Sample syncfilter Report Summary (annotated) | Latest Version of syncfilter Source |
During Gen01, the DAQ was working independently from the scalers. Since there was no provision for any direct correlation, we cannot simply match the results from the replay with the scaler values. Further, the beam current monitors had a minimum reading well above 0, so even without beam the scalers were accumulating charge. But even the DAQ itself had some issues that the replay engine is ill equipped to handle: if any part of the DAQ system crashed during a run, the raw data stream will be lacking an end-of-run marker, which causes the replay engine to crash, without outputting the analysis results. And there is a potential synchronization problem between the different FastBus crates. These are the primary reasons why we need syncfilter -- it takes care of all of them. All you have to do is pipe the data to be analyzed by the replay engine through syncfilter. Pipes are frequently used in the UNIX world; they are simply a chain of commands that the data "flow" trough. Our replay engine is able to use this same approach, including the identical syntax. If we want to have the data modified by syncfilter before the replay engine gets a hold of them, all we need to do is modify the source file specification (most likely, this is in REPLAY.PARM). Instead of g_data_source_filename = 'e93026_%d.log'we simply use "|syncfilter" -- note the vertical bar -- to indicate that we want the data to be "piped" through syncfilter first: g_data_source_filename = '|syncfilter e93026_%d.log' syncfilter passes the prep'd data on to the replay engine and it also generates two output files. First, because now syncfilter is responsible for reading the raw data files and therefore has to handle the switching from one file segment to the next, is a short status file, comparable to the file statsrunno.txt, which indicates the number of the raw data file segment currently being processed. This file is called syncfilter.stat Further, a log file called syncfilter.log is created. This file contains occasional progress indicators, indicators of (fixed) problems and a summary output. This summary is also an important aspect of syncfilter: it contains the proper scaler counts to use for the analyzed data. These are total charge by helicity state and the corresponding time, allowing for proper event rate calculation and current determination. A sample log file summary is explained here. |
Overview |
The data stream, however, includes numerous special events which contain information about the chunk of data that was just processed -- too late to change the analysis parameter for those events. To rectify this limitation, a pre-processor was created. The raw data are passed through this filter and flags are inserted to indicate the validity of the subsequent data.
Historically, the filter was used to detect synchronization problems between the different FastBus branches (see below), thus the name syncfilter. Since Gen01, this functionality has been significantly extended. All functions reduce to this, though: syncfilter inserts fake events into the raw data stream which indicate the conditions during which the subsequent data were acquired; this information is otherwise available only AFTER these data.
Since this is a filter, the data enter and exit as streams thus allowing redirection. This enables us to use syncfilter in a practically transparent fashion in the analysis engine's raw data file source specification.
The Big Picture |
The electronic signals from the various detectors and other apparatus in the experiment enters the data stream recorded on tapes via two alternate avenues: the FastBus DAQ electronics and the scalers. A few other systems also exist, but their handling parallels one of these paths.
Prompted by a trigger, the FastBus path processes distinct events, each of which is completely independent of the others. The event data are read from the electronics by the DAQ system CODA and written to file as they occur.
The scaler system works differently. By intent, scalers continually respond to the signals fed into them and keep count. Once in a while, they are read out (also by CODA) and, possibly, reset. For Gen01, there were actually three different sets of scalers, distinct in the frequency with which they were read out. The traditional set, usually referred to as the asynchronous scalers, are read by CODA approximately every 2 seconds and their current value is then recorded into the data stream. This occurs together with the sync event which re-establishes synchronization between the different parts of the DAQ. We will refer to this two second period as a sync interval.
The helicity scalers, on the other hand, are read at the end of every helicity interval, the period during which the beam helicity is fixed, ~1/30 seconds. At the boundary between these "helicity buckets" the beam's helicity may change. Again, CODA inserts their values into the data file as a helicity event. It is important to realize that the two periodic events (scaler event and helicity event) do not have a fixed phase relationship, i.e. they occur completely independent of each other.
