Hall C ROOT/C++ Analyzer (hcana)
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
30/* This version will deal with bad run coin_all_03302.dat.
32That has an event with most of a noisy set of 1190 data in ROC 3.
33The next event has the remainder of the noisy data. It's good 1190 data
34is in the next event.
35So the 1190 data for the first event with noisy data should be discarded.
36(Empty bank). The next event should be cached, and then written out when
37the next event comes.
41#include "THaEvData.h"
42#include "THaGlobals.h"
43#include "THcGlobals.h"
44#include "THcParmList.h"
45#include "THaCodaFile.h"
46#include "THaRunBase.h"
47#include <cstring>
48#include <cstdio>
49#include <cstdlib>
50#include <iostream>
51#include <iomanip>
52//#include "evio.h"
54using namespace std;
55using namespace Decoder;
57THcTimeSyncEvtHandler::THcTimeSyncEvtHandler(const char *name, const char* description)
58 : THaEvtTypeHandler(name,description)
60 ExpectedOffsetMap.clear();
61 fBadROC = -1;
62 fResync = kTRUE;
64 fCodaOut = 0;
72//Float_t THcTimeSyncEvtHandler::GetData(const std::string& tag)
74// // A public method which other classes may use
75// if (theDataMap.find(tag) == theDataMap.end())
76// return 0;
77// return theDataMap[tag];
84 // cout << evdata->GetEvType() << " " << evdata->GetEvLength() << endl;
86 // If filtering data file, pass through all events we are not dealing with
87 if ( !IsMyEvent(evdata->GetEvType()) ) {
88 if(fCodaOut) {
90 }
91 return -1;
92 }
95 if (fDebug) cout << "------------------\n Time Syncronization Checker"<<endl;
97 Int_t evlen = evdata->GetEvLength();
99 UInt_t *rdata = (UInt_t*) evdata->GetRawDataBuffer();
101 UInt_t *pslippedbank=0;
103 UInt_t *p = (UInt_t*) rdata;
104 UInt_t *plast = p+*p; // Index to last word in the bank
105 Int_t roc = -1;
106 Bool_t issyncevent=kFALSE;
108 CrateTimeMap.clear();
110 while(p<plast) {
111 Int_t banklen = *p;
112 p++;
113 if (fDebugFile) {
114 *fDebugFile << "Bank: " << hex << *p << dec << " len: " << banklen << endl;
115 }
116 if((*p & 0xff00) == 0x1000) { // Bank Containing banks
117 if(evlen-*(p-1) > 1) { // Don't use overall event header
118 roc = (*p>>16) & 0xf;
119 if(fDebug) cout << "ROC: " << roc << " " << evlen << " " << *(p-1) << hex << " " << *p << dec << endl;
120 CrateTimeMap[roc] = new RocTimes_t;
121 }
122 p++; // Now pointing to a bank in the bank
123 } else if (((*p & 0xff00) == 0x100) && (*p != 0xC0000100)) {
124 // Bank containing integers.
125 // This is either ROC bank containing integers or
126 // a bank within a ROC containing data from modules of a single type
127 // Look for TI and FADC banks.
128 UInt_t tag = (*p>>16) & 0xffff;
129 UInt_t num = *p & 0xff;
130 UInt_t *pnext = p+banklen; // Next bank
131 p++; // First data word
132 if(tag==4) { // This is a TI blob banks
133 // Actually second word is usually a filler
134 // This could be done in a safer way, but it works for now
135 Int_t ifill = ((((*p)>>27)&0x1F) == 0x1F) ? 1 : 0;
136 if(ifill) {
137 p++; banklen--; // Skip filler word
138 }
139 CrateTimeMap[roc]->ti_evcount = p[3];
140 if(banklen>=5) { // Need bank header, at least 2 TI headers, the trailer and 2 data words
141 UInt_t titime = p[4];
142 if(fDebug) cout << roc << ": TItime " << titime << endl;
143 CrateTimeMap[roc]->has_ti_ttime = kTRUE;
144 CrateTimeMap[roc]->ti_ttime = titime;
145 }
146 } else if (tag==3801) {
147 if(fResync && num==1) {
148 issyncevent = kTRUE;
149 }
150 } else if (tag==250) { // This is an FADC bank
151 if(fDebug) cout << roc << ": FADC" << endl;
152 // Walk through this bank looking for FADC headers.
