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Required Jlab support

In the last readiness review, we presented an estimate of total costs of about $870K for Jlab to cover the installation/removal, construction of supports for all magnets, target (chamber, ladder, and control), beam lines, sieve slits/collimators, detector supports, huts/shielding blocks, magnet probes, vacuum pumps, cables, and electronics. A detailed cost breakdown can be found from our previous charts. The current estimate is that this cost estimation might be lowered due to some savings here and there on mechanical constructions.

At that time, due to shortage of fund from U.S. collaboration, we made additional request of support of $185K to cover 1) amplifier- discriminator cards for HKS and Enge drift chambers, 2) 5'' PMTs for aerogel detectors and 3) machining cost for aerogel detector boxes and materials. However, the required cost was cut down by almost 40%, since the Hampton University Physics Frontier Center contributed $60,000 for the amp-discriminator cards and FIU used their own machine shop to make the boxes. In addition, the further investigation found less expensive 5'' PMTs and they were successfully tested with KEK-PS beam on the prototype. The overall additional cost was significantly cut down to less than $30,000 and eventually became part of the total initially estimated cost, $870K. At this point we do not anticipate this cost will go over $870K.

Since all the cost is now covered within this overall ``installation cost'' and almost all the detectors were already built, the collaboration does not further request additional fund for detectors.

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: 図目次 : rrc02 : Things to be done   目次
Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月1日