Hall C ROOT/C++ Analyzer (hcana)
Go to the documentation of this file.
7 #include "THaEvData.h"
8 #include "THaCutList.h"
9 #include "VarDef.h"
10 #include "VarType.h"
11 #include "TClonesArray.h"
13 #include <cstring>
14 #include <cstdio>
15 #include <cstdlib>
16 #include <iostream>
18 #include "THcHodoEff.h"
19 #include "THaApparatus.h"
20 #include "THcHodoHit.h"
21 #include "THcGlobals.h"
22 #include "THcParmList.h"
24 using namespace std;
26 //_____________________________________________________________________________
27 THcHodoEff::THcHodoEff (const char *name, const char* description,
28  const char* hodname) :
29  THaPhysicsModule(name, description), fName(hodname), fHod(NULL), fNevt(0)
30 {
32 }
34 //_____________________________________________________________________________
36 {
37  // Destructor
39  delete [] fPlanes; fPlanes = 0;
40  delete [] fPosZ; fPosZ = 0;
41  delete [] fSpacing; fSpacing = 0;
42  delete [] fCenterFirst; fCenterFirst = 0;
43  delete [] fNCounters; fNCounters = 0;
44  delete [] fHodoSlop; fHodoSlop = 0;
45  delete [] fStatTrkSum; fStatTrkSum = 0;
46  delete [] fStatAndSum; fStatAndSum = 0;
47  delete [] fStatAndEff; fStatAndEff = 0;
49  delete [] fHodoPosEffi; fHodoPosEffi = 0;
50  delete [] fHodoNegEffi; fHodoNegEffi = 0;
51  delete [] fHodoOrEffi; fHodoOrEffi = 0;
52  delete [] fHodoAndEffi; fHodoAndEffi = 0;
53  delete [] fStatTrk; fStatTrk = 0;
55  delete [] fHitPlane; fHitPlane = 0;
57  RemoveVariables();
58 }
60 //_____________________________________________________________________________
62 // Clear event-by-event data
63 {
64  Clear(opt);
65 }
67 //_____________________________________________________________________________
68 Int_t THcHodoEff::Begin( THaRunBase* )
69 {
70  // Start of analysis
72  if (!IsOK() ) return -1;
74  // Book any special histograms here
76  fNevt = 0;
78  // Clear all the accumulators here
79  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
80  fHitPlane[ip] = 0;
81  for(Int_t ic=0;ic<fNCounters[ip];ic++) {
82  fStatPosHit[ip][ic] = 0;
83  fStatNegHit[ip][ic] = 0;
84  fStatAndHit[ip][ic] = 0;
85  fStatOrHit[ip][ic] = 0;
86  fBothGood[ip][ic] = 0;
87  fPosGood[ip][ic] = 0;
88  fNegGood[ip][ic] = 0;
89  for(Int_t idel=0;idel<20;idel++) {
90  fStatTrkDel[ip][ic][idel] = 0;
91  fStatAndHitDel[ip][ic][idel] = 0;
92  }
93  }
94  }
96  return 0;
97 }
99 //_____________________________________________________________________________
100 Int_t THcHodoEff::End( THaRunBase* )
101 {
102  // End of analysis
103  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
104  fStatAndEff[ip]=0;
105  for(Int_t ic=0;ic<fNCounters[ip];ic++) {
106  fStatTrkSum[ip]+=fStatTrk[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)];
108  }
109  if (fStatTrkSum[ip] !=0) fStatAndEff[ip]=float(fStatAndSum[ip])/float(fStatTrkSum[ip]);
110  }
111  //
112  Double_t p1=fStatAndEff[0];
113  Double_t p2=fStatAndEff[1];
114  Double_t p3=fStatAndEff[2];
115  Double_t p4=fStatAndEff[3];
116  // probability that ONLY the listed planes had triggers
117  Double_t p1234= p1*p2*p3*p4;
118  Double_t p123 = p1*p2*p3*(1.-p4);
119  Double_t p124 = p1*p2*(1.-p3)*p4;
120  Double_t p134 = p1*(1.-p2)*p3*p4;
121  Double_t p234 = (1.-p1)*p2*p3*p4;
