Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for July 06 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX


  • 119524 07/31/06 23:20 Flores Analysis: Ratio between fastbus rates and scalers rates
  • 119521 07/31/06 22:30 Beck Beam: Lumi and parity-quality snapshots
  • 119518 07/31/06 21:40 Goulven,JSR Cerenkov random rates from fastbus data, C12 60uA (better format !!!)
  • 119517 07/31/06 21:38 Goulven,JSR Cerenkov random rates from fastbus data, C12 60uA (better format ?)
  • 119516 07/31/06 21:31 Goulven,JSR Cerenkov random rates from fastbus data, C12 60uA
  • 119513 07/31/06 20:30 suleiman Beam: The G0 Cavity I measurement
  • 119508 07/31/06 18:49 pking Analysis: Re-ran the autoanalyzer for runs 30096-30100.
  • 119507 07/31/06 18:16 Spayde Analysis: IPM0I07 Variables Added to Database
  • 119506 07/31/06 18:13 pking Analysis: Minor correction to injector mapping file on gzero account.
  • 119501 07/31/06 17:33 Fatiha Chasing the double peak (+ Instructions)
  • 119499 07/31/06 17:08 Pitt Swing/owl run plan
  • 119498 07/31/06 16:58 Pitt "Normal" running conditions as of 7/31/06
  • 119497 07/31/06 16:50 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119496 07/31/06 16:10 jmammei Beam: cavity monitor commissioning
  • 119495 07/31/06 15:31 neven Day Shift Summary
  • 119494 07/31/06 15:15 suleiman Beam: 0I02, 0I02A, & 0I05 are now fixed and 0I07 looks fine so far
  • 119491 07/31/06 14:31 suleiman Beam: 0I07 Injector BPM is now in the Datastream
  • 119490 07/31/06 14:29 Spayde Beam: Recent Beam Parameter Differences/Asymmetries as a Function of Time
  • 119489 07/31/06 14:23 suleiman Beam: Injector BCM/BPM Calibration
  • 119488 07/31/06 14:18 suleiman Beam: Injector BCM/BPM Calibration
  • 119487 07/31/06 13:54 Spayde/Mueth SMS: Magnet Problem Fixed
  • 119482 07/31/06 12:32 hood Analysis: script to help with charge asymmetry flat-top problem
  • 119481 07/31/06 12:17 Alex Analysis: BPO Timing Scan - Multiple hits
  • 119480 07/31/06 11:53 Fatiha Some useful Viewers for people on shift
  • 119479 07/31/06 10:46 hood Target: IOC stripped replaced, swtich to manual
  • 119476 07/31/06 09:09 muether SMS: Water Temp during Quench Protection Problem
  • 119475 07/31/06 08:55 Breuer another test detector configuration change.
  • 119474 07/31/06 08:51 Breuer renewed exchange of octant 7 FPD 13 Left phototube with base
  • 119473 07/31/06 08:44 muether SMS: AQP/DQP Problem
  • 119472 07/31/06 08:17 Breuer Test detector configuration changes last night at about 10 pm
  • 119471 07/31/06 08:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119470 07/31/06 07:58 Breuer shift summary, Monday 07/31/06, 00:00 to 08:00
  • 119469 07/31/06 07:29 Breuer Test detector results: pieces of quartz and borosilicate glass (5" tube fragment)
  • 119468 07/31/06 07:02 Page SMS: unplanned slow dump of SMS
  • 119462 07/31/06 04:58 Page Target: Coolant flows back to normal
  • 119461 07/31/06 04:26 Page Target: Target - 15K Coolant issue, Hall A getting greedy...
  • 119458 07/31/06 03:35 Page Beam: bpm and halo snapshots - 3:30 am log
  • 119455 07/31/06 02:47 Page SMS: magnet control - transport protocol error
  • 119454 07/31/06 02:06 page snapshot of CED- FPD time differences
  • 119449 07/31/06 00:39 Maud,JSR NO Clear Evidence of Pions in LH2 target Runs in "Elastic" coincidence cells (FastBus Data)
  • 119448 07/31/06 00:22 Maud,JSR Clear Evidence of Pions in C target Runs (FastBus Data)
  • 119447 07/31/06 00:20 real Swing Shift Summary
  • 119444 07/31/06 00:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Sunday

  • 119443 07/30/06 23:35 Larry Estimated Anode currents for "new" Cerenkov HV settings
  • 119442 07/30/06 22:30 real Access to the Hall, for changing PMT 7-13L, and shielding
  • 119440 07/30/06 21:24 Pitt Analysis: Lumi width and asymmetry versus beam current
  • 119438 07/30/06 20:48 real Hall A polarization??
  • 119435 07/30/06 19:22 real New set of HV for French cerenkov
  • 119434 07/30/06 19:03 real HV new cerenkov value updated before run 30085
  • 119432 07/30/06 18:58 real New set of HV for French cerenkov
  • 119431 07/30/06 18:57 Larry Updated HV for NA Cerenkov PMTs
  • 119429 07/30/06 17:43 Goulven NA ARS : last delay modification...
