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Simulations for pi/K Separation for the SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Detector

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Submitted by:
Garth Huber
Updated by:
Garth Huber
Document Created:
16 Aug 2016, 14:45
Contents Revised:
16 Sep 2016, 16:05
Metadata Revised:
16 Sep 2016, 16:05
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16 Sep 2016, 16:03
The purpose of this report is to present the SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov (HGC) detector Geant4 simulation results pertaining to pi/K separation for SHMS particle momenta up to p=11 GeV/c using C4F10. This report assumes a K/pi ratio of 1:1 at the simulated momenta of p={1.5GeV/c, 3.0GeV/c, 5.0GeV/c, 7.0GeV/c, 10.0GeV/c}. Results were obtained for the HGC detector at pressures ranging from 0.25atm<P<0.95atm.
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