The construction of the HKS magnets was completed and the precision field mapping is in progress at Kobe, Mitsubishi Electric Co. as of July, 2003. The field mapping is to be completed in August, 2003 and the magnets is going to be shipped to Jlab from Kobe in the early fall of 2003.
Feasibility of prototype scintillators and Cerenkov counters for the trigger
and particle ID were tested with unseparated 1.2 GeV/c , K
, p
beam at KEK-PS (PS-T494, T500, T530) by Japanese and US's collaborators (JSPS-NSF cooperation
research program, JSPS-PI S.N. Nakamura, NSF-PI J. Reinhold). The Enge honeycomb
drift chamber (real one) was tested with electrons
of a few 100 MeV at the internal tagged photon facility
of Laboratory of Nuclear Science (LNS) of Tohoku University. Most of the detectors
have been constructed and shipped to Jlab in March 2003.
Fine tuning and further tests of the detectors are being performed at the EEL building.
Based on the experimental requirements, general experimental conditions and configuration have been optimized as explained in the previous sections. The collaboration is now working, aiming to stage the experimental setup in Hall C early in 2004.
In the following sections, the basic design of the spectrometer system, the new configuration of the electron spectrometer and the status of design, R&D and construction of the spectrometer magnets and the detector system are described in more detail.