  • 119428 07/30/06 17:43 Larry Recommended "New" HV for NA Cerenkov PMTs
  • 119425 07/30/06 16:24 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119422 07/30/06 15:45 neven Day Shift Summary
  • 119421 07/30/06 15:34 Alex/Damon Analysis: fourier transform of BCM1 charge - Run #30073 , 1Hz flutuation
  • 119420 07/30/06 15:06 Goulven NA ARS : New delays corrections during run 30081
  • 119419 07/30/06 15:04 Goulven NA ARS : New delays corrections during run 30081
  • 119416 07/30/06 14:50 Spayde Positions and Halo Snapshot for Shift Checklist
  • 119414 07/30/06 14:05 neven Beam back
  • 119411 07/30/06 13:54 Goulven NA ARS : some delays changed
  • 119410 07/30/06 13:14 neven No usefull beam since 12:20
  • 119408 07/30/06 12:59 pking Beam: Charge asymmetry distribution doesn't seem correlated with previous QRT polarities
  • 119407 07/30/06 12:12 smithg Target: missing heater values
  • 119406 07/30/06 12:02 Pitt Beam: Flat-top charge distribution cut on QRTPOL = +1 and -1
  • 119403 07/30/06 11:58 Spayde Analysis: Charge Asymmetry Widths in Injector for Run 30073
  • 119400 07/30/06 10:13 Pitt Beam: Position difference widths throughout Hall C
  • 119399 07/30/06 10:12 Spayde Analysis: Fraser Plots for Run 29989-30075 (approximately)
  • 119394 07/30/06 08:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119393 07/30/06 08:05 Breuer shift summary
  • 119390 07/30/06 06:46 page Target: Target heater power control display problem
  • 119381 07/30/06 03:07 page unstable halo rates - back to normal now
  • 119380 07/30/06 03:01 page bpm and halo snapshots
  • 119377 07/30/06 01:20 Breuer HV for octant 7 FPD 13 L had tripped earlier, reset
  • 119376 07/30/06 01:19 page intermittent Cerenkov signals
  • 119371 07/30/06 00:10 real Swing Shift Summary
  • 119370 07/30/06 00:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Saturday

  • 119369 07/29/06 23:36 real Cerenkov PMT1 of octant 6 was off
  • 119368 07/29/06 23:15 real Set gain for french cerenkov where it was before
  • 119363 07/29/06 22:56 real timing for cerenkov octant 2 has been set has it should, width=26ns,
  • 119360 07/29/06 22:25 Spayde SMS: Strange Magnet Alarms (with figures attached this time)
  • 119359 07/29/06 22:15 Spayde SMS: Strange Magnet Alarms
  • 119356 07/29/06 21:53 real Changing timing of cerenkov trigger Octant 2
  • 119352 07/29/06 21:35 real Changing width of cerenkov trigger Octant 2
  • 119350 07/29/06 20:48 Pitt Run plan for swing/owl
  • 119349 07/29/06 20:48 Pitt Run plan for swing/owl
  • 119348 07/29/06 20:45 Pitt Run plan for swing/owl
  • 119347 07/29/06 20:33 real Change of half wave plate state was OUT, is IN
  • 119344 07/29/06 19:29 Breuer Changes for test detectors: shielding, glass pieces
  • 119343 07/29/06 19:26 jschaub Analysis: Base BPM Plots
  • 119342 07/29/06 19:18 Breuer exchanged NA Oct 7 FPD 13 left tube+base; still bad, differently
  • 119339 07/29/06 18:54 real New gain for the FR cerenkov after run 30055
  • 119326 07/29/06 16:49 Spayde Day Shift Summary
  • 119324 07/29/06 16:41 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119322 07/29/06 15:50 real Run 30052 is taken, while Hall A make their BCM calibration.
  • 119321 07/29/06 15:49 real Hall Access to change Octant 7 PMT, and change PMT test shielding configuration
  • 119320 07/29/06 15:46 Maud Analysis: Take a look at Cerenkov individual count rates vs beam current NOW!
  • 119319 07/29/06 15:32 Flores Target: Change target to Carbon
  • 119316 07/29/06 14:58 Spayde DAQ Settings for Threshold Scan Run
  • 119307 07/29/06 11:56 Spayde Trouble in Injector
  • 119306 07/29/06 11:52 Spayde Automatic Coil Pulsing Reenabled at Start of Each Run
  • 119303 07/29/06 11:41 Spayde Lumi Snapshot at G0=(0.385,0.378) and G0B=(-0.116,0.354)
  • 119302 07/29/06 11:39 Spayde Turning Detector HVs On
  • 119301 07/29/06 11:36 Spayde Lumi Snapshot at G0=(0.412,-0.260) and G0B=(-0.115,-0.488)
  • 119300 07/29/06 11:19 Spayde Lumi Snapshot at G0=(0.319,1.836) and G0B=(-0.112,2.025)
  • 119299 07/29/06 11:13 Spayde Lumi Snapshot at G0=(1.203,0.257) and G0B=(0.850, 0.050)
  • 119298 07/29/06 11:04 Spayde Lumi Snapshot G0 at (-0.814,0.261) and G0B at (-1.587, 0.132)
  • 119295 07/29/06 10:55 Spayde LUMI Snapshot G0=(0.308, 0.186) and G0B=(-0.222,0.115)
  • 119293 07/29/06 10:43 Spayde LUMI Snapshot and Halo Rates at Nominal Position
  • 119290 07/29/06 10:07 Spayde Detector HVs Tripped Off
  • 119289 07/29/06 10:00 Spayde Changing Quad 3C20A
  • 119287 07/29/06 09:52 Spayde Position Differences During Current Run
  • 119285 07/29/06 08:49 Larry Plots of beam Y-position scans
  • 119284 07/29/06 08:17 Larry Owl shift summary
  • 119283 07/29/06 08:13 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119282 07/29/06 07:16 Larry Halos bad again.
  • 119279 07/29/06 06:47 Larry Halos back down
  • 119278 07/29/06 06:19 Larry Summary of beam y-position scan
  • 119277 07/29/06 06:14 Larry More beam-tuning
  • 119276 07/29/06 06:09 Larry Something changed, Halos large again
  • 119274 07/29/06 05:52 Larry Lumi snapshot at G0=(+0.3,-1.4) G0B=(-0.3,-1.6)
  • 119271 07/29/06 05:41 Larry Lumi snapshot at G0=(+0.3,-1.0) G0B=(-0.3,-1.0)
  • 119268 07/29/06 05:24 Larry Lumi snapshot at G0=(+0.3,-0.5) G0B=(-0.3,-0.5)
  • 119265 07/29/06 05:10 Larry Lumi snapshot at G0=(+0.3,+1.4) G0B=(-0.3,+1.7)
  • 119262 07/29/06 04:58 Larry Lumi snapshot at G0=(+0.3,+1.0) G0B=(-0.3,+1.0)
  • 119259 07/29/06 04:46 Larry Lumi snapshot at G0=(+0.3,+0.5) G0B=(-0.3,+0.5)
  • 119256 07/29/06 04:33 Larry Lumi snapshot at G0=(+0.3,0.0) G0B=(-0.3,0.0)
  • 119254 07/29/06 04:22 Larry HV turn-on
  • 119253 07/29/06 04:21 Larry Beam is back
  • 119252 07/29/06 04:08 Larry Progress with the beam-tuning
  • 119251 07/29/06 02:28 Larry 4 uA of beam into Hall C
  • 119250 07/29/06 02:15 Larry Moller alarm reset
  • 119249 07/29/06 02:00 Larry Moller alarm and Moller Quads 1 and 2
  • 119248 07/29/06 01:35 Larry Moller alarm
  • 119247 07/29/06 01:28 real random CED-FPD trigger for LH2 and C12
  • 119246 07/29/06 01:03 real Legend of figure for logentry 119245
  • 119245 07/29/06 00:51 real No Evidence for pions in LH2 target, from fastbus data.
