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Operation for HKS-D, q1 and q2

Login any PC of cdaql1 - cdaql6 with 'cvxwrks' and go to /home/cvxwrks/MEDM/HKS. Type mag-control.tcl and see the window of MAGNET controller for E01-011. This screen is to turn magnets ON, Off, reset and set current.

Items of Operation are

> 'Turn ON'  to turn ON,
> 'Turn OFF' to turn OFF,
> 'Reset'    to reset,  
> 'Set current (A)'  to set a current, type the current and push the button of 'set!' 
> 'Initialization' to initialize.

After the power down or trip, you have to do an initialization for magnets. The initialization procedure is as follows;

  1. HKS-D, q1 and q2 : Three times iteration of 0A - Max current - stay 1min. - 0A -stay 1min.
  2. Wait 15 minutes after push the bottom of Initialization.

Stephen A. Wood 2005-06-17