122  fHodoEff_s1 = 1. - ((1.-p1)*(1.-p2));
123  fHodoEff_s2 = 1. - ((1.-p3)*(1.-p4));
125  fHodoEff_3_of_4=p1234+p123+p124+p134+p234;
126  fHodoEff_4_of_4=p1234;
127  return 0;
128 }
131 //_____________________________________________________________________________
132 THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcHodoEff::Init( const TDatime& run_time )
133 {
134  // Initialize THcHodoEff physics module
136  // const char* const here = "Init";
138  // Standard initialization. Calls ReadDatabase(), ReadRunDatabase(),
139  // and DefineVariables() (see THaAnalysisObject::Init)
141  fHod = dynamic_cast<THcHodoscope*>
142  ( FindModule( fName.Data(), "THcHodoscope"));
144  fSpectro = static_cast<THaSpectrometer*>(fHod->GetApparatus());
146  if( THaPhysicsModule::Init( run_time ) != kOK )
147  return fStatus;
149  cout << "THcHodoEff::Init nplanes=" << fHod->GetNPlanes() << endl;
150  cout << "THcHodoEff::Init Apparatus = " << fHod->GetName() <<
151  " " <<
152  (fHod->GetApparatus())->GetName() << endl;
154  return fStatus = kOK;
155 }
157 //_____________________________________________________________________________
159 {
160  // Read database. Gets variable needed for efficiency calculation
161  // Get # of planes and their z positions here.
163  fNPlanes = fHod->GetNPlanes();
165  fPosZ = new Double_t[fNPlanes];
166  fSpacing = new Double_t[fNPlanes];
168  fNCounters = new Int_t[fNPlanes];
169  fHodoSlop = new Double_t[fNPlanes];
170  fStatTrkSum = new Int_t[fNPlanes];
171  fStatAndSum = new Int_t[fNPlanes];
174  Int_t maxcountersperplane=0;
175  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
176  fStatTrkSum[ip]=0.;
177  fStatAndSum[ip]=0.;
178  fStatAndEff[ip]=0.;
179  fPlanes[ip] = fHod->GetPlane(ip);
180  fPosZ[ip] = fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() + 0.5*fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos();
181  fSpacing[ip] = fPlanes[ip]->GetSpacing();
182  fCenterFirst[ip] = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(0) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
183  fNCounters[ip] = fPlanes[ip]->GetNelem();
184  maxcountersperplane = TMath::Max(maxcountersperplane,fNCounters[ip]);
185  }
186  Int_t totalpaddles = fNPlanes*maxcountersperplane;
187  fHodoPosEffi = new Int_t[totalpaddles];
188  fHodoNegEffi = new Int_t[totalpaddles];
189  fHodoOrEffi = new Int_t[totalpaddles];
190  fHodoAndEffi = new Int_t[totalpaddles];
191  fStatTrk = new Int_t[totalpaddles];
193  char prefix[2];
194  prefix[0] = tolower((fHod->GetApparatus())->GetName()[0]);
195  prefix[1] = '\0';
197  DBRequest list[]={
198  {"stat_slop", &fStatSlop, kDouble},
199  {"stat_maxchisq",&fMaxChisq, kDouble},
200  {"HodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut",&fHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut, kDouble,0,1},
201  {"hodo_slop", fHodoSlop, kDouble, (UInt_t)fNPlanes},
202  {0}
203  };
204  fHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut=0.050; // set default value
205  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list,prefix);
206  cout << "\n\nTHcHodoEff::ReadDatabase nplanes=" << fHod->GetNPlanes() << endl;
207  // Setup statistics arrays
208  // Better method to put this in?
