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Conceptual Beamline Optics

Separation Section

Hall C beamline starts from the Lambertson magnet (match point) after the recombiner section. Usually, one places the original source there. The Lambertson dipole and the following 1 meter BN dipole plus three quads (3C01,02, and 03) between them form the first 3.2 degree separation from the straight orbit. An achromatic imaging (R16 = R26 = 0) is obtained at the end of this section.

The First Match SectionSecond Section

The next four quads (3C04, 05, 06, and 07) transport the beam achromatically and give a double waist in front of Hall C 34.3 degree arc.

Arc Section

The arc section consists of 8 3 meter dipole magnets and 8 qudas. It provides 34.3$^{\circ}$ bending angle and an achromatic imaging. Like the general achromat, at the mid-point 3C12, beam has a double waist and large dispersion about 4 cm/${\%}$. At the end of the arc, the beam is recombined achromatically at 3C17.

The second match section

After Hall C arc, the final three quads (3C18, 19, and 20A)provide adequate focusing property on either Hall C target or G$_{0}$ target. The beam size adjustment is done by varying them.


Two Chicane dipole magnets (B$_{E}$ and B$_{Z}$) are located downstream the second match section. The function of chicane is to generate additional bending power in vertical plane to compensate the beam vertical offset caused by 3 tesla Hermholtz coils suround polarized target.

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Stephen A. Wood 2005-03-18