153 Int_t slot=-1;
154 while(p<pnext) {
155 UInt_t code = (*p >> 27) & 0x1F;
156 switch(code) {
157 case 0x10: // block header
158 slot = (*p >> 22) & 0x1F;
159 p++;
160 break;
161 case 0x13: // trigger time word
162 {
163 UInt_t fadctime = ((*p)&0xFFFFFF) + (((*(p+1))&0xFF)<<24);
164 if(fDebug) cout << " " << slot << ": " << fadctime << endl;
165 CrateTimeMap[roc]->fadcTimesMap[slot] = fadctime;
166 p += 2;
167 break;
168 }
169 default: // event headers, trailers, fillers, data nwords
170 p++;
171 break;
172 }
173 }
174 } else if (tag==1190) { // Bank with CAEN 1190 TDCs
175 if(roc==fBadROC) { // Point to slipped bank
176 if(fSlippage) {
177 pslippedbank = p-2;
178 // cout << banklen << " " << pslippedbank[0] << endl;
179 if(AllTdcsPresent(pslippedbank) && (banklen > fBadSyncSizeTrigger)) {
180 cout << "Slippage detected at event " << evdata->GetEvNum() << " with size " << banklen << " but not corrected" << endl;
181 }
182 } else {
183 if(AllTdcsPresent(p-2) && (banklen > fBadSyncSizeTrigger)) {
184 cout << "Slippage enabled at event " << evdata->GetEvNum() << " with size " << banklen << endl;
185 fSlippage = 1;
186 }
187 }
188 }
189 if(fDebug) cout << roc << ": 1190" << endl;
190 // Walk through this bank looking for TDC headers
191 while(p<pnext) {
192 if((*p & 0xf8000000) == 0x40000000) {
193 Int_t slot= *p & 0x1f;
194 Int_t evcount = (*p >> 5) & 0x3fffff;
195 CrateTimeMap[roc]->ftdcEvCountMap[slot] = evcount;
196 }
197 p++;
198 }
199 }
200 p=pnext; // Skip to next bank
201 } else {
202 p = p+*(p-1);
203 }
204 }
206 if(fFirstTime) {
207 InitStats();
208 fLastEvent[0] = 0;
210 fDumpNew=2;
211 }
212 if(issyncevent) cout << "SYNC event" << endl;
214 fLastEventWasSync = issyncevent;
216 if(!fCodaOut) return(1);
218 if(fSlippage > 0) {
219 if(fLastEvent[0]>0) { // Now slipping. Output corrected event
221 // cout << "Will write corrected event" << endl;
222 } else {
223 cout << "Skipping event " << evdata->GetEvNum() << endl;
224 }
225 } else { // Not slipping yet, just copy event
226 if(fCodaOut) {
228 }
229 }
231 if(fWriteDelayed) {
233 // Dump event before fixing
234 // if(fDumpNew > 0) {
235 // cout << "Unmodified event" << endl;
236 // for(UInt_t i=0;i<=fLastEvent[0];i++) {
237 // if(i%5 == 0) cout<<endl<<dec<<i<<": ";
238 // cout << hex << setw(10) << fLastEvent[i];
239 // }
240 // }
241 // cout << dec << endl;
243 // Use fLastEvent with current pslipped bank to write out fixed event
244 // Find the 1190 bank. Shift everything beyond that bank forward or
245 // or back to make room for the 1190 bank from the current event.
246 // Copy the current 1190 bank into fLastEvent. Write the event.
