Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for July 06 - Analysis

  • Main INDEX


  • 119524 07/31/06 23:20 Flores Analysis: Ratio between fastbus rates and scalers rates
  • 119508 07/31/06 18:49 pking Analysis: Re-ran the autoanalyzer for runs 30096-30100.
  • 119507 07/31/06 18:16 Spayde Analysis: IPM0I07 Variables Added to Database
  • 119506 07/31/06 18:13 pking Analysis: Minor correction to injector mapping file on gzero account.
  • 119482 07/31/06 12:32 hood Analysis: script to help with charge asymmetry flat-top problem
  • 119481 07/31/06 12:17 Alex Analysis: BPO Timing Scan - Multiple hits
  • Sunday

  • 119440 07/30/06 21:24 Pitt Analysis: Lumi width and asymmetry versus beam current
  • 119421 07/30/06 15:34 Alex/Damon Analysis: fourier transform of BCM1 charge - Run #30073 , 1Hz flutuation
  • 119403 07/30/06 11:58 Spayde Analysis: Charge Asymmetry Widths in Injector for Run 30073
  • 119399 07/30/06 10:12 Spayde Analysis: Fraser Plots for Run 29989-30075 (approximately)
  • Saturday

  • 119343 07/29/06 19:26 jschaub Analysis: Base BPM Plots
  • 119320 07/29/06 15:46 Maud Analysis: Take a look at Cerenkov individual count rates vs beam current NOW!
  • Friday

  • 119231 07/28/06 20:44 pking Analysis: I have made G0Analysis_2.16 the default analyzer on the gzero accounts
  • 119218 07/28/06 19:30 Toplosky Analysis: beam asymmetries
  • 119213 07/28/06 16:19 Spayde Analysis: A Look at the 1 Hz Noise in the Injector and in Position
  • 119208 07/28/06 14:45 jschaub Analysis: Amplitude Increase of the 1Hz Beam Current Structure
  • 119202 07/28/06 12:38 Spayde Analysis: Beam Current Fluctuations Still Present (and Maybe a Little Worse)
  • 119197 07/28/06 11:21 Spayde Analysis: First Fraser Plots from the Database
  • Thursday

  • 119132 07/27/06 21:41 horn Analysis: ARS timing and calibration (NA octants)
  • 119124 07/27/06 18:38 jschaub Analysis: Amplitude Increase of the 1Hz Beam Current Structure
  • 119108 07/27/06 14:37 muether Analysis: Some more on field scan
  • 119084 07/27/06 10:49 Spayde Analysis: Current Fluctuations from Run 29933
  • 119083 07/27/06 10:06 Spayde Analysis: Current Fluctuations in Run 30006
  • 119078 07/27/06 09:09 jschaub Analysis: Space cleared on the DAQ disks
  • 119057 07/27/06 04:47 jianglai Analysis: updated the analysis DB with a new set of beam monitor calibrations including injector monitors
  • 119054 07/27/06 04:07 jianglai Analysis: lumi/main detector comparison for lumi scan
  • Wednesday

  • 119012 07/26/06 17:31 jschaub Analysis: Analysis shift Daily System Maintenance instructions
  • 118996 07/26/06 13:55 Alex Analysis: good and bad runs
  • 118995 07/26/06 13:55 Alex Analysis: good and bad runs
  • 118978 07/26/06 08:13 jianglai/spa Analysis: modified cut file for default analyzer
  • 118974 07/26/06 06:38 jianglai Analysis: Lumi yield and asymmetry width vs beam current
  • Tuesday

  • 118926 07/25/06 22:42 jschaub Analysis: empty integrity files
  • 118907 07/25/06 18:31 Alex/Goulven Analysis: BPO Scan results - NA octant
  • Monday

  • 118820 07/24/06 18:29 muether Analysis: SMS Field Scan results (with plots)
  • 118819 07/24/06 18:28 muether Analysis: SMS Field Scan results
  • Sunday

  • 118763 07/23/06 20:30 jianglai Analysis: update and recompile default analyzer on cdaql*
  • 118696 07/23/06 01:20 jianglai/fat Analysis: making local change on the default analyzer on cdaq machines
  • 118681 07/23/06 00:03 Fatiha/Goulv Analysis: Changed G0Octant.C to get the correct Latches Histograms
  • Saturday

  • 118652 07/22/06 20:20 pking Analysis: Corrected an error in the latch histogramming for the gzero account
  • Friday



  • 118438 07/20/06 19:23 pking Analysis: Changed to the 362 MeV analysis database
  • 118437 07/20/06 19:23 pking Analysis: Installed the new G0Analysis version and started the autoanalyzers
  • 118436 07/20/06 18:51 pking Analysis: I have moved the old rootfiles and the old G0Scripts directory
  • Wednesday



  • 118332 07/18/06 20:39 Maud Analysis: French FPDs gainmatching + new Fr and NA cerenkovs HV
  • 118323 07/18/06 20:05 Maud. Analysis: French Cerenkov ADC calibration
  • 118254 07/18/06 14:43 pking Analysis: Stopped hte autoanalyzer on the cdaql* machines
  • Monday

  • 118188 07/17/06 17:09 beise Analysis: Simulation of rates at 360 MeV, for future reference
  • Sunday

























