#define ClassDef(name, id)
Class representing a single hit for the Hodoscopes.
Double_t GetNegADCtime() const
THcHodoHit & operator=(const THcHodoHit &)
Double_t GetPosADCpeak() const
Bool_t fHasCorrectedTimes
static const Double_t kBig
Double_t GetPosADCtime() const
Double_t GetNegADCCorrtime() const
Double_t GetPosADC() const
Double_t fPosTOFCorrectedTime
THcHodoHit(const THcHodoHit &)
void SetPosADCCorrtime(Double_t ptime)
Double_t GetPosTOFCorrectedTime() const
Double_t GetNegTOFCorrectedTime() const
void SetPosADCpeak(Double_t adc)
Double_t GetPosADCCorrtime() const
Double_t GetPosCorrectedTime() const
THcHodoHit(Int_t postdc, Int_t negtdc, Double_t posadc, Double_t negadc, Int_t ipad, THcScintillatorPlane *sp)
void SetCorrectedTimes(Double_t pos, Double_t neg, Double_t postof, Double_t negtof, Double_t timeave)
Double_t GetPaddleCenter() const
Double_t GetNegADC() const
Bool_t IsSortable() const
Double_t fNegTOFCorrectedTime
Double_t fPosADC_CorrTime
Double_t GetCalcPosition() const
Bool_t GetTwoGoodTimes() const
Double_t GetNegCorrectedTime() const
Double_t fNegCorrectedTime
Double_t fScinCorrectedTime
Int_t GetPaddleNumber() const
void SetPosADCtime(Double_t ptime)
void SetNegADCCorrtime(Double_t ptime)
Bool_t GetHasCorrectedTimes() const
void SetNegADCpeak(Double_t adc)
void SetTwoGoodTimes(Bool_t flag)
void SetPaddleCenter(Double_t padcenter)
void SetNegADCtime(Double_t ptime)
void SetCorrectedTimes(Double_t pos, Double_t neg)
Double_t GetNegADCpeak() const
THcScintillatorPlane * fPlane
Double_t fPosCorrectedTime
void SetCalcPosition(Double_t calcpos)
Double_t fNegADC_CorrTime
Double_t GetScinCorrectedTime() const
A single plane of scintillators.