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Purpose and Optics

The HKS magnet consists of three magnets, Q1, Q2 and D. Their basic parameters are given in the following tables. The HKS is used as a High resolution Kaon Spectrometer combined with the Splitter magnet. HKS detector package has two drift chambers (HDC1, HDC2), three TOF layers (HTOF1X, 1Y and 2X), three layers of Aerogel Cherenkovs(AC1, AC2 and AC3), and two layers of Water Cherenkovs (WC1 and WC2). The momentum and angular reconstructions are performed with HDC information and particle identification is carried out with AC and WC informaiton in trigger level as well as done with TOF information in off line analysis.

The kaon central momentum is 1.2 GeV/$c$ with a bite of $\pm12.5\%$ (1.05 - 1.35 GeV/$c$). The designed momentum resolution is $2 \times 10^{-4}$. The solid angle acceptance is about 30 msr without the Splitter and 16 msr with the Splitter. The kaon detection angle is 1-13 degrees in horizontal.

Table 1: Q1 and Q2 parameters
Item Q1 Q2
Bore radius (mm) 120 145
Pole length (mm) 840 600
Max. Ampere turns (A turns) 224000 144000
Number of turns 256 320
Conductor size 8 $\times$ 8 ($\phi$6 hole) 13.5 $\times$ 11.5 ($\phi$6.3 hole)
Coil Winding Double Pancake Winding Solenoid Winding
Field Gradient (T/m) 6.6 4.2
Max. Current (A) 875 450
Resistance (m$\Omega$) 181 (@55 $^\circ$C) 119 (@45 $^\circ$C)
Cooling Water Flow rate (l/m) 49.6 17.3
Pressure drop (MPa) 0.36 0.38
Number of Coolant circuits 16 8
Total Magnet Weight (ton$^*$) 8.2 10.5
$^*$metric ton.    

Table 2: Dipole magnet parameters
Item D
Pole gap height (mm) 200
Pole length (mm) 1560
Max. Ampere turns (A turns) 291840
Number of turns 256
Conductor size 22 $\times$ 22 ($\phi$12 hole)
Max. Field (T) 1.53
Max. Current (A) 1140
Resistance (@47.5 $^\circ$C) (m$\Omega$) 145
  Gap side Yoke Side
Cooling Water Flow rate (l/m) 66.3 68.8
Pressure drop (MPa) 0.32 0.35
Number of Coolant circuits 8 8
Total Magnet Weight (ton$^*$) 210
$^*$metric ton.    

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Stephen A. Wood 2005-05-20