The third type of scalers used in Gen01 is the event scaler. These are actually a hybrid of a scaler event and a DAQ event: they occur at the same time as a triggered DAQ event and are inserted into the data together with the DAQ event.
The data-handling software CODA does a good amount of error checking as it processes the different events' data. At times, if trouble is detected, an error event is inserted into the data stream which is coded to indicate the specific error condition encountered. Some of these errors are found before the data are processed (many preclude the processing in the first place) and then the error event will be recorded in place of the data. Other cases, however, can only be detected once the data are processed and then the error code follows the data it relates to.
The raw data are recorded to a computer file which is eventually stored on tape. These data are later analyzed using a program called the replay engine (sometimes just replay). Since much of the analysis of experiments that run in Jlab's Hall C is similar, the standard code package CSOFT was developed. It provides a standard analysis engine, including the many utility routines that interface with the raw data file and decipher any hardware-specific data formats.
What syncfilter Corrects (or flags) |
fastbus crates out-of-sync
The DAQ uses several FastBus crates to process the data, each operating fairly autonomously. The respective data need to be matched up, however, so the crates have an internal counter which tracks the events. Approximately every 2 seconds the DAQ generates a synchronization event during which these counters get matched up. This event occurs together with a scaler event during which the asynchronous scalers are read out (and their data inserted into the data stream).If at that time it is found that the event ID numbers do not match, an error event is inserted into the data stream to flag this condition. Essentially, this means that the last 2 seconds worth of data need to be discarded since we do not know at which point the error occurred. We do know that the error occurred in this latest sync interval so only those data are affected. Note that the flag necessarily follows the data.
scaler sync problem
Similar to the FastBus sync error, this is a synchronization problem in the scalers. Same effect as the FastBus sync, except that the only data affected are the scaler data. But we need those, so out go the correlated data, too. Again, this follows the data in question.latch sync problem
Another sychronization error. This one is with the latch -- I don't know how many latches there are. Actually, all I know is that this is where we get the beam helicity from -- kindda vital, so the data hit the bucket (trash, not helicity!). And again, this follows the data in question.missing end-of-run marker -- run ended abnormally
This one is different -- the data are ok. But our analysis engine doesn't like it and has the tendency not to properly close its files, which PAW in turn doesn't like -- especially for Ntuple files. Also, we like to have a scaler read with our data and the final one is missing. So we put a flag after the last asynchronous scaler read to mark the (improper) end of the raw data file. This makes engine is happy, too.low beam current
This one is the reason why I started looking at this at all (well, wanted to -- a need existed anyway). Our beam current measuring devices (Beam Current Monitors) tell us not only the instantaneous beam current but also allow us to track the accumulated charge, even separately for each beam helicity. Unfortunately (there's that word again), they don't drop to zero when there is no beam. Actually, they act up way before then in that they become non-linear. So without beam they indicate some beam and at very low current they indicate slightly higher charge flow. Not good if you are integrating the readings over time. Since we cannot actually correct the readings (scalers only keep the sums, not the details) we have to selectively discard scaler reads that indicate that the average current was too low to be reasonable.The actual determination of the beam current is based on the accumulated charge as indicated by a scaler. Since the current is continually measured and the scaler integrates these values into an amount of charge over a certain time interval, we need to properly define the start and the end of the interval. We also want the interval to be as short as possible to limit the impact of any problems. The scalers which satisfy these requirements best are the helicity scalers: the asynchronous scalers have a much longer time base, and the event scalers lack a well-defined time interval; the random nature of the occurrence of an event precludes us from using another (prior) physics event as a reference.
This means that for each helicity interval we extract from the corresponding helicity scaler a value for the charge accumulated in the interval and a measure of the elapsed time period. Properly normalized, the ratio provides the mean current for that ~1/30 second interval. Using the time recorded by the scaler instead of the expected time interval allows us to eliminate any inconsistencies or fluctuations but has a further advantage:computer dead time
One set of the helicity scalers accumulates signals that are gated with a flag indicating the DAQ's readiness. If the DAQ is busy processing the previous event or otherwise occupied, physical events that might be observed by the electronics will nonetheless not be seen by the DAQ. By considering only the charge and the time when the DAQ is able to process events, we establish a direct correlation between the physical events and the beam charge.
