Hall C ROOT/C++ Analyzer (hcana)
Go to the documentation of this file.
8 #include "THcDC.h"
9 #include "THcDriftChamberPlane.h"
10 #include "THcDCWire.h"
11 #include "THcDCHit.h"
12 #include "THcDCLookupTTDConv.h"
13 #include "THcSignalHit.h"
14 #include "THcGlobals.h"
15 #include "THcParmList.h"
16 #include "THcHitList.h"
17 #include "THaApparatus.h"
18 #include "THcHodoscope.h"
19 #include "TClass.h"
22 #include <cstring>
23 #include <cstdio>
24 #include <cstdlib>
25 #include <iostream>
27 using namespace std;
31 //______________________________________________________________________________
33  const char* description,
34  const Int_t planenum,
35  THaDetectorBase* parent )
36 : THaSubDetector(name,description,parent), fTTDConv(0)
37 {
38  // Normal constructor with name and description
39  fHits = new TClonesArray("THcDCHit",100);
40  fFirstPassHits = new TClonesArray("THcDCHit",100);
41  fRawHits = new TClonesArray("THcDCHit",100);
42  fWires = new TClonesArray("THcDCWire", 100);
44  fPlaneNum = planenum;
45 }
47 //_____________________________________________________________________________
49  THaSubDetector()
50 {
51  // Constructor
52  fHits = NULL;
53  fFirstPassHits = NULL;
54  fRawHits = NULL;
55  fWires = NULL;
56  fTTDConv = NULL;
57 }
58 //______________________________________________________________________________
60 {
61  // Destructor
62  delete [] fTzeroWire;
63  delete [] fSigmaWire;
64  delete fWires;
65  delete fHits;
66  delete fFirstPassHits;
67  delete fRawHits;
68  delete fTTDConv;
70 }
71 THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcDriftChamberPlane::Init( const TDatime& date )
72 {
73  // Extra initialization for scintillator plane: set up DataDest map
75  // cout << "THcDriftChamberPlane::Init called " << GetName() << endl;
77  if( IsZombie())
78  return fStatus = kInitError;
80  // How to get information for parent
81  // if( GetParent() )
82  // fOrigin = GetParent()->GetOrigin();
84  EStatus status;
85  if( (status=THaSubDetector::Init( date )) )
86  return fStatus = status;
88  return fStatus = kOK;
90 }
92 //_____________________________________________________________________________
94 {
102  char prefix[2];
103  UInt_t NumDriftMapBins;
104  Double_t DriftMapFirstBin;
105  Double_t DriftMapBinSize;
108  prefix[0]=tolower(GetParent()->GetPrefix()[0]);
109  prefix[1]='\0';
110  DBRequest list[]={
111  {"driftbins", &NumDriftMapBins, kInt},
112  {"drift1stbin", &DriftMapFirstBin, kDouble},
113  {"driftbinsz", &DriftMapBinSize, kDouble},
114  {"_using_tzero_per_wire", &fUsingTzeroPerWire, kInt,0,1},
115  {"_using_sigma_per_wire", &fUsingSigmaPerWire, kInt,0,1},
116  {"min_drifttime", &fMin_DriftTime, kDouble,0,1},
117  {"max_drifttime", &fMax_DriftTime, kDouble,0,1},
118  {0}
119  };
122  fMin_DriftTime = -50.; //ns
123  fMax_DriftTime = 200.; //ns
125  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list,prefix);
127  Double_t *DriftMap = new Double_t[NumDriftMapBins];
128  DBRequest list2[]={
129  {Form("wc%sfract",GetName()),DriftMap,kDouble,NumDriftMapBins},
130  {0}
131  };
132  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list2,prefix);
135  // Retrieve parameters we need from parent class
136  THcDC* fParent;
138  fParent = (THcDC*) GetParent();
139  // These are single variables here, but arrays in THcDriftChamber.
