Though the HKS spectrometer will be installed in Hall C for the first experiment (E01-011), the spectrometer is designed to be installed either in Hall A or Hall C. The height of the spectrometer system was decided to fit the Hall A beam line height (10'), which is lower than that of Hall C (13').
In figure 6, a plan view of the spectrometer system installed in Hall C is shown. It is located between the HMS-SOS pivot and the G0 detector system. The spectrometer system will be installed as upstream as possible so that the interference with the G0 experimental setup is minimal.
The HKS magnets are already completed in Japan and the precise field mapping is in process now. The D magnet will be disassembled into pieces of which weight is less than 20 US-tons to make transportation to Jlab and assembly at Jlab easy. They will be first installed and pre-assembled in the Test Lab of Jlab before the installation to the experimental Hall. The fiducialization and confirmation of the field map will be carried out there. The Splitter magnet, the Enge spectrometer and BZ magnets will be installed in Hall C together with the HKS magnets. Detectors are fabricated and tested by the collaborating institution responsible for them. The detectors developed and tested in Japan (TOF counters, Enge hodoscopes, Enge drift chamber) have already arrived at Jlab in March 2003 and they are being tuned now at EEL building. The design of the supporting system for the detectors is being carried out by a close collaboration between Jlab engineers and the experimental group.