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User name hcf

Log entry time 23:56:40 on December 02, 2004

Entry number 92363

keyword=corrected scale factor for SOS argon flow controller

The replacement flow controller for SOS argon has full scale = 1.000 slpm. The one taken out today has full scale= 2.000 slpm. The control system was not informed of this change. The result is that we've been flowing 1/2 the desired amount of argon since 10:30 this morning.

To speed the recovery I doubled the flows to the SOS chambers, so now we are running 0.3 slpm of argon and 0.3 slpm ethane. We need to set this back to normal in the morning.

Dave G. had checked the channel 1 zero offset and found it to be 0.018 slpm. He rezeroed it. Hopefully, now that the controller has been installed and on for several hours, this will remain stable.