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Getting Started

To prepare a Hall C howto or reference, download the tar file
and unpack it into a working directory with with tar -zxf chowto.tgz, yielding the following files:
The template for writing Hall C howto and reference documents.
The LATEX file for this document, provided as an example.
The LATEX class (style) file for howto and reference documents.
The Hall C bibliography database in BIBTEX format.
The Hall C bibliography database BIBTEX style file. (A copy of unsrt.bst with the addition of the URL key.)
The file template.tex should be renamed to a filename unique and appropriate for it's content. In order to choose a unique filename, please see the list of existing howto filenames at

To compile a completed howto, use the following commands:

  latex myhowto
  bibtex myhowto
  latex myhowto
  latex myhowto
following by xdvi or dvips commands to view or print the results. If the document contains no citations, then it is sufficient t run LATEX once (or perhaps twice).

Note: Compiling LATEX Howto documents will work on JLab CUE Linux machines such as jlabl1, ifarmlX, or dlhXX. It may also work on other systems with a recent LATEX installation. If it doesn't work on one of these sytems, it is likely because of a missing hthtml package. If that is the case, download html.sty and hthtml.sty into the directory with your howto document and the chowto files.

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Stephen Wood 2017-11-07