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First of all, set environment variables in your .cshrc or login file:

> setenv CVSROOT /group/hks/e01011soft

If you can not see work or group directory from your pc, then,

> setenv CVSROOT <yourname>

If required, set one more thing,

> setenv CVS_RSH ssh

Before checking out CVS, make sure you are one of members of c-hks group in /w/work1801/hks. If you can create any directory, it is ok. If not, ask Steve to add your username on c-hks group.

Make your analysis directory. For example, assume the name is $ana$. Go to $ana$ directory. Then,

> cvs checkout e01011src
> cvs checkout e01011-replay

Then, source code directory and replay directory is created.

Go to e01011src directory, edit to change $OFFLINE$ in the 1st line. If your code is in /work/hallc/hks/$<$yourname$>$/ana/e01011src, then change it to


Then, go to your e01011-replay directory. Go to SRC. There is no more $OFFLINE$ parameter in Makefile. Make sure INCLUDE and LIB are used for compilation in SRC.

Stephen A. Wood 2005-06-17