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Setting the magnet

Since this magnet is not directly effect the beam, thus it will be controlled and operated by Hall C experimentalists. However, due to fringe field does have slight effect to beam and other magnets nearby, such as Splitter and Enge, it is preferred to turn off the beam during the process of setting up the magnet. Since Q1 and Q2 magnets are sharing the same power supplies with SOS Q and D1 magnets, existing control will be used in setting up the magnet by referring to steps of ``Getting started'' and ``Setting the magnets'' in ``How to set the SOS magnets'' in Hall C online Howto document. Since no polarity change in operating this magnet for hypernuclear experiment, step of ``Degaussing'' is not necessary. As for HKS-D power supply (252Vmax, 1254Amax), it is newly fabricated but follows similar procedures above.

The following table shows a designed magnetic field and monitor infomation for 1.2 GeV/$c$ kaon beam.

Stephen A. Wood 2005-05-20