Hall C Document 819-v1

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SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov (HGC) Detector Calibration Plan

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Submitted by:
Jure Bericic
Updated by:
Jure Bericic
Document Created:
30 Jan 2017, 10:58
Contents Revised:
30 Jan 2017, 10:58
Metadata Revised:
30 Jan 2017, 10:58
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This document presents a draft plan for the initial check-out and calibration steps for the SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov (HGC) Detector for the first year of operation. The obtained data will allow a detailed comparison between the obtained and predicted HGC characteristics, and provide an accurate indication on whether any mirror misalignments or other changes have occurred since the HGC was assembled at JLab in 2013. These calibrations will also provide important data for the HGC NIM paper planned to be written.
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