slopes

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Submitted by:
Dave Mack
Updated by:
Dave Mack
Document Created:
01 Oct 2020, 14:05
Contents Revised:
29 Oct 2020, 11:55
Metadata Revised:
09 Nov 2020, 13:59
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Using Hem’s scaler reports from the Fall ‘18 lumi scan, I get boiling slopes for C, LH2, and LD2 with total errors of ~+-0.3% . Results are consistent between the 2 pre-triggers El LO-CER and EL HI, and the 2 triggers El Real and El Clean. Additional scalers like PR LO, PR HI, and SH LO appeared to work quite well at the higher rates for LH2 and LD2, but I dropped them because for carbon – where the rates were relatively low – the slopes were too sensitive to the beam off offsets.
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