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: Beam energy stability : Experimental procedures : Experimental procedures   目次

Beam transport study

Since the target is installed in the fringe field region of the Splitter magnet and the beam has to be guided into the Hall C dump through the fringe field region of the HKS Q1, and ENGE, the beam transport has to be done carefully. We plan to use a low intensity beam to tune the BZ magnet settings. The excitation of the splitter magnet, ENGE magnet and HKS magnets are more or less fixed once the configuration of these magnets are chosen. However, some adjustment of the Splitter magnet setting, which does not destroy the optics of the spectrometers, will allow to steer the beam. Such studies will be done in the first stage of the apparatus development runs.

Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月1日