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User name ak opper

Log entry time 22:00:42 on December 08, 2004

Entry number 92608

keyword=partial swing shift summary

Fairly consistent data taking but poor missing mass construction of phis
and omegas.

Began shift loooking for phis from Be HMS theta = 13.01 deg, HMS p = +2.2
GeV/c, SOS theta = 27.85 deg, SOS p = -1.0 GeV/c
Runs 52144, 52145, 52146, 52147

Concern over HMS and SOS hit/detector histograms having peaks at 6 AND
12 -- this was probably due to the high rate at forward angles causing
two tracks to pass through the drift chambers.

Decided to look for omegas because their cross section is higher than
that of phis: HMS theta = 10.99 deg, HMS p = 1.95 GeV/c, SOS theta =
24.99 deg, SOS p = 0.9 GeV/c target = Be still.
Runs 52148, 52149, 52150, 52151, 52152, 52153

NO ALARMS TRIPPED DURING THIS SHIFT! Thanks to running with only 15