140  fSigma = fParent->GetSigma(fPlaneNum);
141  fChamberNum = fParent->GetNChamber(fPlaneNum);
142  fNWires = fParent->GetNWires(fPlaneNum);
143  fWireOrder = fParent->GetWireOrder(fPlaneNum);
144  fPitch = fParent->GetPitch(fPlaneNum);
146  fTdcWinMin = fParent->GetTdcWinMin(fPlaneNum);
147  fTdcWinMax = fParent->GetTdcWinMax(fPlaneNum);
149  fCenter = fParent->GetCenter(fPlaneNum);
152  fReadoutLR = fParent->GetReadoutLR(fPlaneNum);
153  fReadoutTB = fParent->GetReadoutTB(fPlaneNum);
154  fVersion = fParent->GetVersion();
156  fNSperChan = fParent->GetNSperChan();
159  fTzeroWire = new Double_t [fNWires];
160  fSigmaWire = new Double_t [fNWires];
163  if (fUsingTzeroPerWire==1) {
164  DBRequest list3[]={
165  {Form("tzero%s",GetName()),fTzeroWire,kDouble,(UInt_t) fNWires},
166  {0}
167  };
168  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list3,prefix);
170  } else {
171  for (Int_t iw=0;iw < fNWires;iw++) {
172  fTzeroWire[iw]=0.0;
173  }
174  }
176  if (fUsingSigmaPerWire==1) {
177  DBRequest list4[]={
178  {Form("wire_sigma%s",GetName()),fSigmaWire,kDouble,(UInt_t) fNWires},
179  {0}
180  };
181  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list4,prefix);
182  } else {
183  for (Int_t iw=0;iw < fNWires;iw++) {
184  fSigmaWire[iw]=fSigma;
185  }
186  }
187  // Calculate Geometry Constants
188  // Do we want to move all this to the Chamber of DC Package leve
189  // as that is where these things will be needed?
190  Double_t z0 = fParent->GetZPos(fPlaneNum);
191  Double_t alpha = fParent->GetAlphaAngle(fPlaneNum);
192  Double_t beta = fParent->GetBetaAngle(fPlaneNum);
193  fBeta = beta;
195  Double_t cosalpha = TMath::Cos(alpha);
196  Double_t sinalpha = TMath::Sin(alpha);
197  Double_t cosbeta = TMath::Cos(beta);
198  Double_t sinbeta = TMath::Sin(beta);
199  Double_t cosgamma = TMath::Cos(gamma);
200  Double_t singamma = TMath::Sin(gamma);
202  Double_t hzchi = -cosalpha*sinbeta + sinalpha*cosbeta*singamma;
203  Double_t hzpsi = sinalpha*sinbeta + cosalpha*cosbeta*singamma;
204  Double_t hxchi = -cosalpha*cosbeta - sinalpha*sinbeta*singamma;
205  Double_t hxpsi = sinalpha*cosbeta - cosalpha*sinbeta*singamma;
206  Double_t hychi = sinalpha*cosgamma;
207  Double_t hypsi = cosalpha*cosgamma;
208  Double_t stubxchi = -cosalpha;
209  Double_t stubxpsi = sinalpha;
210  Double_t stubychi = sinalpha;
211  Double_t stubypsi = cosalpha;
213  if(cosalpha <= 0.707) { // x-like wire, need dist from x=0 line
214  fReadoutX = 1;
215  fReadoutCorr = 1/sinalpha;
216  } else {
217  fReadoutX = 0;
218  fReadoutCorr = 1/cosalpha;
219  }
221  Double_t sumsqupsi = hzpsi*hzpsi+hxpsi*hxpsi+hypsi*hypsi;
222  Double_t sumsquchi = hzchi*hzchi+hxchi*hxchi+hychi*hychi;
223  Double_t sumcross = hzpsi*hzchi + hxpsi*hxchi + hypsi*hychi;
224  Double_t denom1 = sumsqupsi*sumsquchi-sumcross*sumcross;
225  fPsi0 = (-z0*hzpsi*sumsquchi
226  +z0*hzchi*sumcross) / denom1;
227  Double_t hchi0 = (-z0*hzchi*sumsqupsi
228  +z0*hzpsi*sumcross) / denom1;
229  Double_t hphi0 = TMath::Sqrt(pow(z0+hzpsi*fPsi0+hzchi*hchi0,2)
230  + pow(hxpsi*fPsi0+hxchi*hchi0,2)
231  + pow(hypsi*fPsi0+hychi*hchi0,2) );
232  if(z0 < 0.0) hphi0 = -hphi0;
234  Double_t denom2 = stubxpsi*stubychi - stubxchi*stubypsi;
236  // Why are there 4, but only 3 used?
