The well known kinematics and masses of ,
, and
the ground state of
B can be used to carry out the calibrations
for the momentum reconstruction matrices as established in the HNSS experiment.
Events from the peaks of ,
, and the ground state of
will be selected out of the CH
and C target runs and
's are defined
by the reconstructed missing masses against the well known masses.
Using a computerized minimization process for the total
's, the
momentum reconstruction matrices can be optimized.
This procedure could be done for one of the spectrometers at a time and will be iterated
for the two spectrometers until a consistent result is obtained.
Since the natural widths of the peaks are different, proper weights
should be taken into
account for the
obtained from different masses. This procedure has been successfully
performed for the HNSS experiment to reach the final resolution of 900 keV.