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User name smithg

Log entry time 18:45:08 on June 07, 2005

Entry number 97248

keyword=Viewer installation finished, etc.

Hari called and let us know that they have just finished installing the additional (3, I think) viewers in the downstream beamline. Joerg is on his way over now to test the Aerogel coils. He thinks he'll need around 2 hours for this, so Hari is letting the MCC know that our most likely time for closing the hall is now going to be around 20:30.

Hari mentioned that one of the viewers needs to have a tv camera replaced- they will take care of that tomorrow. But beam can be sent down the line in the meantime.

Once the hall has closed, we can resume straight through tuning to the dump. That's the plan for this evening, anyway. However, in order to help out Hall B, it was agreed to shift the hall priority (from us) to them for the night. So we may not get a lot of cycles from MCC until they have solved the position instabilities observed in Hall B.