237  fStubCoef[0] = stubychi/(fSigma*denom2); // sin(a)/sigma
238  fStubCoef[1] = -stubxchi/(fSigma*denom2); // cos(a)/sigma
239  fStubCoef[2] = hphi0*fStubCoef[0]; // z0*sin(a)/sig
240  fStubCoef[3] = hphi0*fStubCoef[1]; // z0*cos(a)/sig
242  fXsp = hychi/denom2; // sin(a)
243  fYsp = -hxchi/denom2; // cos(a)
245  // Comput track fitting coefficients
246 #define LOCRAYZT 0.0
247  fPlaneCoef[0]= hzchi; // = 0.
248  fPlaneCoef[1]=-hzchi; // = 0.
249  fPlaneCoef[2]= hychi*(z0-LOCRAYZT); // sin(a)*(z-hlocrayzt)
250  fPlaneCoef[3]= hxchi*(LOCRAYZT-z0); // cos(a)*(z-hlocrayzt)
251  fPlaneCoef[4]= hychi; // sin(a)
252  fPlaneCoef[5]=-hxchi; // cos(a)
253  fPlaneCoef[6]= hzchi*hypsi - hychi*hzpsi; // 0.
254  fPlaneCoef[7]=-hzchi*hxpsi + hxchi*hzpsi; // 0.
255  fPlaneCoef[8]= hychi*hxpsi - hxchi*hypsi; // 1.
258  fTTDConv = new THcDCLookupTTDConv(DriftMapFirstBin,fPitch/2,DriftMapBinSize,
259  NumDriftMapBins,DriftMap);
260  delete [] DriftMap;
262  Int_t nWires = fParent->GetNWires(fPlaneNum);
263  // For HMS, wire numbers start with one, but arrays start with zero.
264  // So wire number is index+1
265  for (int i=0; i<nWires; i++) {
266  Double_t pos = fPitch*( (fWireOrder==0?(i+1):fNWires-i)
267  - fCentralWire) - fCenter;
268  Int_t readoutside = GetReadoutSide(i+1);
269  new((*fWires)[i]) THcDCWire( i+1, pos , fTzeroWire[i], fSigmaWire[i], readoutside, fTTDConv); //added fTzeroWire/fSigmaWire to be read in as fTOffset --Carlos
270  }
272  THaApparatus* app = GetApparatus();
273  const char* nm = "hod";
274  if( !app ||
275  !(fglHod = dynamic_cast<THcHodoscope*>(app->GetDetector(nm))) ) {
276  static const char* const here = "ReadDatabase()";
277  Warning(Here(here),"Hodoscope \"%s\" not found. "
278  "Event-by-event time offsets will NOT be used!!",nm);
279  }
281  return kOK;
282 }
283 //_____________________________________________________________________________
285 {
286  // Initialize global variables and lookup table for decoder
288  // cout << "THcDriftChamberPlane::DefineVariables called " << GetName() << endl;
290  if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
291  fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
293  // Register variables in global list
294  RVarDef vars[] = {
295  {"raw.wirenum", "List of TDC wire number of all hits in DC",
296  "fRawHits.THcDCHit.GetWireNum()"},
297  {"wirenum", "List of TDC wire number (select first hit in TDc window",
298  "fHits.THcDCHit.GetWireNum()"},
299  {"rawnorefcorrtdc", "Raw TDC Values",
300  "fHits.THcDCHit.GetRawNoRefCorrTime()"},
301  {"rawtdc", "Raw TDC with reference time subtracted Values",
302  "fHits.THcDCHit.GetRawTime()"},
303  {"time","Drift times",
304  "fHits.THcDCHit.GetTime()"},
305  {"dist","Drift distancess",
306  "fHits.THcDCHit.GetDist()"},
307  {"pos"," Wire pos",
308  "fHits.THcDCHit.GetPos()"},
309  {"nhit", "Number of hits", "GetNHits()"},
