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Run replay

When you start today's work everyday, first execute in your e01011-replay directory,

> cvs update

to prevent parameter mismatching. Any parameters may be changed while you are in your dream. If you find 'C' during update it means the file is conflict. Please remove any conflict by yourself.

When you go to e01011-replay directory first, just do,


to create scalers, peds, epics, paw and paw/kumacs symbolic link. If you already have kumacs directory in paw directory, create backup directory and then move kumacs directory by renaming, for example, kumacs-bak, then ./DO$_-$FIRST again. The paw/kumacs may be updated any more. We will update e01011-replay/kumacs.

Then, go to e01011-replay/SRC directory. then

> make

to compile updated program. After the compilation is succeeded, go back to e01011-replay directory. Then, edit REPLAY.PARM.

Make sure parameters, especially, see if raw data path is correct:

g_data_source_filename= '/.../..._%d.log'

(Note that run number is filled in %d when running the code)

hbook or ntuple is on/off:

; means off, no ';' means on,

  g_alias_filename    = 'paw/paw%d.kumac'  
  g_histout_filename  = 'paw/%d.hbook'
  coin_ntuple        = 'paw/coin%d.rzdat'

Do not turn on all the ntuple. or ntuple may not be filled correctly after memory is overflow-ed. The goal is to accumulate coinXXXXX.rzdat. Until cut condition is determined and you don't have good parameters for DCs, Cherenkovs and hodoscopes, do not turn on coin ntuple. You may copy c$_-$ntuple$_-$init.f and c$_-$ntuple$_-$keep.f from e01011src/ENGINE to e01011-replay/SRC and then test it. Before all parameter is settled, we may need to check parameters detector by detector, in this case we may use some particular ntuples.

To run replay,

  ./replay_script <run number>

The $replay_-script$ is just a shell script you can see it by 'more' or 'less' command. Executable file is in EXE/engine$_-$replay which is created after make. actually, the options of replay are

grun=<run number> 
gstart=<the number of events you skip>
gstop=<the number of events you replay>
g_config_filename=<config filename c.f. REPLAY.PARM.test,etc...>


./replay_script 50000

Run replay for run number = 50000 to the end.

./replay_script 50000 gstop=20000

Run replay for run number = 50000 to the 1st 20000 events.

./replay_script 50000 gstart=10000 gstop=20000

Run replay for run number = 50000 to 20000 events after skipping 10000 events. Eventually it replays from the 10000th to the 30000th event.

./replay_script 50000 g_config_filename=REPLAY.PARM.test

use your special config file REPLAY.PARM.test to this replay.

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Stephen A. Wood 2005-06-17