209  // These all need to be cleared in Begin
210  fHitPlane = new Int_t[fNPlanes];
211  fStatTrkDel.resize(fNPlanes);
212  fStatAndHitDel.resize(fNPlanes);
213  fStatPosHit.resize(fNPlanes);
214  fStatNegHit.resize(fNPlanes);
215  fStatAndHit.resize(fNPlanes);
216  fStatOrHit.resize(fNPlanes);
217  fBothGood.resize(fNPlanes);
218  fPosGood.resize(fNPlanes);
219  fNegGood.resize(fNPlanes);
221  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
223  cout << "Plane = " << ip + 1 << " counters = " << fNCounters[ip] << endl;
225  fStatTrkDel[ip].resize(fNCounters[ip]);
226  fStatAndHitDel[ip].resize(fNCounters[ip]);
227  fStatPosHit[ip].resize(fNCounters[ip]);
228  fStatNegHit[ip].resize(fNCounters[ip]);
229  fStatAndHit[ip].resize(fNCounters[ip]);
230  fStatOrHit[ip].resize(fNCounters[ip]);
231  fBothGood[ip].resize(fNCounters[ip]);
232  fPosGood[ip].resize(fNCounters[ip]);
233  fNegGood[ip].resize(fNCounters[ip]);
234  for(Int_t ic=0;ic<fNCounters[ip];ic++) {
235  fStatTrkDel[ip][ic].resize(20); // Max this settable
236  fStatAndHitDel[ip][ic].resize(20); // Max this settable
238  fHodoPosEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)] = 0;
239  fHodoNegEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)] = 0;
240  fHodoOrEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)] = 0;
241  fHodoAndEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)] = 0;
242  fStatTrk[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)] = 0;
243  }
244  }
246  // Int_t fHodPaddles = fNCounters[0];
247  // gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_pos_hits[%d][%d]",fPrefix,fNPlanes,fHodPaddles),
248  // "Golden track's pos pmt hit",*&fStatPosHit);
250  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_pos_eff[%d]", prefix,totalpaddles), "Hodo positive effi",*fHodoPosEffi);
251  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_neg_eff[%d]", prefix,totalpaddles), "Hodo negative effi",*fHodoNegEffi);
252  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_or_eff[%d]", prefix,totalpaddles), "Hodo or effi", *fHodoOrEffi);
253  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_and_eff[%d]", prefix,totalpaddles), "Hodo and effi", *fHodoAndEffi);
254  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_plane_AND_eff[%d]",prefix,fNPlanes), "Hodo plane AND eff", *fStatAndEff);
255  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_gold_hits[%d]",prefix,totalpaddles), "Hodo golden hits", *fStatTrk);
256  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_s1XY_eff",prefix), "Efficiency for S1XY",fHodoEff_s1);
257  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_s2XY_eff",prefix), "Efficiency for S2XY",fHodoEff_s2);
258  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_stof_eff",prefix), "Efficiency for STOF",fHodoEff_tof);
259  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_3_of_4_eff",prefix), "Efficiency for 3 of 4",fHodoEff_3_of_4);
260  gHcParms->Define(Form("%shodo_4_of_4_eff",prefix), "Efficiency for 4 of 4",fHodoEff_4_of_4);
262  return kOK;
263 }
265 //_____________________________________________________________________________
267 {
269  if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
270  fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
272  // fEffiTest = 0;
273  // gHcParms->Define(Form("hodoeffi"),"Testing effi",fEffiTest);
275  const RVarDef vars[] = {
276  // Move these into THcHallCSpectrometer using track fTracks
277  // {"effitestvar", "efficiency test var", "fEffiTest"},
278  // {"goldhodposhit", "pos pmt hit in hodo", "fStatPosHit"},
279  { 0 }
280  };
281  return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );
282  // return kOK;
283 }
285 //_____________________________________________________________________________
287 {
288  // Accumulate statistics for efficiency
290  // const char* const here = "Process";
292  if( !IsOK() ) return -1;
295  // Project the golden track to each
296  // plane. Need to get track at Focal Plane, not tgt.
297  //
298  // Assumes that planes are X, Y, X, Y
299  THaTrack* theTrack = fSpectro->GetGoldenTrack();
300  // Since fSpectro knows the index of the golden track, we can
301  // get other information about the track from fSpectro.