  • 119244 07/29/06 00:50 real No Evidence for pions in LH2 target, from fastbus data.
  • 119243 07/29/06 00:24 Larry Optics expert tuning
  • 119242 07/29/06 00:12 real Swing Shift Summary
  • 119241 07/29/06 00:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Friday

  • 119240 07/28/06 23:52 real New Setting for french cerenkov (to be setup sometimes when we have beam)
  • 119239 07/28/06 22:48 real/herbert lowered HV for octant 7 FPD 13 Left
  • 119238 07/28/06 21:31 suleiman Beam: Position Differences and Charge Asymmetry for run 30020 (OUT)
  • 119237 07/28/06 21:15 gaskell Moller summary
  • 119236 07/28/06 21:09 gaskell half wave plate is OUT again
  • 119235 07/28/06 21:09 gaskell Moller backout
  • 119233 07/28/06 20:55 suleiman Beam: Position Differences and Charge Asymmetry for run 29999 (IN)
  • 119232 07/28/06 20:49 Pitt/Suleima Beam: Origination of "flat-top" charge asymmetry distribution
  • 119231 07/28/06 20:44 pking Analysis: I have made G0Analysis_2.16 the default analyzer on the gzero accounts
  • 119228 07/28/06 20:31 gaskell changed half wave plate
  • 119218 07/28/06 19:30 Toplosky Analysis: beam asymmetries
  • 119217 07/28/06 18:47 gaskell another Moller update
  • 119216 07/28/06 18:46 gaskell another Moller update
  • 119215 07/28/06 17:26 gaskell Moller tune with no solenoid
  • 119214 07/28/06 17:06 gaskell more Moller update
  • 119213 07/28/06 16:19 Spayde Analysis: A Look at the 1 Hz Noise in the Injector and in Position
  • 119212 07/28/06 16:04 Spayde Day Shift Summary
  • 119211 07/28/06 16:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119210 07/28/06 15:44 gaskell solenoid to 1 T
  • 119209 07/28/06 14:50 gaskell ramping solenoid to 3 T
  • 119208 07/28/06 14:45 jschaub Analysis: Amplitude Increase of the 1Hz Beam Current Structure
  • 119207 07/28/06 14:44 gaskell more Moller update
  • 119202 07/28/06 12:38 Spayde Analysis: Beam Current Fluctuations Still Present (and Maybe a Little Worse)
  • 119201 07/28/06 12:02 horn Moller measurements - magnets scans
  • 119197 07/28/06 11:21 Spayde Analysis: First Fraser Plots from the Database
  • 119196 07/28/06 11:10 real Cerenkov Trigger Rates and random contribution, LH2 target. No beam trigger fixed to 0.
  • 119189 07/28/06 10:53 real Cerenkov Trigger Rates and random contribution, C12 target
  • 119188 07/28/06 10:51 Spayde SMS: Run 29988 Reflagged as Junk
  • 119186 07/28/06 10:38 swells large NA multiple hit rates
  • 119185 07/28/06 10:26 swells NA electronics timing optimization
  • 119184 07/28/06 10:08 gaskell Moller setup update
  • 119183 07/28/06 09:45 horn Beamline survey
  • 119182 07/28/06 09:08 Flores Target: Magnets offset
  • 119178 07/28/06 08:06 jianglai Target: flywatter and radiator temperature not updating
  • 119177 07/28/06 08:03 Larry Owl Shift summary
  • 119176 07/28/06 08:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119175 07/28/06 07:22 Larry Halo/Lumi/Paddle versus beam y-position
  • 119174 07/28/06 07:13 Larry, Jiang CODA stuck, restart
  • 119171 07/28/06 07:03 Larry Moved beam y-position
  • 119170 07/28/06 06:45 jianglai BPM screen capture
  • 119168 07/28/06 06:35 Larry Halo rates slightly lower than recent values
  • 119166 07/28/06 05:46 Larry Beam back on
  • 119165 07/28/06 05:25 Larry Beam getting unstable
  • 119162 07/28/06 04:33 Larry Frequent beam trips
  • 119156 07/28/06 02:56 Larry Momentary Beam off
  • 119155 07/28/06 02:33 jianglai/lar new HV trip alarm on cdaql5 and the howto
  • 119153 07/28/06 02:28 Larry Beam back on
  • 119152 07/28/06 02:26 Larry Beam off
  • 119148 07/28/06 01:55 Larry, Jingl Parity Quality Screen Capture from realtime monitor
  • 119147 07/28/06 01:19 Larry Hall A will not be doing BCM calibration after all
  • 119144 07/28/06 00:57 jianglai fixing "feedback log" button on analysis_minder GUI
  • 119143 07/28/06 00:16 real Swing Shift Summary
  • 119142 07/28/06 00:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119141 07/28/06 00:13 Breuer NA phototube/base needs changing: Oct 7 FPD Left random gain changes
  • Thursday

  • 119136 07/27/06 23:06 real Cerenkov Trigger Rates and random contribution, LH2 target
  • 119133 07/27/06 22:11 horn SOS Cerenkov test during run 30016
  • 119132 07/27/06 21:41 horn Analysis: ARS timing and calibration (NA octants)
  • 119127 07/27/06 20:29 Breuer High rates on NA multi hit scalers?
