One of the major sources of background in the proposed setting that facilitates detection of very forward particles is electrons associated with Bremsstrahlung process. During the E89-009 experiment, a data was taken with Pb sheet blocking 0 degree Brems electrons just at the entrance of the Enge spectrometer. Although it was tricky to place a thin material at 0 degrees, it was learned that blocking 0 degree Brems electrons helps improve signal to noise ratio considerably by this 0-degree blocking technique. The Tilt method, which offers us 2 order of magnitude more hypernuclear yield and a factor of 10 better signal to noise ratio compared to the E89-009 setup.
Electron and positron rates were estimated as given in Table 4 for the beam current of 30 A and the target thickness of 100 mg/cm. It shows that 2.6 MHz of the electron background in the Enge spectrometer which placed with 2.25 degrees to the beam axis (electron beam, 100 mg/cm carbon target). Kaon single rate for the HKS spectrometer was estimated to be 340 Hz as shown in Table 4. With a coincidence window of 2 ns, we have accidental coincidence rate as:
Assuming that the accidental coincidence events spread uniformly over the energy matrix (Enge 149 MeV HKS 240 MeV ), the largest background per bin (100 keV) projected on the hypernuclear mass spectrum will be 8 10 /sec. A typical hypernuclear (C target) event rate will be 48.4 / (100 nb/Sr) / h = 1.3 / (100 nb/Sr) / sec as shown in Table 6.
Target | |||
C | 30 | 48.4 | 340 |
Si | 30 | 20.7 | 288 |
V | 30 | 11.4 | 228 |