Hall C Document 717-v2

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Review and update of the Scientific Motivation for GEn measurements

Document #:
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Submitted by:
Brad Sawatzky
Updated by:
Brad Sawatzky
Document Created:
16 Feb 2012, 20:08
Contents Revised:
17 Feb 2012, 18:19
Metadata Revised:
17 Feb 2012, 18:19
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  • Public document
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Other Versions:
16 Feb 2012, 20:12
Review and update of the Scientific Motivation for GEn measurements.
Files in Document:
gen hallc 12gev
Notes and Changes:
Earlier version was John's original. This version has the updates that Michael made for his presentation.
Associated with Events:
GeN Feb 2012 Collab. Meeting held on 15 Feb 2012 in ARC 231/233
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