Since the first readiness review for E01-011, we have made major progress in the spectrometer construction as described in the previous sections.
Things still to be prepared concerning the spectrometer construction are summarized in the following and depicted in figure 77.
Although the field mapping of the spectrometer magnets is delayed and is still under way, we have confidence that the field map measurement will be completed by the end of summer. The magnets together with the dipole power supply and the vacuum chambers will be shipped to Jlab immediately after the completion of the vacuum chamber test and some final machining of the dipole yoke. We plan to pre-assemble the magnets, particularly the dipole magnet, at the test lab of Jlab prior to the full installation of the spectrometer system into Hall C.
The detector R&D has been completed and either real or prototype detectors
were tested, exposing them to 's, K's, protons, positrons and electrons
in the momentum ranges of interest. Most of the detectors and
detector parts(HKS TOF, HKS DC, ENGE honeycomb drift chamber, ENGE hodoscopes)
are now in Jlab as of July ,2003, except for the water Cerenkov counter at Tohoku and
some parts of the aerogel Cerenkov counter at Florida for the final
test, both of which are to be shipped to Jlab in summer, 2003.
The spectrometer hardware, such as magnet and detector supports, beam line components, target vacuum chamber and ladders etc., are being designed and fabricated by the engineering group of Jlab. Cooperation between the collaboration and the Jlab engineering group and also accelerator group for the beam requirements are under way.
The chamber readout electronics, cables, trigger electronics are already designed and listed as documented in the appendix. However, there are two areas to be still completed concerning the electronics. One is the development of the F1 multihit TDC by the Jlab electronics group. The data taking scheme would be much easier if the TDCs are available, although we can use the fast bus TDCs if the F1 TDCs are not ready well before the end of the year. The other is fabrication of the FPGA based intelligent logic modules, which will be used to form the trigger out of the hit pattern of TOF, aerogel and water Cerenkov counter arrays. Similar modules have been widely used and the fabrication is under way at Tohoku. The prototype will be bench tested in summer.
Now, one of the most demanding tasks to the collaboration is the software development. Further optics and Monte Carlo simulations are in progress in order to optimize the experimental conditions and also to generate events close to the reality. The generated events are used to develop the analysis algorithm and procedure.
Online analysis software is developed on CODA. Since the most of the detector components are parallel to those used in E89-009, there should not be major problems. The online DAQ group will take care of the tasks.
For offline analysis program, the experience from E89-009 is again valuable and helpful. It is also emphasized that the basic tracking programs for the drift chambers are almost prepared, since the HKS drift chambers are similar to those in SOS and the ENGE drift chambers have been exposed to the electron beams and analysis was successfully carried out by the Tohoku group.
It is also necessary that the monitor information such as magnets currents, field strengths from NMR and hall probes, beam momentum and positions etc., is incorporated into the EPICS data stream and integrated to the physics data. This has been once done by the collaboration for E89-009 and will be done again towards the fall of 2003.
So far, the collaboration expects that all the systems will be ready for the first beam by the end of 2003.