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User name Flores

Log entry time 13:07:21 on July 26, 2006

Entry number 118992

keyword=Beam: Back up beam

The Hall C seems that is having problem which seems to affect the Heat load power supply “gbheat” dropping to -2.11W Dr Damon after consultation was advice to change the lower limits to -10.00 and -5.00 respectively. In that way the alarms will keep stability. Also we notice that on the High power Heater GUI have values that are in blank see the attachment. We check with Dr Smith about this blanck fields and said that is not necesary to reboot that is OK our IOC is not the problem. The procedure we follow to correct our IOC was as follow: First set the HPH in manual Second we use the IOC GUI to reset to normal 3th Set the HPH power voltage suply in computer operation mode The change of the low power limits were due after we do the above procedure. At the moment we do not have beam.

Figure 1

User name Spayde

Log entry time 13:07:21 on July 26, 2006

Entry number 118993

keyword=Fast Clear Enabled

After consulting with Fatiha and Herbert I have re-enabled the Fast Clear.