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Purpose and Optics

The Enge Split-Pole magnet is used behind and combined with the Splitter magnet as the electron spectrometer which analyzes the electron's momentum and scattering angle. The momentum and angular reconstructions are done using the measured focal plane parameters, reconstruction matrices, and defined target point target X position.

The central momentum is $316$ MeV/c with a bite of about $\pm30\%$. The solid angle acceptance is about 9 msr in average. Due to the non-negligible momentum dispersion from the front Splitter magnet and extremely small scattering angle, the total virtual photon flux is obtained by more precise integrals over momentum bite and angle rather than simply using this average acceptance.

At a location between the Splitter and Enge Split-Pole, the Enge magnet is tilted by rotate about X-axis and followed by a shift along Y-axis. This arrangement effects as rotating at the virtual target position then shifting this point off the Splitter middle plane. By doing this, the spectrometer remains detecting small forward angle scattered electrons but just avoid the high rate bramstrahlung and Moller electrons. Such tilt does not effect the resolution but symmetry in acceptance.

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Stephen A. Wood 2005-05-13