247 p = fLastEvent;
248 plast = p+*p;
249 roc = -1;
250 UInt_t *poverwrite=0;
251 Int_t replacementlen;
252 Int_t banklen;
253 UInt_t *rocbanklenp=0;
254 UInt_t *roc3banklenp=0;
256 // cout << "Old Size: " << fLastEvent[0] << " " << pslippedbank[0] << " ";
257 while(p<plast) {
258 banklen = *p;
259 p++;
260 if((*p & 0xff00) == 0x1000) { // Bank Containing banks
261 if((fLastEvent[0]+1)-*(p-1) > 1) { // Don't use overall event header
262 roc = (*p>>16) & 0xf;
263 rocbanklenp = p-1; // Pointer to rocbank length
264 }
265 p++; // Now pointing to a bank in the bank
266 } else if (((*p & 0xff00) == 0x100) && (*p != 0xC0000100)) {
267 // Bank containing integers.
268 // This is either ROC bank containing integers or
269 // a bank within a ROC containing data from modules of a single type
270 // Look for TI and FADC banks.
271 UInt_t tag = (*p>>16) & 0xffff;
272 UInt_t *pnext = p+banklen; // Next bank
273 p++; // First data word
274 if(tag==1190 && roc==fBadROC) { // The TDC bank we want to replace
275 replacementlen=pslippedbank[0];
276 roc3banklenp=rocbanklenp; // Save pointer to ROC bank header
277 poverwrite=p-2; // Where to write the slipped bank
278 break;
279 }
280 p=pnext;
281 } else {
282 p=p+*(p-1);
283 }
284 }
285// Int_t icopied=0;
286 if(poverwrite) {
287 // cout << banklen << endl;
288 if(replacementlen < banklen) { // Shift data after bank down
289 p = poverwrite+banklen+1; // Data to be shifted
290 // cout << "Shifting " << (p-fLastEvent) << " to " << (p+replacementlen-banklen-fLastEvent) << endl;
291 while(p<=plast) {
292 // cout << (p+replacementlen-banklen-fLastEvent) << ": " << hex << *p << dec << endl;
293 *(p + replacementlen - banklen) = *p;
294 p++;
295// icopied++;
296 }
297 } else if (replacementlen > banklen) { // Shift data up
298 p = plast;
299 // UInt_t *pfirst = poverwrite + replacementlen + 1;
300 UInt_t *pfirst = poverwrite + banklen + 1;
301 // cout << "Shifting " << (plast-pfirst+1) << " words " << (pfirst-fLastEvent) << " to " << (pfirst+replacementlen-banklen-fLastEvent) << endl;
302 while(p>=pfirst) {
303 // cout << (p+replacementlen-banklen-fLastEvent) << ": " << hex << *p << dec << endl;
304 *(p+replacementlen-banklen) = *p;
305 p--;
306// icopied++;
307 }
308 }
309 fLastEvent[0] += replacementlen-banklen; // Correct overall event length
310 *roc3banklenp += replacementlen-banklen; // Also ROC3 bank length
311 // cout << "Copying " << replacementlen+1 << " words of new bank to " << poverwrite-fLastEvent << endl;
312 for(Int_t i=0;i<=replacementlen;i++) { // Copy slipped bank into last event
313 poverwrite[i] = pslippedbank[i];
314 }
315 }
316 // cout << "New Size: " << fLastEvent[0] << " copied " << icopied << endl;
317 if(fCodaOut) {
318 // if(fDumpNew > 0) {
319 // for(UInt_t i=0;i<=fLastEvent[0];i++) {
320 // if(i%5 == 0) cout<<endl<<dec<<i<<": ";
321 // cout << hex << setw(10) << fLastEvent[i];
322 // }
323 // fDumpNew--;
324 // }
325 // cout << dec << endl;
327 if(issyncevent) { // If this was a sync event, write it out and stop rewriting
328 cout << "Run back in sync at event " << evdata->GetEvNum() << endl;
330 fSlippage = 0;
331 fLastEvent[0] = 0;
333 }
334 }
335 }
336 if(fSlippage>0) { // Just handle slippage of 1 now
337 for(UInt_t i=0;i<=rdata[0];i++) {
338 fLastEvent[i]=rdata[i];
339 }
340 // cout << "Cached event " << evdata->GetEvNum() << " " << fLastEvent[0] << endl;
341 }
343 return 1;
351 // Assume the smallest ROC # is the TI master
352 if(fMasterRoc < 0) {
353 fMasterRoc = CrateTimeMap.begin()->first;
354 }
355 if(fDebug) cout << "fMasterRoc " << fMasterRoc << endl;