Otherwise, this inconsistency (the scalers' dead time, if any, is different) would require a separate correction -- one which is not easy to define without any direct correlation. Note that this does not address any rate dependence in the response of the electronics (also called electronics dead time). The boundary between these is not easily explained but in practice quite well defined.
syncfilter's Algorithm |
The buffer is meant to contain all events of a single sync interval. While the data are in the buffer, we can still change the order of the information that is output: if the input stream ends before an end-of-run event is found, we can output a fake end-of-run event before we output the last bit of data. Similarly, if at any time during this interval there is a synchronization error, we can output the corresponding flag before we output the data, thereby enabling engine to skip the questionable events.
We have, however, an independent, smaller grouping of events into the helicity buckets. The respective boundaries of the two groupings can occur at any point relative to each other and the relation can vary over the course of the run. This means that we have to hang on to the buffer until the helicity bucket, in which we were in when the sync event occurred, has ended.
In the meantime, we need to keep buffering the new events being read. We also need to hang on to the first part of the helicity bucket that is at the very end of the previous sync interval, as is illustrated in the following, and thus are stuck keeping the entire prior sync interval's data around. The reason is this: if we find that we have a sync error somewhere in the current sync interval, then we need to discard the entire interval's data.
However, we have to deal with the data in increments of helicity buckets, so we need to discard the current sync buffer and the balance of any partial helicity buckets. This is the beginning of the first bucket, located at the end of the previous sync interval, and the last bucket, at the beginning of the next sync interval. We therefore need to keep the data from the previous sync interval available until the current interval has ended (a sync error might not show up until the end). Since the other end corresponds to data not yet read in, we just need to remember to flag them in the next sync interval.
We therefore have two buffers, the one currently being filled (MAIN) and the previous one (OLD). When a sync event occurs, we dump the contents of the second, old buffer to the output, thereby emptying it. The data from the main buffer are then moved to the (now empty) old buffer, freeing the main buffer for more data (since all this is coded in C, we don't actually move the data but exchange the buffers identifiers, which is faster and safer and the "C" thing to do -- the effect is the same). If the buffer being dumped has a sync error, a corresponding flag event is output first. At the end of the input data stream, we first output the contents of the old buffer and then the data in the main buffer, inserting sync error flags into the output stream as needed. If the maikn buffer does not terminate with a proper "end" event, we also insert our fake end marker before we output the final main buffer.
As the events are processed and added to the buffer, we keep an eye out for
helicity events. If we find one, we extract time and charge information
about the helicity bucket whose end is indicated by this helicity event.
After the helicity event is added to the buffer, we also add a flag event
to the buffer -- a fake event which is intended to contain information about
the subsequent events, which have not yet been read. Instead, we
keep track of where in the buffer the flag event is located and, when we
reach the next helicity event, we modify the contents of the flag event
to reflect the state of the beam current during this bucket.
So every helicity bucket will be bracketed by a flag event at the beginning
and the helicity event at the end. The flag event is just a precursor of the
information that the helicity event will provide -- too late to change a
linear analysis. This allows us to not
modify the experiment's data themselves and still pass information to the
replay engine about the data yet to come.
The flag also is used to warn of another, the previously discussed issue: the last helicity bucket in this sync interval is most likely at least partially in the next interval. If that next interval has a sync error, this overlap bucket must be discarded as well. Therefore, the pointer to this flag is specially saved for that purpose. The flag event has different data words for different conditions, though the event ID is always the same.
Each helicity event contains the data from the respective helicity scalers, once as total accumulated value and also the most recently read data. Since it occasionally occurs that the DAQ cannot read the helicity event as it occurs, successive events may be summed together into one. In that case, the last read is not useful as it does not reflect the summed helicity events. The previous value of the accumulated scaler is therefore remembered by syncfilter and at the next helicity event the difference between the new and the old accumulated value is used as the latest data.
