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: Yield estimate and requested : Experimental setup and expected : Resolution of excitation energy

Background and signal/noise ratios

One of the major sources of background in the proposed setting that facilitates detection of very forward particles is electrons associated with Bremsstrahlung process. During the E89-009 experiment, a data was taken with Pb sheet blocking 0 degree Brems electrons just at the entrance of the Enge spectrometer. Although it was tricky to place a thin material at 0 degrees, it was learned that blocking 0 degree Brems electrons helps improve signal to noise ratio considerably by this 0-degree blocking technique. The Tilt method, which offers us 2 order of magnitude more hypernuclear yield and a factor of 10 better signal to noise ratio compared to the E89-009 setup.

Electron and positron rates were estimated as given in Table 4 for the beam current of 30 $\mu$A and the target thickness of 100 mg/cm$^2$. It shows that 2.6 MHz of the electron background in the Enge spectrometer which placed with 2.25 degrees to the beam axis (electron beam, 100 mg/cm$^2$ carbon target). Kaon single rate for the HKS spectrometer was estimated to be 340 Hz as shown in Table 4. With a coincidence window of 2 ns, we have accidental coincidence rate as:

\begin{displaymath}N_{ACC} = (2.6 \times 10^6 {\rm Hz}) \cdot (2 \times 10^{-9} {\rm sec})
\cdot (340 {\rm Hz}) \sim 1.8 {\rm /sec}. \end{displaymath}

Assuming that the accidental coincidence events spread uniformly over the energy matrix (Enge 149 MeV $\times$ HKS 240 MeV ), the largest background per bin (100 keV) projected on the hypernuclear mass spectrum will be 8 $\times$ 10$^{-4}$ /sec. A typical hypernuclear ($^{12}$C target) event rate will be 48.4 / (100 nb/Sr) / h = 1.3 $\times 10^{-2}$ / (100 nb/Sr) / sec as shown in Table 6.

表 6: Expected hypernuclear production rates in the (e,e'K$^+$) reaction
Target $\begin{array}{c}{\rm beam}\\
{\rm Intensity}\\
{\rm (\mu A)}\end{array}$ $\begin{array}{c}{\rm Counts}\\
{\rm per}\\
{\rm 100nb/sr \cdot hour}\\
\end{array}$ $\begin{array}{c}{\rm Qfree}\\
{\rm K^+~in}\\
{\rm HKS(Hz)}\end{array}$
$^{12}$C 30 48.4 340
$^{28}$Si 30 20.7 288
$^{51}$V 30 11.4 228

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: Yield estimate and requested : Experimental setup and expected : Resolution of excitation energy
Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月2日