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User name gaskell

Log entry time 18:16:45 on June 29, 2005

Entry number 98888


keyword=fast raster woes

Upon my casual remarrk that the "beam" screen in the online kumac looks goofy, Joerg investigated and discovered that the raster information was not going into the data stream properly. The raster signals going into the adc's need to have a negative offset to be properly read out. Joerg dicovered that the frx signal was centered on 0.0, and the fry signal had a large positive offset. This seems weird since we were reading out the raster properly as recently as January - so the wiring must have changed somehow.

Anyway - Joerg is currently trying to pick off some signals we can get into the data stream and use.

NOte that the above implies we have no raster information for any of the CH2 running so far.