GeN Feb 2012 Collab. Meeting

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Full Title: GeN (PR12-11-009) Feb 2012 Collaboration Meeting
Date & Time: 15 Feb 2012 at 10:00
Event Location: ARC 231/233
Event Info: The preliminary agenda for the Hall C GEn collaboration meeting at JLab on Wednesday, Feb. 15.

Each presentation will be 30 to 40 minutes with discussion following.

We will have remote desktop viewing and an audio conference call support available.

Desktop/presentation viewing:
1) Navigate to in a browser with the Adobe Flash plugin installed.
2) Enter the conference access code (2836069) in the "Access Code" box in the "Join a meeting" section.
3) The presentation computer desktop and screens show appear within your browser.

For the audio, we expect to use the phone conferencing support. Call in and have the access code ready.
Phone number: 866-740-1260
Access code: 2836069

Start Title Author(s) Topic(s) File(s) Length
10:00 Review and update of the Scientific Motivation for GEn measurements John Arrington et al. 12 GeV Experiments
PDF version
PowerPoint version
11:00 Coffee None
11:15 Update of the experimental design for GEn Andrei Semenov 12 GeV Experiments
PDF format
12:15 Lunch None
13:30 Neutron and Veto detector status and front-end electronics for 12 GeV GEn None 12 GeV Experiments
Powerpoint version
14:30 Data acquision electonics and software options for GEn Brad Sawatzky 12 GeV Experiments
OpenOffice version
PDF version
15:30 Disussion of timeline and responsibilities for experiment preparation None

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