  • 119124 07/27/06 18:38 jschaub Analysis: Amplitude Increase of the 1Hz Beam Current Structure
  • 119121 07/27/06 18:07 Maud GainMatching on Octant 7
  • 119120 07/27/06 17:52 real/Breuer NA ARS timing.
  • 119119 07/27/06 17:48 muether Inelastic signal?
  • 119116 07/27/06 16:48 suleiman Beam: Coil Modulation plot from the production run 30013
  • 119113 07/27/06 16:08 Fatiha The coincidence matrix for the pattern ( for Mat )
  • 119112 07/27/06 16:01 Spayde Day Shift Summary
  • 119111 07/27/06 16:00 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119108 07/27/06 14:37 muether Analysis: Some more on field scan
  • 119107 07/27/06 14:33 Spayde Insertable Half Wave Plate is now OUT
  • 119104 07/27/06 14:09 suleiman Beam: Lowered the limit on few Position Coinls and the Energy
  • 119102 07/27/06 13:22 suleiman Beam: Lowered the limit on the energy modulation
  • 119101 07/27/06 12:56 suleiman Beam: For Coil Modulation to work: MCC must have "MODULATION ON"
  • 119100 07/27/06 12:55 suleiman Beam: For Coil Modulation to work: MCC must have "MODULATION ON"
  • 119099 07/27/06 12:45 suleiman Beam: Coil Modulation is now started by CODA at the begining of each run - both Position & Energy
  • 119098 07/27/06 12:43 suleiman Beam: Coil Modulation is now started by CODA at the begining of each run - both Position & Energy
  • 119097 07/27/06 12:35 Spayde Turning Detector HVs On
  • 119093 07/27/06 12:16 Fatiha Changed the cuts for the Coil modulation to be 60 Hz/uA
  • 119091 07/27/06 12:09 Spayde Detectors HVs Off
  • 119090 07/27/06 11:59 muether Is cdaql1 frozen.
  • 119088 07/27/06 11:57 Spayde SMS: A Lead Water Temperature Low Alarm
  • 119087 07/27/06 11:30 saw Beam: Added Fastfeedback to EPICS logging
  • 119084 07/27/06 10:49 Spayde Analysis: Current Fluctuations from Run 29933
  • 119083 07/27/06 10:06 Spayde Analysis: Current Fluctuations in Run 30006
  • 119079 07/27/06 09:25 Spayde HV Trip
  • 119078 07/27/06 09:09 jschaub Analysis: Space cleared on the DAQ disks
  • 119076 07/27/06 09:00 Spayde Changing CODA Configuration to ts_Fullinj
  • 119073 07/27/06 08:21 swells More evidence for 1 Hz beam current fluctuations
  • 119072 07/27/06 08:12 Spayde SMS: EPICS Archiver Down?
  • 119071 07/27/06 08:08 Larry Owl Shift Summary
  • 119070 07/27/06 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 119068 07/27/06 07:42 Larry, Jingl Detector HV sniped
  • 119064 07/27/06 06:59 Larry Frequent beam trips
  • 119063 07/27/06 06:46 Larry NA Cerenkov PMT anode currents at 60uA on LH2 tgt
  • 119060 07/27/06 05:21 jianglai comparison of BCM and stripline BPM "4-wire-sum"
  • 119057 07/27/06 04:47 jianglai Analysis: updated the analysis DB with a new set of beam monitor calibrations including injector monitors
  • 119055 07/27/06 04:13 Larry Beam back on
  • 119054 07/27/06 04:07 jianglai Analysis: lumi/main detector comparison for lumi scan
  • 119053 07/27/06 04:06 Larry Beam off for about 5 minutes
  • 119042 07/27/06 01:17 jianglai MCC turned fast feedback off
  • 119041 07/27/06 01:14 jianglai Target: late entry: target moved to LH2 at 0:20
  • 119037 07/27/06 00:13 real Swing Shift Summary
  • 119036 07/27/06 00:12 suleiman | M Beam: G0 BPM Cavity Commissioning
  • 119035 07/27/06 00:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Wednesday

  • 119027 07/26/06 23:06 fatiha/spayd beam current fluctuation fails "good event cut"
  • 119026 07/26/06 22:00 real Difference of cerenkov efficiency NA VS FR
  • 119025 07/26/06 21:58 real/Maud List of bad HV value since yesterday run #29951 to today run #29989
  • 119024 07/26/06 21:29 Fatiha Reseted cdaql6
  • 119023 07/26/06 20:43 Maud.JSR WARNING:wrong cerenkov HV values
  • 119019 07/26/06 19:48 swells Overnight Run Plan (Wednesday-Thursday)
  • 119018 07/26/06 19:48 suleiman Beam: I swapped the two cables C20AXP with C20AXM - This is a temprorary fix
  • 119017 07/26/06 19:28 real position Feedback off
  • 119012 07/26/06 17:31 jschaub Analysis: Analysis shift Daily System Maintenance instructions
  • 119009 07/26/06 16:41 Spayde Day Shift Summary
  • 119008 07/26/06 16:27 Spayde Target: Mystery of the Rebooting IOC Solved?
  • 119007 07/26/06 16:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118997 07/26/06 14:00 Fatiha Beam cuts effects on the analyser.
  • 118996 07/26/06 13:55 Alex Analysis: good and bad runs
  • 118995 07/26/06 13:55 Alex Analysis: good and bad runs
  • 118994 07/26/06 13:54 Maud New gainmatching for changed CEDs and FPDs
  • 118992 07/26/06 13:07 Flores Beam: Back up beam
  • 118991 07/26/06 13:05 Spayde Normalized Halo Restored
  • 118990 07/26/06 13:01 Spayde Target: More IOC Craziness
  • 118988 07/26/06 12:44 Spayde Perfect Halo! (Not Quite.)
  • 118986 07/26/06 10:44 swells RC Report for Monday-Wednesday
  • 118985 07/26/06 10:35 Spayde Target: Target IOC Reboot
  • 118981 07/26/06 08:22 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118978 07/26/06 08:13 jianglai/spa Analysis: modified cut file for default analyzer
  • 118977 07/26/06 07:55 jianglai owl shift summary
  • 118974 07/26/06 06:38 jianglai Analysis: Lumi yield and asymmetry width vs beam current
  • 118972 07/26/06 04:43 jianglai injector trouble
  • 118971 07/26/06 04:04 jianglai beam off for 15 minutes. hall A BCM calibration.