356 UInt_t master_ttime = CrateTimeMap[fMasterRoc]->ti_ttime;
357 if(fDebug) cout << "master_ttime " << master_ttime << endl;
359 CrateStatsMap.clear();
361 std::map<Int_t, struct RocTimes *>::iterator it = CrateTimeMap.begin();
362 while(it != CrateTimeMap.end()) {
363 Int_t roc = it->first;
364 struct RocTimes *roctimes = it->second;
365 it++;
366 CrateStatsMap[roc] = new RocStats_t;
367 CrateStatsMap[roc]->ti_ttime_offset = roctimes->ti_ttime - master_ttime;
368 if(roctimes->fadcTimesMap.size()>0) {
369 if(fDebug) cout << endl << " FADC";
370 std::map<Int_t, UInt_t>::iterator itt = roctimes->fadcTimesMap.begin();
371 Bool_t use_expected_offset = kFALSE;
372 Int_t expected_offset = 0;
373 if(ExpectedOffsetMap.find(roc) != ExpectedOffsetMap.end()) {
374 expected_offset = ExpectedOffsetMap[roc];
375 use_expected_offset = kTRUE;
376 }
377 while(itt != roctimes->fadcTimesMap.end()) {
378 Int_t slot = itt->first;
379 UInt_t fadctime = itt->second;
380 itt++;
381 if(use_expected_offset) {
382 CrateStatsMap[roc]->fadcOffsetMap[slot] = expected_offset;
383 } else {
384 CrateStatsMap[roc]->fadcOffsetMap[slot] = fadctime - master_ttime;
385 }
386 CrateStatsMap[roc]->fadcEarlySlipCountMap[slot] = 0;
387 CrateStatsMap[roc]->fadcLateSlipCountMap[slot] = 0;
388 }
389 }
390 if(roctimes->ftdcEvCountMap.size()>0) {
391 if(fDebug) cout << endl << " 1190";
392 std::map<Int_t, UInt_t>::iterator itt = roctimes->ftdcEvCountMap.begin();
393 while(itt != roctimes->ftdcEvCountMap.end()) {
394 Int_t slot = itt->first;
395 itt++;
396 CrateStatsMap[roc]->ftdcEvCountWrongMap[slot] = 0;
397 }
398 }
399 }
403 fNEvents++;
404 // Get trigger time from master CrateInfo
405 UInt_t master_ttime = CrateTimeMap[fMasterRoc]->ti_ttime;
406 std::map<Int_t, RocStats_t *>::iterator it = CrateStatsMap.begin();
407 while(it != CrateStatsMap.end()) {
408 Int_t roc = it->first;
409 RocStats* rocstats = it->second;
410 it++;
411 if(CrateTimeMap[roc]->ti_ttime < master_ttime + rocstats->ti_ttime_offset) {
412 rocstats->ti_earlyslipcount++;
413 } else if(CrateTimeMap[roc]->ti_ttime > master_ttime + rocstats->ti_ttime_offset) {
414 rocstats->ti_lateslipcount++;
415 }
416 if(rocstats->fadcOffsetMap.size()>0) {
417 std::map<Int_t, Int_t>::iterator itt = rocstats->fadcOffsetMap.begin();
418 while(itt != rocstats->fadcOffsetMap.end()) {
419 Int_t slot = itt->first;
420 Int_t fadcoffset = itt->second;
421 itt++;
422 if(CrateTimeMap[roc]->fadcTimesMap[slot] < master_ttime+fadcoffset) {
423 rocstats->fadcEarlySlipCountMap[slot]++;
424 } else if(CrateTimeMap[roc]->fadcTimesMap[slot] > master_ttime+fadcoffset) {
425 rocstats->fadcLateSlipCountMap[slot]++;
426 }
427 }
428 }
429 if(rocstats->ftdcEvCountWrongMap.size()>0) {
430 std::map<Int_t, Int_t>::iterator itt = rocstats->ftdcEvCountWrongMap.begin();
431 while(itt != rocstats->ftdcEvCountWrongMap.end()) {
432 Int_t slot = itt->first;
433 itt++;
434 if(rocstats->ftdcEvCountOffsetMap.find(slot)==rocstats->ftdcEvCountOffsetMap.end()) {
435 rocstats->ftdcEvCountOffsetMap[slot] = 1;
436 }
437 Int_t cdiff = (CrateTimeMap[roc]->ti_evcount & 0x3fffff) -
438 ((CrateTimeMap[roc]->ftdcEvCountMap[slot]+rocstats->ftdcEvCountOffsetMap[slot])&0x3fffff);
439 if(sync) { // Need to do this check on the event after the sync event too
440 if(cdiff>2) {
441 cout << "ROC/Slot " << roc << "/" << slot << " count diff correction " << cdiff << endl;
442 rocstats->ftdcEvCountOffsetMap[slot] += cdiff;
443 cdiff = 0;
444 }
445 }
446 if(cdiff != 0) {
447 rocstats->ftdcEvCountWrongMap[slot]++;
448 }
449 }
450 }
451 }
454/* Print time syncrhonization statistics.
