Since the momentum transfer of the (e,e'K) reaction
is almost the same as that of the
it is expected to preferentially
populate high-spin bound hypernuclear states.
However, in contrast to reactions with meson beams,
the electromagnetic reaction will populate
spin-flip hypernuclear states as well as non-spin-flip states, since
the transition operator
has spin-independent (
) and spin-dependent (
terms [21,22].
Although the spin independent term is significantly smaller than the
spin-dependent term, the spin-flip and non-spin-flip components in the
spin-dependent term have comparable amplitudes.
Also the (e,e'K), in contrast
to the
converts a proton to a
This results in proton-hole-
-particle states
in the configuration [
When the proton hole state is
, the highest spin states
favorably excited. These hypernuclear states are of unnatural parity
when the original proton orbit is
On the other hand, if the hole state has spin
, the
highest spin states
of the multiplet
with natural parity are strongly populated.
This selectivity is particularly important as it
allows us to directly study the spin-dependent structure of
Experimentally, the most important characteristics of the (e,e'K) reaction
is that it can provide significantly better energy resolution because
the reaction is initiated with a primary electron beam of
extremely good beam emittance, in contrast to secondary meson beams.
With a high performance spectrometer, energy resolution of a few 100 keV
can be achieved.
The unique characteristics of the (e,e'K) reaction are summarized
Although the (e,e'K) reaction has many advantages for hypernuclear
spectroscopy, it has disadvantage that the cross section is much
smaller than reactions
using hadronic beams. For example, the calculated cross section
for the
is two orders of
magnitude smaller than
that of the corresponding
With the E89-009 setup, hypernuclear yields of the ground state of
B are smaller by almost
two order of magnitude compared with that of
by the SKS experiment. However, this disadvantage can be overcome
by employing a new geometry which we propose
for this experiment. The new geometry uses a new Kaon spectrometer,
HKS, which is described in the next section.