  • 118969 07/26/06 03:04 jianglai disable fastclear in the DAQ, set ps4=6000
  • 118950 07/26/06 01:49 hood Target: beam moved to hydrogen adn 60ua prep
  • 118935 07/26/06 00:06 real Swing Shift Summary
  • 118934 07/26/06 00:05 Breuer/Wells Roc 4 Swapped scalers to repair bad channel, with nasty phantom followup problem.
  • 118933 07/26/06 00:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Tuesday

  • 118932 07/25/06 23:42 real NA electronic problem WAS NOT A PROBLEM OF ELECTRONIC but a g0realtime prob
  • 118927 07/25/06 22:46 real Pb with Na electronics from roc4
  • 118926 07/25/06 22:42 jschaub Analysis: empty integrity files
  • 118925 07/25/06 21:28 jianglai beam monitor calibration filled into DB.
  • 118924 07/25/06 21:27 jianglai beam monitor calibration filled into DB.
  • 118919 07/25/06 20:32 real run 29951-29954 are good data for French Octant but not for NA ones
  • 118914 07/25/06 20:14 jianglai Double-checking Herbert's PMT results. Found x10 error in 2" tubes
  • 118910 07/25/06 19:59 real Gain back to auto
  • 118908 07/25/06 19:39 real X Y gain value for BCM/BPM calibration
  • 118907 07/25/06 18:31 Alex/Goulven Analysis: BPO Scan results - NA octant
  • 118905 07/25/06 17:19 Toplosky Target: Changed to Carbon. Lowered HP Heater to ~200W
  • 118904 07/25/06 17:07 real change to carbon data, to do BCM calibration
  • 118899 07/25/06 16:31 real beam is back to 60uA, good halo, but not completly stable.
  • 118897 07/25/06 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118896 07/25/06 16:01 Spayde Day Shift Summary
  • 118892 07/25/06 14:08 Spayde Detector HV is Off
  • 118890 07/25/06 13:52
  • 118887 07/25/06 13:30 Fatiha Comparison between single rates from FastBus and Scalers analysis
  • 118874 07/25/06 12:23 Fatiha, Alex
  • 118873 07/25/06 12:19 Bosted Rates in Test PMTs
  • 118866 07/25/06 11:32 Larry, S.Wel Timing for NA Cerenkov tweaked
  • 118863 07/25/06 11:25 Fatiha Do not run or kill the analyser in the cdaq machines without asking who is working
  • 118860 07/25/06 09:58 Bosted LH2 Target in
  • 118858 07/25/06 09:43 Spayde SMS: Ramping Magnet to 2650 A
  • 118857 07/25/06 09:30 Bosted Put in LH2 target
  • 118855 07/25/06 08:45 jianglai Herbert's test PMT rates at 56 uA
  • 118852 07/25/06 08:37 Bosted Target: opening JT valve
  • 118846 07/25/06 08:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118843 07/25/06 08:01 jianglai owl shift summary
  • 118842 07/25/06 07:35 jianglai almost there!
  • 118841 07/25/06 06:41 jianglai beam status
  • 118840 07/25/06 05:55 jianglai Quad scan done. CW beam expected in hall c
  • 118839 07/25/06 04:56 jianglai beam status
  • 118838 07/25/06 04:03 jianglai How to bring up beam on/off audio alert program
  • 118837 07/25/06 03:33 jianglai beam halo improved after beam spot tightening
  • 118836 07/25/06 03:01 HOOD Target: target moved to carbon
  • 118835 07/25/06 02:50 jianglai difficulty in optics
  • 118834 07/25/06 02:13 jianglai MCC is trying higher beam current
  • 118833 07/25/06 00:46 jianglai shift plan
  • 118832 07/25/06 00:23 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118831 07/25/06 00:07 real Swing Shift Summary
  • 118830 07/25/06 00:04 jianglai Montecello problem, and recovery
  • Monday

  • 118827 07/24/06 23:07 real/liu cdaql3/cdaql5 was frozen. Hard reboot was necessary
  • 118826 07/24/06 21:27 Larry Added delay to NA Cerenkov Mult-2 trigger
  • 118825 07/24/06 20:23 real MCC ask for target out, some CW low current in the hall
  • 118824 07/24/06 20:14 swells Optimum SMS setting
  • 118823 07/24/06 20:10 swells Run Plan for Swing/Owl/Day Monday-Tuesday (with better format)
  • 118822 07/24/06 20:10 swells Run Plan for Swing/Owl/Day Monday-Tuesday
  • 118821 07/24/06 19:04 Breuer shielding changes for test detectors near paddle; borated polyethylene
  • 118820 07/24/06 18:29 muether Analysis: SMS Field Scan results (with plots)
  • 118819 07/24/06 18:28 muether Analysis: SMS Field Scan results
  • 118818 07/24/06 18:21 breuer borated poly "hut" around 5" test tube
  • 118817 07/24/06 18:18
  • 118816 07/24/06 18:06 Larry, Alex Changed NA Cerenkov trigger to Mult-2 only
  • 118815 07/24/06 17:59 real sweep was done around 17h00
  • 118814 07/24/06 17:56
  • 118813 07/24/06 17:53
  • 118812 07/24/06 17:53
  • 118811 07/24/06 16:39 B. Quinn Day shift summary
  • 118810 07/24/06 16:32 Breuer replaced base for octant 1 FPD 06 Right
  • 118809 07/24/06 16:10 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118808 07/24/06 15:47 Spayde SMS: Ramping Magnet to 2400 A
  • 118807 07/24/06 15:36 real FR PMT/basis cahnge DONE
  • 118806 07/24/06 13:30 suleiman Beam: A broken connection was found for C20AXP (not C20XM)
  • 118803 07/24/06 13:08 swells RC Summary for Weekend
  • 118802 07/24/06 12:13 B. Quinn Beam: Vacuum status/Hall activities
  • 118801 07/24/06 12:08 Spayde Target: Shift Checklist and He Gas Bottle Question
  • 118800 07/24/06 11:36 real Work to be done in the hall. French octant basis/PMT changes.
