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Michael Kohl of Jefferson Lab is listed as an author on the following documents:

HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
784-v1 Brief GEn overview Michael Kohl 12 GeV Experiments
25 Aug 2014
787-v1 GEn Draft Charter Discussion Michael Kohl 12 GeV Experiments
25 Aug 2014
783-v1 E12-11-009 Charter (Draft 21 Aug 2014) Michael Kohl 12 GeV Experiments
25 Aug 2014
764-v1 Business Meeting Michael Kohl 12 GeV Experiments
22 Oct 2013
762-v1 GeN experiment review Michael Kohl 12 GeV Experiments
22 Oct 2013
717-v2 Review and update of the Scientific Motivation for GEn measurements John Arrington et al. 12 GeV Experiments
17 Feb 2012
357-v1 The Time Reversal Experiment with Kaons (TREK) at J-PARC Michael Kohl Physics
29 Oct 2008
356-v1 Nucleon Form Factors from BLAST Michael Kohl Physics
29 Oct 2008
355-v1 Report from SPIN08 Michael Kohl Physics
27 Oct 2008

Number of documents found: 9

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