302  // Need to remove the specialized stuff from fGoldenTrack
304  if(!theTrack) return 0;
305  Int_t trackIndex = theTrack->GetTrkNum()-1;
307  // May make these member variables
308  Double_t hitPos[fNPlanes];
309  Double_t hitDistance[fNPlanes];
310  Int_t hitCounter[fNPlanes];
311  Int_t checkHit[fNPlanes];
312  // Bool_t goodTdcBothSides[fNPlanes];
313  // Bool_t goodTdcOneSide[fNPlanes];
315  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
316  // Should really have plane object self identify as X or Y
317  if(ip%2 == 0) { // X Plane
318  hitPos[ip] = theTrack->GetX() + theTrack->GetTheta()*fPosZ[ip];
319  hitCounter[ip] = TMath::Max(
320  TMath::Min(
321  TMath::Nint((hitPos[ip]-fCenterFirst[ip])/
322  fSpacing[ip]+1),fNCounters[ip] ),1);
323  hitDistance[ip] = hitPos[ip] - (fSpacing[ip]*(hitCounter[ip]-1) +
324  fCenterFirst[ip]);
325  } else { // Y Plane
326  hitPos[ip] = theTrack->GetY() + theTrack->GetPhi()*fPosZ[ip];
327  hitCounter[ip] = TMath::Max(
328  TMath::Min(
329  TMath::Nint((fCenterFirst[ip]-hitPos[ip])/
330  fSpacing[ip]+1), fNCounters[ip] ),1);
331  hitDistance[ip] = hitPos[ip] -(fCenterFirst[ip] -
332  fSpacing[ip]*(hitCounter[ip]-1));
333  }
336  }
338  // Fill dpos histograms and set checkHit for each plane.
339  // dpos stuff not implemented
340  // Why do dpos stuff here, does any other part need the dpos historgrams
341  // Look to VDCEff code to see how to create and fill histograms
343  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
344  Int_t hitcounter=hitCounter[ip];
345  // goodTdcBothSides[ip] = kFALSE;
346  // goodTdcOneSide[ip] = kFALSE;
347  checkHit[ip] = 2;
348  Int_t nphits=fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
349  TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
350  for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<nphits;ihit++) {
351  THcHodoHit* hit=(THcHodoHit*) hodoHits->At(ihit);
352  Int_t counter = hit->GetPaddleNumber();
353  if(counter == hitcounter) {
354  checkHit[ip] = 0;
355  } else {
356  if(TMath::Abs(counter-hitcounter) == 1 && checkHit[ip] != 0) {
357  checkHit[ip] = 1;
358  }
359  }
360  }
361  }
363  // Record position differences between track and center of scin
364  // and increment 'should have hit' counters
365  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
366  // Int_t hitcounter = hitCounter[ip];
367  Double_t dist = hitDistance[ip];
368  if(TMath::Abs(dist) <= fStatSlop &&
369  theTrack->GetChi2()/theTrack->GetNDoF() <= fMaxChisq &&
370  theTrack->GetEnergy() >= fHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut )
371  {
372  fStatTrk[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,hitCounter[ip]-1)]++;
373  // Double_t delta = theTrack->GetDp();
374  // Int_t idel = TMath::Floor(delta+10.0);
375  // Should
376  // if(idel >=0 && idel < 20) {
377  // fStatTrkDel[ip][hitcounter][idel]++;
378  // }
379  // lookat[ip] = TRUE;
380  }
381  fHitPlane[ip] = 0;
382  }
383  // Is there a hit on or adjacent to paddle that track
384  // passes through?
386  // May collapse this loop into last
388  // record the hits as a "didhit" if track is near center of
389  // scintillator, the chisqared of the track is good and it is the
390  // first "didhit" in that plane.
