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Electronics for detectors

As outlined in section 6, the basic scheme of the data acquisition is along the current Hall C standard DAQ system.

Table 23 summarizes the number of required read-out channels for each detector. Signals from the drift chambers (HDC1, HDC2, EDC) are amplified and discriminated by Nanometric 277L amplifier-discriminator boards (16 ch/board). These boards are mounted on the chambers and timing information of the output ECL signals is recorded by FastBus TDC (LeCroy 1877). The FB TDC is now commercially unavailable and there is an option to replace the TDC by F1-Chip TDCs newly developed at Jlab, if the development is finished in time.

The PMT signals will be recorded with ADC (LeCroy 1881) and high resolution TDC (LeCroy 1872A). Since we require very good timing resolution ( $\sigma \sim 50$ ps) for the TOF counters (HTF1X, HTF1Y, HTF2X, HWC1, HWC2, EHOD1, EHOD2, EHOD3), the discrimination of these signals to the logic signals will be carried out in the Hall C to have better timing resolution. The TDC for the EHOD counter could be again replaced by the F1-TDC if F1-TDC high-resolution mode works fine.

The HKS detectors are grouped into six to make the HADRON PID triggers. This grouping is to reduce the overkill rate by veto. The combination of groups will be primarily determined with a simulation and it will be optimized with real data during the commission run. In order to re-arrange the combination of the groups easily, a new logic module with a FPGA (Altera APEX-20K300E) which enables the logic to be re-programmed without any change of cabling, is now under development.

表 23: Detector and read-out electronics summary
Name Detector Read-out Method Channels HR TDC TDC ADC  
HKS detectors
HDC1 Drift Chamber Nanometric N277L 660   660    
HDC2 Drift Chamber Nanometric N277L 720   720    
HTF1X TOF hodoscope (X) PMT H1949 34 34   34  
HTF1Y TOF hodoscope (Y) PMT H1949 18 18   18  
HAC1 Aerogel Cerenkov PMT R1250 14 14   14  
HAC2 Aerogel Cerenkov PMT XP4572B/D1 14 14   14  
HAC3 Aerogel Cerenkov PMT XP4572B/D1 14 14   14  
HTF2X TOF hodoscope (X) PMT H1949 36 36   36  
HWC1 Water Cerenkov PMT H7195 24 24   24  
HWC2 Water Cerenkov PMT H7195 24 24   24  
Sub total       178 1380 178  
Enge detectors
EDC Honeycomb DC Nanometric N277L 1120   1120    
EHOD1 TOF hodoscope (X) PMT H6612 50 50   50  
EHOD2 TOF hodoscope (Y) PMT H6612 50 50   50  
EHOD3 TOF hodoscope (Y) PMT H1949 2 2   2  
Sub total       102 1120 102  
Fast raster           4  
BPM           16  
Grand Total       280 2500 300  

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Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月1日