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The Q1, Q2 fields are monitored by a fixed hall probes placed just out side of the vacuum chamber. The stability should be controlled within an error of $\pm 10^{-3}$. The D field is monitored by a fixed NMR probe placed in the vacuum chamber. The stability should be controlled within an error of $\pm 10^{-4}$. Scaling between field gradient and fixed probe readout can be done by following formula:

\begin{displaymath}FG (T/m) = \mbox{Fixed probe (T)} \times 6.6836 \mbox{   for Q1},\end{displaymath}

\begin{displaymath}FG (T/m) = \mbox{Fixed probe (T)} \times 20.470 \mbox{   for Q2}.\end{displaymath}

Table 3: Designed magnet setting for 1.2 GeV/$c$ kaon
  field gradient (T/m) Current (A) Fixed Probe readout (T)
Q1 -5.78 585 0.865
Q2 3.40 364 0.166
  central field (T) Current (A) NMR readout (T)
D 1.44 1050 1.4364

Stephen A. Wood 2005-05-20