Since syncfilter has to decode the beam current anyway, and therefore the incremental charge accumulation and the elapsed time, it also keeps track of the totals of these quantities. This is especially useful as the engine's processing of this information is not centralized and thus not quite as definite as syncfilter's. After the charge and the time information has been decoded and properly normalized, we take the ratio as the average current and, depending on the resulting value, consider this last helicity bucket (or the sum over several) to have good or bad current. If the current is good, we add the time and charge to the good subtotals; they are added to the overall subtotals in either case. At this time, syncfilter also updates the flag inserted into the buffer after the previous helicity event, thus indicating the state of the current for the helicity that just concluded.
When the buffer is swapped due to a scaler event, we also take the subtotals of time and charge of the helicity buckets and add them to the run's grand total sums. The "all" value is just the sum of the "all" subtotals, while the "good" grand total only includes "good" subtotals from sync intervals without synchronization problems. So we have one sum including everything and one sum including only "doubly good" charge and time, all separately for each beam helicity.
Special Considerations |
In addition to initialization issues, syncfilter is set up to handle a few special situations automatically. One of these is the occurrence of a sync event being bracketed by helicity events. This necessarily results in the second of these not having any charge accumulated and thus a bad current flag. Since the handling of these flags in the engine was optimized for state changes, we simply identify these sequences and assign the last valid state to the redundant helicity event.
Usage Details |
The log is either output to standard error, if the data are not output to standard out, or to the local file syncfilter.log. The status file, always syncfilter.stat, merely contains the number of the input file segment currently being processed, so that our batch system can continue working, since the engine's STATS report no longer knows about the file segment number, as the segment switching is now taken care of by syncfilter.
Since syncfilter is implemented as a filter, it has no concept of file names (aside from what it passes to the CSOFT routine to open the file) and can therefore not extract the run number therefrom. The output files will thus always have the standard names syncfilter.log and syncfilter.stat in the local replay directory. If they are to be preserved, they need to be moved or, better, renamed. There does not seem to be much point to preserving syncfilter.stat beyond the current analysis, though.
The beam current limit is actually checked against BOTH beam current monitors and either one indicating current above the limit is sufficient -- this is meant to preclude problems if one BCM fails. As of this writing, the BCM1 calibration constants in the code are absent and the BCM2 constants are used. This results in the current indicated by BCM1 being 5% too low, but this is too small of a deviation for the current limit to be materially affected.
Limitations |
The principal sources of problems with syncfilter, though fairly rare, are for one the case where we exhaust the size of the buffer before we encounter a scaler event, and the other is a second scaler event before we had a helicity event, thus requiring a third, non-existent buffer. If need be, both cases can be accommodated by changes to the code, for the former by simply enlarging the size of the buffer. However, neither ought to occur and there is good reason to suspect more serious problems with the data if these errors do occur.
The latter case is partially addressed by merging the main (current) buffer onto the end of the old buffer -- provided there is sufficient room. This should account for the case of a sporadic extra sync event which occurs less than one helicity bucket away from the last sync event. In that case there shouldn't be much data around; however, since we only have one buffer to hold both sync interval's data, the entire buffer has to be declared bad if either of the merged sync intervals' data are doubtful.
The fact that CODA will at times merge multiple helicity buckets into a single event is also a potential issue. It might even be worth considering to discard the data if the number of helicity buckets summed together gets too large, as the average current becomes less meaningful. The event does include information on the number of buckets summed and syncfilter does check this count against the accumulated time to verify that the numbers are consistent. This is important mostly because the buckets are summed separately for the two helicity states but the count of summed buckets is only the total. Also, if the more buckets get summed together, the greater the chance that a sync event occurs in between. This would require the buffer to not be flushed, a situation described above.
If the engine crashes, syncfilter is automatically terminated and no summary can be output. Occasionally, for unknown reasons, engine exits too quickly for syncfilter to finish outputting its report summary as it is (again) terminated. Some information may then be extracted from the replay log as special coded events contain some of the data. This functionality could possibly be extended to obviate the syncfilter log entirely and maybe even the syncfilter status file.
frw June, 2002 |