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Mirror Testing Result

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Submitted by:
Garth Huber
Updated by:
Wenliang (Bill) Li
Document Created:
28 Nov 2011, 14:58
Contents Revised:
24 Aug 2012, 13:38
Metadata Revised:
20 Jun 2018, 14:31
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In this report, we present curvature measurements and optical test results for 15 unaluminized detector mirrors from Sinclair Glass. By combining the results, we conclude: mirrors #6, #10, #11 and #12 have excellent quality and are recommended to be the detector mirrors; mirrors #7 and #9 can be reserved as backups; mirrors #2 and #8 are sent for the aluminization. Optical tests will be repeated after aluminization, so that reflected spot characteristics can be compared with our first result.
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SHMS Heavy Gas Cerenkov
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