392  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
393  Int_t hitcounter = hitCounter[ip];
394  if (hitcounter>=fNCounters[ip]) hitcounter=fNCounters[ip]-1;
395  if (hitcounter<0) hitcounter=0;
396  Double_t dist = hitDistance[ip];
397  Int_t nphits=fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
398  TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
399  for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<nphits;ihit++) {
400  THcHodoHit* hit=(THcHodoHit*) hodoHits->At(ihit);
401  Int_t counter = hit->GetPaddleNumber();
402  // Finds first best hit
403  Bool_t onTrack, goodScinTime, goodTdcNeg, goodTdcPos;
404  fHod->GetFlags(trackIndex,ip,ihit,
405  onTrack, goodScinTime, goodTdcNeg, goodTdcPos);
406  if(TMath::Abs(dist) <= fStatSlop &&
407  TMath::Abs(hitcounter-counter) <= checkHit[ip] &&
408  fHitPlane[ip] == 0 &&
409  theTrack->GetChi2()/theTrack->GetNDoF() <= fMaxChisq &&
410  theTrack->GetEnergy() >= fHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut) {
411  fHitPlane[ip]++;
413  // Need to find out hgood_tdc_pos(igoldentrack,ihit) and neg
414  if(goodTdcPos) {
415  if(goodTdcNeg) { // Both fired
416  fStatPosHit[ip][hitcounter]++;
417  fStatNegHit[ip][hitcounter]++;
418  fStatAndHit[ip][hitcounter]++;
419  fStatOrHit[ip][hitcounter]++;
421  fHodoPosEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,hitCounter[ip]-1)]++;
422  fHodoNegEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,hitCounter[ip]-1)]++;
423  fHodoAndEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,hitCounter[ip]-1)]++;
424  fHodoOrEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,hitCounter[ip]-1)]++;
426  // Double_t delta = theTrack->GetDp();
427  // Int_t idel = TMath::Floor(delta+10.0);
428  // if(idel >=0 && idel < 20) {
429  // fStatAndHitDel[ip][hitcounter][idel]++;
430  // }
431  } else {
432  fStatPosHit[ip][hitcounter]++;
433  fStatOrHit[ip][hitcounter]++;
434  fHodoPosEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,hitCounter[ip]-1)]++;
435  fHodoOrEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,hitCounter[ip]-1)]++;
436  }
437  } else if (goodTdcNeg) {
438  fStatNegHit[ip][hitcounter]++;
439  fStatOrHit[ip][hitcounter]++;
440  fHodoNegEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,hitCounter[ip]-1)]++;
441  fHodoOrEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,hitCounter[ip]-1)]++;
442  }
444  // Increment pos/neg/both fired. Track independent, so
445  // no chisquared cut, but note that only scintillators on the
446  // track are examined.
447  if(goodTdcPos) {
448  if(goodTdcNeg) {
449  fBothGood[ip][hitcounter]++;
450  } else {
451  fPosGood[ip][hitcounter]++;
452  }
453  } else if (goodTdcNeg) {
454  fNegGood[ip][hitcounter]++;
455  }
456  // Determine if one or both PMTs had a good tdc
458  // if(goodTdcPos && goodTdcNeg) {
459  // goodTdcBothSides[ip] = kTRUE;
460  // }
461  // if(goodTdcPos || goodTdcNeg) {
462  // goodTdcOneSide[ip] = kTRUE;
463  // }
464  }
466  /*
467  For each plane, see of other 3 fired. This means that they were enough
468  to form a 3/4 trigger, and so the fraction of times this plane fired is
469  the plane trigger efficiency. NOTE: we only require a TDC hit, not a
470  TDC hit within the SCIN 3/4 trigger window, so high rates will make
471  this seem better than it is. Also, make sure we're not near the edge
472  of the hodoscope (at the last plane), using the same hhodo_slop param.
473  as for h_tof.f
474  NOTE ALSO: to make this check simpler, we are assuming that all planes
475  have identical active areas. y_scin = y_cent + y_offset, so shift track
476  position by offset for comparing to edges.
477  */
479  // Need to add calculation and cuts on
480  // xatback and yatback in order to set the
481  // htrig_hododidflag, htrig_hodoshouldflag and otherthreehit flags
482  //
484  ++fNevt;
485  }
486  }
487  return 0;
488 }
490 //_____________________________________________________________________________
Int_t * fNCounters
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:63
TClonesArray * GetHits()
std::string GetName(const std::string &scope_name)
A single plane of scintillators.
double dist(Rotation3D const &r1, Rotation3D const &r2)
THcHodoEff(const char *name, const char *description, const char *hodname)
Definition: THcHodoEff.cxx:27
Long64_t fNevt
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:52
Double_t fHodoEff_s1
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:77
Double_t fStatSlop
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:73
Int_t GetScinIndex(Int_t nPlane, Int_t nPaddle)
const char Option_t
Class representing a single hit for the Hodoscopes.
