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User name beck/liu

Log entry time 23:55:15 on July 19, 2006

Entry number 118392

keyword=Beam: some halo values

While waiting for the optics tuning, Doug made some studies with halo rates. With 7 uA of CW beam, without any target, halo 3 and 4 are 200 Hz, and Herbert's paddle is 0.2% of the beam current.

Both G0 and G0B (x,y) readings are close to (0,0)

They then put the 11 mm hole in (-39.70 mm). With the same current, halos and herberts paddle reading increase by a factor of 2.5. They tried to steer the beam, and could not get the rate down.

Lastly, Brian moved our hole target in. The herbert's paddle readings stayed more-or-less same as the 11 mm hole.