310  {"RefTime", "TDC reference time", "fTdcRefTime"},
311  { 0 }
312  };
314  return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );
315 }
317 //_____________________________________________________________________________
319 {
320  //cout << " Calling THcDriftChamberPlane::Clear " << GetName() << endl;
321  // Clears the hit lists
322  fHits->Clear();
324  fRawHits->Clear();
325 }
327 //_____________________________________________________________________________
329 {
330  // Doesn't actually get called. Use Fill method instead
331  cout << " Calling THcDriftChamberPlane::Decode " << GetName() << endl;
333  return 0;
334 }
335 //_____________________________________________________________________________
337 {
339  // HitCount();
341  return 0;
342 }
343 //
345  Double_t wire_num_calc=-1000;
346  if (fWireOrder==0) wire_num_calc = (pos+fCenter)/(fPitch)+fCentralWire;
347  if (fWireOrder==1) wire_num_calc = 1-((pos+fCenter)/(fPitch)+fCentralWire-fNWires);
348  return(wire_num_calc);
349 }
350 //_____________________________________________________________________________
352 {
353  return 0;
354 }
356 {
363  fHits->Clear();
365  fRawHits->Clear();
366  fTdcRefTime = kBig;
367  Int_t nrawhits = rawhits->GetLast()+1;
368  fNRawhits=0;
369  Int_t ihit = nexthit;
370  Int_t nextHit = 0;
371  Int_t nextRawHit = 0;
372  while(ihit < nrawhits) {
373  THcRawDCHit* hit = (THcRawDCHit *) rawhits->At(ihit);
374  if(hit->fPlane > fPlaneNum) {
375  break;
376  }
377  Int_t wireNum = hit->fCounter;
378  THcDCWire* wire = GetWire(wireNum);
379  Bool_t First_Hit_In_Window = kTRUE;
380  if (hit->GetRawTdcHit().HasRefTime()) fTdcRefTime = hit->GetRawTdcHit().GetRefTime();
381  for(UInt_t mhit=0; mhit<hit->GetRawTdcHit().GetNHits(); mhit++) {
382  fNRawhits++;
383  /* Sort into early, late and ontime */
384  Int_t rawnorefcorrtdc = hit->GetRawTdcHit().GetTimeRaw(mhit); // Get the ref time subtracted time
385  Int_t rawtdc = hit->GetRawTdcHit().GetTime(mhit); // Get the ref time subtracted time
386  Double_t time = - rawtdc*fNSperChan + fPlaneTimeZero - wire->GetTOffset(); // fNSperChan > 0 for 1877
387  new( (*fRawHits)[nextRawHit++] ) THcDCHit(wire, rawnorefcorrtdc,rawtdc, time, this);
388  if(rawtdc < fTdcWinMin) {
389  // Increment early counter (Actually late because TDC is backward)
390  } else if (rawtdc > fTdcWinMax) {
391  // Increment late count
392  } else {
393  if (First_Hit_In_Window) {
394  new( (*fFirstPassHits)[nextHit++] ) THcDCHit(wire, rawnorefcorrtdc,rawtdc, time, this);
395  First_Hit_In_Window = kFALSE;
396  }
397  }
398  }
399  ihit++;
400  }
401  return(ihit);
402 }
404 {
405  Double_t StartTime = 0.0;
406  Int_t nextHit=0;
407  if( fglHod ) StartTime = fglHod->GetStartTime();
408  if (StartTime == -1000) StartTime = 0.0;
409  for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<(fFirstPassHits->GetLast()+1);ihit++) {
