Aug 28, 2003, by Dave Mack
These are the links for the beam energy and various kinematic offsets:
1. Preliminary beam energy measurements (by Mark Jones):
4.2 GeV,
5.2 GeV,
3.8 GeV,
4.7 GeV
The energy measurements are called preliminary because the superharp information has not yet
been incorporated.
2. e+p offset determinations:
i. online single arm measurements (by Tanja Horn)
4.2 GeV (not available yet),
5.2 GeV,
3.8 GeV,
4.7 GeV
To summarize, these results provided a rough online confirmation of the beam energy, HMS momentum, and
HMS scattering angle. However, 4.2 GeV is unavailable, the beam energy or HMS momentum is systematically
incorrect at 5.2 GeV, and a few runs have serious problems at 3.7 GeV. Happily, 4.7 GeV looks great.
When agreement is at the 1 MeV level (as it is for 4.7 GeV), it is also probably important to take the
reponse function into account using simc since some of the fitted quantities like W and Emiss have
radiative tails.
ii. coincidence measurements (aka HEEPCHECK)
4.2 GeV (not available yet),
5.2 GeV (not available yet),
3.8 GeV (not available yet),
4.7 GeV (not available yet)
3. standard.kinematics