Definition: THcHodoHit.h:16
Int_t * fHodoPosEffi
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:65
virtual Int_t DefineVariables(EMode mode=kDefine)
Definition: THcHodoEff.cxx:266
Double_t fHodoEff_3_of_4
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:77
Double_t * fPosZ
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:60
vector< vector< Int_t > > fStatAndHit
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:85
vector< vector< Int_t > > fStatNegHit
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:84
virtual Int_t Process(const THaEvData &)
Definition: THcHodoEff.cxx:286
Short_t Min(Short_t a, Short_t b)
int Int_t
bool Bool_t
vector< vector< Int_t > > fStatPosHit
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:83
Double_t * fCenterFirst
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:62
STL namespace.
Double_t fHodoEff_4_of_4
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:77
TString fName
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:48
Short_t Abs(Short_t d)
const char * Data() const
THaSpectrometer * fSpectro
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:50
virtual Int_t ReadDatabase(const TDatime &date)
Definition: THcHodoEff.cxx:158
vector< vector< Int_t > > fNegGood
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:88
Int_t GetPaddleNumber() const
Definition: THcHodoHit.h:49
Int_t * fHodoAndEffi
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:68
Int_t * fStatAndSum
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:71
Double_t fHodoEff_s2
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:77
THcHodoscope * fHod
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:49
unsigned int UInt_t
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
tuple list
Definition: SConscript.py:9
virtual EStatus Init(const TDatime &run_time)
Definition: THcHodoEff.cxx:132
vector< vector< vector< Int_t > > > fStatAndHitDel
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:81
vector< vector< Int_t > > fBothGood
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:87
Int_t LoadParmValues(const DBRequest *list, const char *prefix="")
Retrieve parameter values from the parameter cache.
double Double_t
Double_t fHodoEff_tof
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:77
Int_t * fStatTrk
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:69
Double_t fHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:74
Class for accumulating statistics for and calculating hodoscope efficiencies.
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:26
Double_t * fHodoSlop
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:76
THcScintillatorPlane ** fPlanes
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:59
virtual ~THcHodoEff()
Definition: THcHodoEff.cxx:35
Int_t * fHodoNegEffi
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:66
ClassImp(THcDCLookupTTDConv) THcDCLookupTTDConv
virtual Int_t Begin(THaRunBase *r=0)
Definition: THcHodoEff.cxx:68
THcScintillatorPlane * GetPlane(Int_t ip)
Definition: THcHodoscope.h:111
Short_t Max(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Double_t * fStatAndEff
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:72
vector< vector< Int_t > > fPosGood
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:89
Double_t fMaxChisq
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:75
vector< vector< Int_t > > fStatOrHit
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:86
R__EXTERN class THcParmList * gHcParms
Definition: THcGlobals.h:11
Int_t GetNPlanes()
Definition: THcHodoscope.h:110
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const
Bool_t GetFlags(Int_t itrack, Int_t iplane, Int_t ihit, Bool_t &onTrack, Bool_t &goodScinTime, Bool_t &goodTdcNeg, Bool_t &goodTdcPos) const
Definition: THcHodoscope.h:126
Int_t * fHitPlane
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:91
Int_t fNPlanes
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:58
Int_t Nint(T x)
Generic hodoscope consisting of multiple planes with multiple paddles with phototubes on both ends...
Definition: THcHodoscope.h:37
vector< vector< vector< Int_t > > > fStatTrkDel
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:82
Double_t GetPosCenter(Int_t PaddleNo)
Int_t * fStatTrkSum
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:70
Double_t * fSpacing
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:61
Int_t * fHodoOrEffi
Definition: THcHodoEff.h:67
void Reset(Option_t *opt="")
Definition: THcHodoEff.cxx:61
virtual Int_t End(THaRunBase *r=0)
Definition: THcHodoEff.cxx:100