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Detector ToF/Resolution measurements & First work on new GEANT4 simulation

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Submitted by:
William Tireman
Updated by:
William Tireman
Document Created:
24 Aug 2014, 23:51
Contents Revised:
24 Aug 2014, 23:51
Metadata Revised:
24 Aug 2014, 23:51
Viewable by:
  • Public document
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Quick Links:
Latest Version

Update on the Time-of-Flight and Position Resolution Measurements in the Proposed Detectors and Cost Estimates
Files in Document:
  • PPT Format (TiremanCollabReportAug2014-E11-009.pptx, 3.8 MB)
Associated with Events:
GEn Aug 2014 Collab. Meeting held on 25 Aug 2014 in Cebaf Center F224/225
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