  • 118799 07/24/06 11:02 suleiman | Beam: C20AXM signal
  • 118798 07/24/06 10:56 suleiman Beam: G0 and G0B tested with the Oscillator ON and they are now fine
  • 118795 07/24/06 08:32 Spayde SMS: Ramping Magnet Down to 0 A
  • 118794 07/24/06 08:03 jianglai owl shift summary
  • 118793 07/24/06 07:38 jianglai IOCSE14/16/18/20 back to autogain
  • 118791 07/24/06 06:02 jianglai linac vacuum updates
  • 118786 07/24/06 03:23 jianglai Set IOCSE14/17/18/20 to forced gain to do pedestal measurement.
  • 118772 07/24/06 00:24 jianglai shift plan
  • Sunday

  • 118771 07/23/06 23:58 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118769 07/23/06 23:30 Maud,JSR Fr HV corrections
  • 118766 07/23/06 22:50 Breuer manual HV changes.
  • 118764 07/23/06 20:38 real update on beam info
  • 118763 07/23/06 20:30 jianglai Analysis: update and recompile default analyzer on cdaql*
  • 118762 07/23/06 20:11 Breuer Shielding changes to 5" and 2" test detectors near paddle detector
  • 118761 07/23/06 20:06 real beam summary
  • 118760 07/23/06 18:45 suleiman | s Beam: Changed G0 and G0B output from the Sample and Hold (S/H) cards from -ve to +ve
  • 118759 07/23/06 18:20 swells Run Plan for Swing/Owl Sunday/Monday
  • 118758 07/23/06 17:19 Maud Detailed gain matching overview
  • 118757 07/23/06 17:15 Maud Gain Matching Overview
  • 118756 07/23/06 17:07 gaskell Moller commissioning summarry
  • 118755 07/23/06 16:56 gaskell Moller backout
  • 118754 07/23/06 16:54 Spayde SMS: Pager Number Changed
  • 118753 07/23/06 16:17 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118752 07/23/06 16:13 B. Quinn Day Shift Summary
  • 118748 07/23/06 13:45 Fatiha Cleaned $G0SCRATCH/scripts/ directory
  • 118744 07/23/06 12:47 hood Target: HPH decreased to 200 W
  • 118740 07/23/06 11:41 swells NA concidence modules swapped
  • 118739 07/23/06 11:33 real No hardware problem on MT in g0online. Just visualization does not begin from 0.
  • 118738 07/23/06 09:32 gaskell Setup for Moller
  • 118737 07/23/06 08:19 Larry Owl Shift summary
  • 118736 07/23/06 08:14 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118735 07/23/06 08:01 Larry Detector HVs turned off, Beam given back to MCC
  • 118734 07/23/06 07:42 Larry NA Cerenkov HVs back in high-gain mode
  • 118731 07/23/06 07:36 jianglai/lar MT TDC cross-talk?
  • 118728 07/23/06 06:36 Larry, Herbe NA Cerenkov PMT anode currents
  • 118727 07/23/06 05:51 Larry Snapshot of Coincidence matrices at 2400A and C target
  • 118725 07/23/06 05:31 jianglai carbon target in
  • 118723 07/23/06 04:27 Larry Snapshot of Coincidence matrices at 2400A and LH2 target
  • 118722 07/23/06 04:23 muether SMS: Changing SMS pager number
  • 118714 07/23/06 03:33 Larry Beam back on at 20uA
  • 118713 07/23/06 03:14 Larry Beam off for 15 minutes
  • 118712 07/23/06 03:11 jianglai SMS back to 2400 A
  • 118711 07/23/06 03:07 Breuer shielding test tube rate results for borated sheet
  • 118709 07/23/06 02:56 Larry snapshot of Coincidence matrices at 2475 A
  • 118707 07/23/06 02:50 jianglai SMS ramped to 2475 A
  • 118705 07/23/06 02:39 jianglai snapshot of matrices at 2325 A
  • 118703 07/23/06 02:29 jianglai SMS: SMS ramped to 2325 A
  • 118701 07/23/06 02:20 Larry Screenshot of Coincidence matrices for SMS scan with field at I=2175 A
  • 118699 07/23/06 02:10 jianglai/lar Beam: debugging of G0 and G0B
  • 118698 07/23/06 01:53 Breuer change in shielding for neutron shielding test detectors
  • 118697 07/23/06 01:23 Larry Beam-Loss monitor trips
  • 118696 07/23/06 01:20 jianglai/fat Analysis: making local change on the default analyzer on cdaq machines
  • 118693 07/23/06 00:59 jianglai SMS: magnet ramped to 2175 A
  • 118691 07/23/06 00:48 real Basis of FPD 15 octant 8 is dead. Need to be changed
  • 118689 07/23/06 00:46 Larry Controlled Access completed
  • 118688 07/23/06 00:35 Fatiha Latches/Trigger Viewer
  • 118687 07/23/06 00:33 Larry Controlled Access to recycle low voltage PS
  • 118685 07/23/06 00:18 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118684 07/23/06 00:15 real Swing Shift Summary
  • 118683 07/23/06 00:13 jianglai Target: Hall A will increase the coolant flow in the next 45 minutes
  • 118682 07/23/06 00:09 Breuer/Maud Better plot: CEDs in octant 5, dynamic range problem CED 5
  • 118681 07/23/06 00:03 Fatiha/Goulv Analysis: Changed G0Octant.C to get the correct Latches Histograms
  • Saturday

  • 118680 07/22/06 23:35 real Coincidence matrices for sms scan at 2100A With the snapshot now
  • 118679 07/22/06 23:34 real Coincidence matrices for sms scan at 2100A
  • 118676 07/22/06 22:59 jianglai LUMI "gain" matching
  • 118673 07/22/06 22:40 real Coincidence matrices for sms scan at 2250A
  • 118672 07/22/06 22:34 suleiman Beam: The raw signals for G0 and G0B seem to come and go
  • 118670 07/22/06 22:30 real Beam tripped at 20 uA, make the HV tripped (each time)
  • 118669 07/22/06 22:29 suleiman Beam: Hall C Charge feedback is ON
  • 118667 07/22/06 22:17 real HV tripped again. Beam is not stable at all at 20 uA
  • 118662 07/22/06 21:52 suleiman Beam: C20XM signal is missing
  • 118661 07/22/06 21:48 suleiman Beam: The raw signals of G0 and G0B are zeros in "beam_nt"
  • 118660 07/22/06 21:38 real HV tripped
  • 118656 07/22/06 21:02 suleiman Beam: The part of the code that does Hall A charge feedback is enabled
  • 118652 07/22/06 20:20 pking Analysis: Corrected an error in the latch histogramming for the gzero account
  • 118649 07/22/06 20:02 pking Checked the 499 MHz and 31 MHz signals; looks fine
  • 118642 07/22/06 17:55 Breuer/Flore NA ADCs Oct 5, CEDs 5/6 bad resolution
  • 118639 07/22/06 17:40 Fatiha High Coicnidence pion rates in Octnats 5 and 7
  • 118630 07/22/06 16:25 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118629 07/22/06 16:21 B. Quinn Day shift s summary..... trying again with the format....
