Experimental goals and the requirement
Optimization of the experimental condition
Present status and plan
Experimental configuration and condition
Principle and experimental configuration
Summary of the expected performance
Spectrometer design and expected performance
Requirements for the spectrometers
High resolution Kaon Spectrometer (HKS)
Enge Split-pole Spectrometer
Calibration Procedures for HKS and Enge spectrometers
Enge background study
Singles rates for HKS, ENGE and coincidence triggers
HKS magnet design and construction
Q1 and Q2 magnet design and their construction
Dipole magnet design and construction
Dipole power supply
Vacuum chamber
Magnet support
Field mapping
Summary of the HKS and Enge detector packages
Test experiments at KEK-PS and LNS, Tohoku Univ.
HKS drift chambers
HKS TOF hodoscopes
HKS Water Cerenkov counter
HKS Aerogel Cerenkov counter
Enge Honeycomb drift chamber
Enge hodoscope
Trigger and read-out electronics
Trigger logic
Drift chamber readout
Cabling, power supply modules
Installation plan
Beam line and condition
Dump lines, monitors and locking systems
Radiation budget
Installation plan
Experimental procedures
Beam transport study
Beam energy stability
Background study
Detector component study
Trigger study
Spectrometer tune
Data acquisition, electronics and analysis strategy
Electronics for detectors
Online monitors
Data accumulation rate and data size
Data acquisition system
Data analysis software
Things to be done and schedule
Required Jlab support
Figure Index
Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月1日