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Coupling Tests for 5'' Hamamatsu PMT

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Submitted by:
Garth Huber
Updated by:
Garth Huber
Document Created:
14 Nov 2013, 12:24
Contents Revised:
14 Nov 2013, 12:24
Metadata Revised:
13 Oct 2016, 00:53
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The SHMS Heavy Gas Cerenkov detector is a part of the 12 GeV upgrade of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The testing of the two optical couplings between the quartz components, namely the coupling of the quartz adapter to the PMT and of the quartz window to the adapter, are of critical importance. This report details the examination of the materials used in the two optical couplings. The results indicate that, of the materials examined, the silicon RTV works best for the coupling of the quartz adapter to the PMT and the silicon grease works best for the coupling of the quartz adapter to the quartz window.
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PMT coupling tests
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