  • 118628 07/22/06 16:17 B. Quinn Day shift summary
  • 118625 07/22/06 15:59 vanoers Target: Final comment about the day shift
  • 118624 07/22/06 15:45 B. Quinn Coincidence matrices for SMS scan at 3150A
  • 118621 07/22/06 15:35 B. Quinn Coincidence matrices for SMS scan at 3000A
  • 118618 07/22/06 15:08 B. Quinn Coincidence matrices for SMS scan at 2850A
  • 118615 07/22/06 14:49 muether SMS: Upate on water temp
  • 118614 07/22/06 14:42 B. Quinn Coincidence matrices for SMS scan at 2700A
  • 118613 07/22/06 14:38 muether SMS: LHe Oscillations stopped
  • 118610 07/22/06 14:34 B. Quinn Coincidence matrices for sms scan at 2550A
  • 118605 07/22/06 13:19 B. Quinn Meantimer TDC distribution
  • 118604 07/22/06 12:48 Fatiha Single Rates Fo Oct2 and Oct3
  • 118603 07/22/06 12:37 Fatiha Scalers Rate Analysis
  • 118600 07/22/06 12:15 B. Quinn Beam time accounting problem fixed
  • 118599 07/22/06 12:13 swells comments on coincidence matrix plots
  • 118598 07/22/06 12:04 B. Quinn Coincidence matrices for LH2 (20 uA)
  • 118597 07/22/06 12:01 B. Quinn 20 uA on LH2
  • 118590 07/22/06 11:14 B. Quinn More carbon running/changing to LH2
  • 118587 07/22/06 10:33 B. Quinn Electronics fixed, doing short Carbon run
  • 118586 07/22/06 10:27 vanoers Target: Opening JT Valve
  • 118583 07/22/06 10:11 B. Quinn Taking data at 20uA on Carbon
  • 118582 07/22/06 10:03 B. Quinn Beam time accounting problem returns
  • 118581 07/22/06 10:02 swells more NA electronics
  • 118579 07/22/06 09:31 swells beam status and day shift plan
  • 118578 07/22/06 09:05 vanoers Target: TARGET MOVE
  • 118577 07/22/06 08:26 Larry Owl Shift summary (again, reformatted)
  • 118576 07/22/06 08:20 Larry Owl Shift Summary
  • 118575 07/22/06 08:18 Larry OK, we're there. (maybe)
  • 118574 07/22/06 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118573 07/22/06 06:57 Larry Almost ready to go
  • 118572 07/22/06 06:37 Larry Some progress on beam halo, almost there...
  • 118571 07/22/06 05:40 Larry Status update from MCC
  • 118570 07/22/06 03:44 Larry MCC Optics expert in to check beam-tune
  • 118568 07/22/06 02:56 Larry NA Cerenkov HV's set (temporarily) to half-gain mode
  • 118567 07/22/06 02:46 Larry MCC problems with Halo
  • 118565 07/22/06 02:09 Maud Target: Preview of Flow Rate for 60muA
  • 118562 07/22/06 01:23 Maud New HV file loaded
  • 118561 07/22/06 00:27 real Swing Shift Summary
  • 118560 07/22/06 00:06 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Friday

  • 118559 07/21/06 21:11 real MCC will do a harp scan, target out of beam, HV off on all detectors
  • 118558 07/21/06 20:40 real Smoke alarm in sos hut.
  • 118556 07/21/06 19:56 real French electronics coincidence board changed for octant 2
  • 118552 07/21/06 19:15 swells NA electronics fixed
  • 118551 07/21/06 18:59 Breuer Octant 5, FPD 3-10 MT problem resolved: ribbon cable partially disconnected
  • 118550 07/21/06 18:54 breuer Specifics on NIM crate (in Hall) power problem, affecting octants 1 and 3
  • 118545 07/21/06 18:33 breuer (No) light leak on 2" quartz photo tube
  • 118538 07/21/06 16:07 Armstrong Day Shift Summary (aka litany of woes...)
