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Creating a Howto document

Hall C howtos and references use a simple custom LATEX class that is derived from the article style. This class automatically loads several LATEX packages and a bibliography style, so no options or new commands should be added before the \begin{document} line.

The commands \title, \author, \howtotype, \category, and \date should be edited. \howtotype must contain either user, expert, or reference to mark the document as a ``User Howto'', ``Expert Howto'', or ``Reference''. The required command \category will be used to group the howto documents into related topics making web navigation of the online copies of the Howtos easier. The arugment of the \category command must be one of the following:

Category Description
hms HMS detectors and other systems
sos SOS detectors and other systems
magnet SOS/HMS or other magnet systems
beamline Beamline instrumentation/operation
daq Data Acuisition and Online-Analysis
electronics Trigger Electronics and Cabling
target Cryo and Solid Target operation
general General and Miscellaneous Hall C information
The \maintainer command can be used if the person maintaining or updating a document is different from the original author(s).

After the \begin{document} command, the author should write an abstract and then add \begin{section} and \begin{subsection} commands as needed.


Citatations to references shall be made with the standard \cite command. A number of references have been predefined in the master Hall C documentation bibiography file, chowto.bib which is included with the howto tar file. This file is in the BIBTEX format.

References that are not already included in chowto.bib should be put into a file called filename.bib (Assuming that the LATEX file is filename.tex), also in BIBTEX format.

References to another howto document should be made with \cite{howto:filename}, where filename is the filename of another howto without the .tex extension. For example, a reference to this document[1] is written as \cite{howto:howtohowto}. The list of existing howto documents is available at

The chowto.bib file also contains entries for various vendor supplied user manuals that are being collected on the web at That page lists the BIBTEX keys that can be used to cite these manuals.

Web addresses (URLs) may be used in references by adding the BIBTEX key URL to the definition of a reference. To put web addresses directly in the text, use the commands \htlink or \hturl from the hthtml package. These commands will put the URLs directly in the text (or as a footnote) rather than in the bibliography when the document is processed with LATEX. Furthermore, when the document is published to the web with LaTeX2html, web links will appear directly in the text.

Including Figures and Graphics

Either the epsfig, or the graphicx package may be used to include graphics and figures. The \usepackage command is not required to activate these packages. All included graphics files should have filenames that start with ``filename-''. Using this convention will help in the planned automated management of the howto documents.

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Stephen Wood 2017-11-07