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: Drift chamber readout : Trigger and read-out electronics : Overview   目次

Trigger logic

Figure 73 shows as an example the hadron PID trigger. For each segment of the focal plane individual KAON, PION, and PROTON triggers are formed. The logic .OR. of the corresponding segments from each trigger is formed. The PION and PROTON triggers are prescaled. Then the logic .OR. of the KAON and prescaled PION and PROTON triggers forms the HKS TRIGGER. Signals from each stage of the logic are send to scalers and low-resolution TDCs for efficiency studies. Four versions with different gate width of the HKS TRIGGER signal are send to scalers for determination of the electronic deadtime.

The individual detector trigger and the electron trigger as well as more details about the electronics are given in an appendix to this document.

Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月1日