410  THcDCHit *thishit = (THcDCHit*) fFirstPassHits->At(ihit);
411  Double_t temptime= thishit->GetTime()-StartTime;
412  Int_t tempRawtime= thishit->GetRawTime();
413  Int_t tempRawNoRefCorrtime= thishit->GetRawNoRefCorrTime();
414  THcDCWire *tempWire = (THcDCWire*) thishit->GetWire();
415  thishit->SetTime(temptime);
416  thishit->ConvertTimeToDist();
417  if (temptime > fMin_DriftTime && temptime <fMax_DriftTime) {
418  new( (*fHits)[nextHit++] ) THcDCHit(tempWire, tempRawNoRefCorrtime, tempRawtime, temptime, this);
420  }
422  }
423  return 0;
424 }
426 {
427  Int_t readoutside;
428  //if new HMS
429  if (fVersion == 1) {
430  if ((fPlaneNum>=3 && fPlaneNum<=4) || (fPlaneNum>=9 && fPlaneNum<=10)) {
431  if (fReadoutTB>0) {
432  if (wirenum < 60) {
433  readoutside = 2;
434  } else {
435  readoutside = 4;
436  }
437  } else {
438  if (wirenum < 44) {
439  readoutside = 4;
440  } else {
441  readoutside = 2;
442  }
443  }
444  } else {
445  if (fReadoutTB>0) {
446  if (wirenum < 51) {
447  readoutside = 2;
448  } else if (wirenum >= 51 && wirenum <= 64) {
449  readoutside = 1;
450  } else {
451  readoutside =4;
452  }
453  } else {
454  if (wirenum < 33) {
455  readoutside = 4;
456  } else if (wirenum >=33 && wirenum<=46) {
457  readoutside = 1;
458  } else {
459  readoutside = 2;
460  }
461  }
462  }
463  } else {//appplies SHMS DC configuration
464  //check if x board
465  if ((fPlaneNum>=3 && fPlaneNum<=4) || (fPlaneNum>=9 && fPlaneNum<=10)) {
466  if (fReadoutTB>0) {
467  if (wirenum < 49) {
468  readoutside = 4;
469  } else {
470  readoutside = 2;
471  }
472  } else {
473  if (wirenum < 33) {
474  readoutside = 2;
475  } else {
476  readoutside = 4;
477  }
478  }
479  } else { //else is u board
480  if (fReadoutTB>0) {
481  if (wirenum < 41) {
482  readoutside = 4;
483  } else if (wirenum >= 41 && wirenum <= 63) {
484  readoutside = 3;
485  } else if (wirenum >=64 && wirenum <=69) {
486  readoutside = 1;
487  } else {
488  readoutside = 2;
489  }
490  } else {
491  if (wirenum < 39) {
492  readoutside = 2;
493  } else if (wirenum >=39 && wirenum<=44) {
494  readoutside = 1;
495  } else if (wirenum>=45 && wirenum<=67) {
496  readoutside = 3;
497  } else {
498  readoutside = 4;
499  }
500  }
501  }
502  }
503  return(readoutside);
504 }
Drift chamber wire hit info.
Definition: THcDCHit.h:16
virtual EStatus Init(const TDatime &run_time)
Int_t GetTimeRaw(UInt_t iHit=0) const
Gets raw TDC time. In channels.
std::string GetName(const std::string &scope_name)
Double_t GetSigma(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:71
THcDCWire * GetWire(Int_t i) const
Int_t GetReadoutLR(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:65
Int_t GetLast() const
const char Option_t
Int_t GetNWires(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:44
Class for a a single Hall C horizontal drift chamber plane.
