The (e,e'K) reaction has a unique characteristics for the hypernuclear spectroscopy among a wide variety of reactions which can be used to produce a strangeness -1 hyperon as listed in Table 1. Each reaction has its own characteristics and will plays its role for hypernuclear spectroscopy. However, only the and reactions have been intensively used for the spectroscopic investigation in these reactions, so far. These reactions supposed to convert a neutron in the target nucleus to a hyperon. Although the reaction is relatively new compared to the reaction, it is now considered as one of the best reactions for hypernuclear spectroscopy because it favorably populates deeply bound hypernuclear states [1,14,2]. The smaller cross sections of the (,K) reaction compared to that of the (K,) reaction is easily compensated by intensity of pion beams, which is much higher than that of kaon beams. The (,K) reaction selectively populates angular momentum stretched states because of the large momentum transfer to the recoil hypernuclei [19,20,18]. This is in contrast to the reaction, which transfers small momentum and thus preferentially excites substitutional states. By high quality spectra with resolution better than 2 MeV (FWHM), it becomes possible to qualitatively study the unique structure of hypernuclei and characteristics of the -nucleon interaction.
= 0 | = -1 | comment |
neutron to | proton to | |
() | () | stretched,high spin |
in-flight () | in-flight () | substitutional |
stopped () | stopped () | |
() | () | spin-flip,unnatural parity |
() | () |