Hall C Document 766-v1

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Meeting Notes

Document #:
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Submitted by:
Brad Sawatzky
Updated by:
Brad Sawatzky
Document Created:
07 Nov 2013, 16:47
Contents Revised:
07 Nov 2013, 16:47
Metadata Revised:
07 Nov 2013, 16:47
Viewable by:
  • Public document
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Brad's notes from the Hall C GeN (E12-11-009) Oct 2013 Collab. Meeting.
Files in Document:
  • text (GEN_22Oct2013_notes-brads.txt, 9.8 kB)
Associated with Events:
GeN Oct 2013 Collab. Meeting held on 22 Oct 2013 in Cebaf Center F326/327
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