Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name jschaub

Log entry time 18:38:30 on July 27, 2006

Entry number 119124

This entry is a followup to: 119084

keyword=Analysis: Amplitude Increase of the 1Hz Beam Current Structure

I've performed a preliminary analysis to determine when the amplitude of
the 1Hz Beam Current structure increased from the levels noted for run
29933 (log entry 119084) to those of run 30006 (log entry 119083).

The increase seems to happen between runs 29975 and 29981--perhaps even
as precisely as during run 29977.

Figure 1 shows a plot for run 29976, while figure 2 shows a plot for run
29981. Figure 3 shows a coarse plot for the whole of run 29977. Notice
the increased background noise levels after the beam trip at about 2100s.
Figure 4 shows a zoomed plot before the noise level increase while
Figure 5 shows a zoomed plot after the noise level/beam current amplitude

Figures 6 and 7 show plots for runs 29978 and 29979, in which the
amplitude is similar to the latter part of 29977. Notice that the
amplitude of run 29981 is larger still.

Some of these plots also seem maybe to show a 2Mz structure.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7