455 Need to add an optional filename argument
458 cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
459 cout << "------ TI and FADC250 trigger time synchronization statitics ------" << endl;
460 cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
461 cout << " " << fNEvents << " events analyzed" << endl;
462 // Dump the map to see if we did it right.
463 std::map<Int_t, RocStats_t *>::iterator it = CrateStatsMap.begin();
464 while(it != CrateStatsMap.end()) {
465 Int_t roc = it->first;
466 struct RocStats *rocstats = it->second;
467 it++;
468 cout << "ROC " << roc << " TI Offset " << rocstats->ti_ttime_offset << " Slips " << rocstats->ti_earlyslipcount << " " << rocstats->ti_lateslipcount << endl;
469 std::map<Int_t, Int_t>::iterator itt = rocstats->fadcEarlySlipCountMap.begin();
470 while(itt != rocstats->fadcEarlySlipCountMap.end()) {
471 Int_t slot = itt->first;
472 Int_t earlyslips = itt->second;
473 Int_t lateslips = rocstats->fadcLateSlipCountMap[slot];
474 itt++;
475 if(earlyslips+lateslips > 0) { // Only print slots with slippage
476 cout << " " << slot << " " << rocstats->fadcOffsetMap[slot] << " " << earlyslips << " " << lateslips << endl;
477 }
478 }
479 std::map<Int_t, Int_t>::iterator itw = rocstats->ftdcEvCountWrongMap.begin();
480 while(itw != rocstats->ftdcEvCountWrongMap.end()) {
481 Int_t slot = itw->first;
482 Int_t wrongcount = itw->second;
483 itw++;
484 if(wrongcount > 0) {
485 cout << " " << slot << " " << wrongcount << endl;
486 }
487 }
489 }
490 cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
503 cout << "Howdy ! We are initializing THcTimeSyncEvtHandler !! name = "<<fName<<endl;
505 if(eventtypes.size()==0) {
506 eventtypes.push_back(1); // If no event types specified,
507 eventtypes.push_back(2); // check timestamp synchronization on these event types
508 eventtypes.push_back(3);
509 eventtypes.push_back(4);
510 eventtypes.push_back(5);
511 eventtypes.push_back(6);
512 eventtypes.push_back(7);
513 }
517 fMasterRoc = -1;
518 fNEvents = 0;
519 CrateTimeMap.clear();
520 fSlippage=0;
522 fLastEvent[0]=0;
523 //CrateStatsMap.clear();
524 if(fCodaOut && fBadROC < 0) {
525 Warning(Here("Init"), "Sync filtering requested, but bad ROC not specified");
526 }
528 fStatus = kOK;
529 return kOK;
533 if(!fCodaOut) {
534 return 0;
535 }
536 return fCodaOut->codaClose();
540 if(filename==0 || strlen(filename)==0) {
541 fCodaOut = 0;
542 cout << "THcTimeSyncEvtHandler sync filtering disabled" << endl;
543 } else {
544 TString ts=filename;
545 fCodaOut = new THaCodaFile;
546 if (!fCodaOut) {
547 Error(Here("SetRewriteFile"),"Cannot create CODA output file object. "
548 "Something is very wrong." );
549 return -2;
550 }
551 if ( fCodaOut->codaOpen(ts, "w", 1) ) {
552 Error(Here("SetRewriteFile"),"Cannot open CODA file %s for writing.",ts.Data());
553 return -3;