THcDCWire * GetWire() const
Definition: THcDCHit.h:34
Int_t GetTdcWinMax(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:50
THcRawTdcHit & GetRawTdcHit()
Int_t GetTdcWinMin(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:49
Int_t GetWireOrder(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:46
virtual void Clear(Option_t *opt="")
int Int_t
bool Bool_t
STL namespace.
UInt_t GetNHits() const
Gets the number of set hits.
Int_t fCounter
Definition: THcRawHit.h:55
Drift time to distance conversion via lookup table.
Int_t GetVersion() const
Definition: THcDC.h:67
Analyze a package of horizontal drift chambers.
Definition: THcDC.h:23
double beta(double x, double y)
virtual Int_t DefineVariables(EMode mode=kDefine)
Double_t GetCenter(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:76
Double_t GetNSperChan() const
Definition: THcDC.h:74
double pow(double, double)
tuple app
Double_t GetGammaAngle(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:57
Double_t GetPlaneTimeZero(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:70
Double_t GetBetaAngle(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:56
virtual void Clear(Option_t *option="")
Int_t GetDriftTimeSign(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:64
void SetTime(Double_t time)
Definition: THcDCHit.h:50
double gamma(double x)
Class representing a drift chamber wire.
Definition: THcDCWire.h:13
Double_t GetTime() const
Definition: THcDCHit.h:39
#define LOCRAYZT
Int_t GetNChamber(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:45
virtual Int_t Decode(const THaEvData &)
Bool_t HasRefTime() const
Queries whether reference time has been set.
Double_t GetCentralWire(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:48
unsigned int UInt_t
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
virtual Int_t GetReadoutSide(Int_t wirenum)
Double_t GetStartTime() const
Definition: THcHodoscope.h:58
virtual Int_t CoarseProcess(TClonesArray &tracks)
Int_t GetRawNoRefCorrTime() const
Definition: THcDCHit.h:38
void Warning(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
tuple list
Definition: SConscript.py:9
Class representing for drift chamber wire (or other device with a single multihit TDC channel per det...
Definition: THcRawDCHit.h:8
Double_t Cos(Double_t)
const Bool_t kFALSE
Int_t LoadParmValues(const DBRequest *list, const char *prefix="")
Retrieve parameter values from the parameter cache.
double Double_t
Int_t GetTime(UInt_t iHit=0) const
Gets TDC time. In channels.
virtual Int_t ProcessHits(TClonesArray *rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
Double_t CalcWireFromPos(Double_t pos)
string::size_type pos
Int_t fPlane
Definition: THcRawHit.h:54
virtual Int_t ReadDatabase(const TDatime &date)
Double_t GetCentralTime(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:63
virtual Int_t FineProcess(TClonesArray &tracks)
virtual Int_t SubtractStartTime()
Int_t GetRefTime() const
Gets reference time. In channels.
virtual Double_t ConvertTimeToDist()
Definition: THcDCHit.cxx:34
Int_t GetReadoutTB(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:66
Double_t Sin(Double_t)
ClassImp(THcDriftChamberPlane) THcDriftChamberPlane
Int_t GetRawTime() const
Definition: THcDCHit.h:37
R__EXTERN class THcParmList * gHcParms
Definition: THcGlobals.h:11
TClonesArray * fFirstPassHits
Double_t Sqrt(Double_t x)
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const
Double_t GetAlphaAngle(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:55
static const Double_t kBig
Definition: THcFormula.cxx:31
Double_t GetTOffset() const
Definition: THcDCWire.h:28
const Bool_t kTRUE
THcDCTimeToDistConv * fTTDConv
Double_t GetZPos(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:54
Double_t GetPitch(Int_t plane) const
Definition: THcDC.h:47