: Enge Honeycomb drift chamber
: HKS Aerogel Cerenkov counter
: Prototype beam test
- A total of 18 Photonis XP4572B/D1 have been purchased and
delivered together with the necessary voltage dividers. It is planned
to retrofit the dividers with an amplifier. A total of 50 amplifiers
has been built by the Jlab electronics group. The amplifiers still
have to be mounted inside the dividers.
- A total of 28 used Hamamatsu R1250 PMTs are at FIU. A prototype
divider has been build and tested. The 30 divider boards have been
assembled. Sockets and connectors are on hand. The bases are currently
assembled in the FIU electronics shop.
- Enough Millipore filter paper is available to line each of the
three detectors with a double layer. The prototype achieved acceptable
results with just a single layer. Therefore, only one layer will be used.
- The 28 magnetic shields for the R1250 and 18 shields for the
XP4572B/D1 have been bought and are at FIU.
- All aluminum honeycomb material for three detector boxes is at
FIU. The first box has been machined and assembled (figure 54).
The construction of the two remaining boxes will resume on Monday, May 11, 2003.
The procedure of mounting the separation walls and stringing the nylon
string has been tested. Before shipping to Jlab the first box still
has to be outfitted with its PMTs and tested for light leaks. It then
will be shipped to Jlab with PMTs and aerogel removed. The final
assembly will happen at Jlab.
: Enge Honeycomb drift chamber
: HKS Aerogel Cerenkov counter
: Prototype beam test
Satoshi N. Nakamura