554 }
555 cout << "THcTimeSYncEvtHandler writing sync filtered coda file to " << ts <<endl;
556 }
557 return(0);
569 UInt_t headermask=0;
570 UInt_t trailermask=0;
572 UInt_t *p=bank;
573 Int_t banklen = *p;
574 p++; // Header word
575 while(p++ < bank+banklen) {
576 if((*p & 0xf8000000) == 0x40000000) {
577 headermask |= (1<<(*p&0x1f));
578 } else if ((*p & 0xf8000000) == 0x80000000) {
579 trailermask |= (1<<(*p&0x1f));
580 }
581 }
583 if(fFirstTdcCheck) {
585 fTdcMask = headermask | trailermask;
586 return(0); // All TDC present by definition
587 } else {
588 if((fTdcMask == headermask) && (fTdcMask == trailermask)) {
589 return(0);
590 } else {
591 cout << hex << "Header mask " << headermask << " Trailer mask " << trailermask << dec << endl;
592 cout << "TDC1190 Bank" << endl;
593 for(Int_t i=0;i<=banklen;i++) {
594 if(i%5 == 0) cout<<endl<<dec<<i<<": ";
595 cout << hex << setw(10) << bank[i];
596 }
597 cout << dec << endl;
598 return(1); // Just return this for now
599 }
600 }
int Int_t
unsigned int UInt_t
bool Bool_t
const Bool_t kFALSE
const Bool_t kTRUE
winID h TVirtualViewer3D TVirtualGLPainter p
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char filename
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h offset
ClassImp(VDC::AnalyticTTDConv) using namespace std
virtual Int_t codaClose()
virtual Int_t codaOpen(const char *filename, const char *rw, Int_t mode=1)
Int_t codaWrite(const UInt_t *evbuffer)
virtual const char * Here(const char *) const
UInt_t GetEvType() const
const UInt_t * GetRawDataBuffer() const
UInt_t GetEvNum() const
UInt_t GetEvLength() const
std::vector< UInt_t > eventtypes
virtual Bool_t IsMyEvent(UInt_t type) const
std::ofstream * fDebugFile
Event handler to check TI and FADC synchronization.
std::map< Int_t, Int_t > ExpectedOffsetMap
virtual Int_t SetRewriteFile(const char *filename)
struct THcTimeSyncEvtHandler::RocStats RocStats_t
virtual Int_t Analyze(THaEvData *evdata)
Decoder::THaCodaFile * fCodaOut
struct THcTimeSyncEvtHandler::RocTimes RocTimes_t
virtual Int_t AllTdcsPresent(UInt_t *bank)
std::map< Int_t, RocStats_t * > CrateStatsMap
virtual void AccumulateStats(Bool_t sync)
std::map< Int_t, RocTimes_t * > CrateTimeMap
virtual void SetExpectedOffset(Int_t roc, Int_t offset)
virtual Int_t End(THaRunBase *r=0)
THcTimeSyncEvtHandler(const char *name, const char *description)
virtual void AddExpectedOffset(Int_t roc, Int_t offset)
TString fName
virtual void Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
const char * Data() const
STL namespace.
std::map< Int_t, Int_t > fadcLateSlipCountMap
std::map< Int_t, Int_t > ftdcEvCountOffsetMap
std::map< Int_t, Int_t > ftdcEvCountWrongMap
std::map< Int_t, Int_t > fadcEarlySlipCountMap
std::map< Int_t, Int_t > fadcOffsetMap
std::map< Int_t, UInt_t > fadcTimesMap
std::map< Int_t, UInt_t > ftdcEvCountMap