  • 118537 07/21/06 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118536 07/21/06 15:44 muether SMS: Lhe Low alarm
  • 118535 07/21/06 15:23 swells RC Report for Thursday/Friday July 20, 21
  • 118530 07/21/06 11:51 Armstrong beam tuning status report
  • 118527 07/21/06 10:55 pking Modified the "run_fill_start" and "run_fill_end" scripts
  • 118526 07/21/06 10:54 muether SMS: Level High Alarms
  • 118525 07/21/06 10:50 muether SMS: Replaced Thermocouple on Lead B
  • 118524 07/21/06 10:43 Armstrong btaaid issue fixed
  • 118523 07/21/06 10:24 Armstrong Matrix screenshot, all but Octant 5 present
  • 118522 07/21/06 10:08 Armstrong btaaid (beam time accounting) says we aren't ready for beam
  • 118521 07/21/06 09:50 Armstrong end gain matching, beam to MCC for tuning
  • 118520 07/21/06 09:43 vanoers Target:
  • 118518 07/21/06 09:27 vanoers Target:
  • 118517 07/21/06 09:09 horn Run 29858 is junk - coda had to be restarted
  • 118513 07/21/06 08:50 vanoers Target: 15 K coolant decrease
  • 118510 07/21/06 08:07 jianglai owl shift summary
  • 118509 07/21/06 07:59 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118506 07/21/06 07:43 jianglai debugging of octant 5 MT output
  • 118501 07/21/06 07:12 Larry Normalized Rates for NA Cerenkovs (with present tune), without typos this time hopefully
  • 118500 07/21/06 06:58 Larry Normalized Rates for NA Cerenkovs (with present tune)
  • 118497 07/21/06 06:35 Larry New HV's for NA Cerenkov PMTs
  • 118493 07/21/06 06:06 Toplosky beam position scan w/ 11mm halo target and "hole" target
  • 118492 07/21/06 05:50 hood Target: LH2 to target : decreased hph to 200W
  • 118489 07/21/06 05:28 jianglai NA coinc electronics still have troubles
  • 118486 07/21/06 05:06 jianglai beam position scan with 11 mm halo target and the "hole" target
  • 118485 07/21/06 04:56 Larry/Alex NA Cerenkov Anode currents from direct ammeter measurements
  • 118482 07/21/06 04:38 jianglai restarted codamaster, junk run 29847
  • 118476 07/21/06 04:16
  • 118474 07/21/06 03:37 hood Target: small hole moved to beam
  • 118473 07/21/06 03:32 jianglai anode current monitor screen capture, LH2 target ,30 uA
  • 118472 07/21/06 03:16 real PMT Right, CED 5 octant 8 does not work.
  • 118471 07/21/06 03:15 jianglai SMS: magnet LHe level alarm.
  • 118468 07/21/06 02:28 jianglai JSR's instruction to reboot the low voltage power supply
  • 118465 07/21/06 02:23 jliu control access done
  • 118464 07/21/06 02:18 hood Target: LH2 target in place
  • 118463 07/21/06 01:25 jliu beam tuning ended. plan of the control access and afterwards
  • 118462 07/21/06 01:20 muether SMS: Ramping SMS down for hall access
  • 118461 07/21/06 01:13 real French detector/electronic overview, Low power supply is down
  • 118460 07/21/06 01:06 Doug Beck Swing shfit summary
  • 118459 07/21/06 01:05 Fatiha Shape of the fastbus ADC spectra for Oct1 and 3
  • 118458 07/21/06 00:59 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118457 07/21/06 00:36 jliu How to for the Halo GUI
  • 118456 07/21/06 00:24 jliu cdaql5 rebooted
  • Thursday

  • 118452 07/20/06 23:37 real Roc 8 temperature is very HIGH
  • 118449 07/20/06 21:34 beck/muether Coinsidence Matrtix Real Time Snapshot
  • 118448 07/20/06 21:30 B.Quinn Target: Switching to carbon target
  • 118446 07/20/06 21:12 B.Quinn Target: Switching to LH2 target
  • 118444 07/20/06 20:11 B. Quinn Target: Changed to carbon target
  • 118441 07/20/06 19:53 B. Quinn Target: Limit for cooling LH2 target/ CHANGED LIMITS / CHANGED TARGET TEMP!!!
  • 118438 07/20/06 19:23 pking Analysis: Changed to the 362 MeV analysis database
  • 118437 07/20/06 19:23 pking Analysis: Installed the new G0Analysis version and started the autoanalyzers
  • 118436 07/20/06 18:51 pking Analysis: I have moved the old rootfiles and the old G0Scripts directory
  • 118435 07/20/06 18:36 B. Quinn Target: Back to hole target (& changing JT)
  • 118434 07/20/06 18:22 B. Quinn Target: Changing to radiator/ CHANGED ALARM LIMIT gbheat
  • 118430 07/20/06 18:03 B. Quinn Target: Changing to LH2 target
  • 118429 07/20/06 17:55 B. Quinn Target: Opened JT valve
  • 118428 07/20/06 17:53 Pitt Comments on Herbert's PMT data
  • 118427 07/20/06 17:52 swells Run Plan for Swing/Owl July 20-21
  • 118426 07/20/06 17:41 B. Quinn Target: Change to frame target
  • 118425 07/20/06 17:29 B. Quinn Target: Change to carbon target
  • 118424 07/20/06 16:51 B. Quinn Target: Small hole target (beam seems to be hitting frame)
  • 118423 07/20/06 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 118422 07/20/06 15:58 Armstrong Shioft Summary: Day shift
  • 118421 07/20/06 15:42 smithg Target: 15K supply temp remains unusually high
  • 118420 07/20/06 15:18 muether SMS: H20 Temp continuing to go lower
  • 118419 07/20/06 15:18 muether SMS: H20 Temp continuing to go lower
  • 118418 07/20/06 14:37 smithg Target: Lost half our liquid from Hall A cooldown
  • 118417 07/20/06 14:34 Maud HV file loaded
  • 118416 07/20/06 14:22 smithg Target: Beam was slamming into the target flanges last night
  • 118415 07/20/06 14:09 S, Bailey The little Pockels Cell That Could
  • 118413 07/20/06 13:50 muether SMS: H20 Temp at lead low
  • 118411 07/20/06 11:41 Armstrong status
  • 118410 07/20/06 09:58 vanoers Target: toke a snapshot
  • 118409 07/20/06 08:17 jliu owl shift summary
  • 118408 07/20/06 08:16 jliu owl shift summary
  • 118406 07/20/06 07:48 jliu realtime GUI response time
  • 118404 07/20/06 07:00 jianglai beam status update
  • 118403 07/20/06 04:42 jianglai beam status update
  • 118400 07/20/06 03:59 jianglai reference: May 06 anode current measurement on C target
  • 118399 07/20/06 03:00 jianglai beam status
  • 118398 07/20/06 01:41 Doug Beck SMS: Swing Shift Summary
  • 118397 07/20/06 01:38 Toplosky Monitor PMT rate vs. BeamCurrent
  • 118396 07/20/06 01:33 jianglai MCC status / shift plan
  • 118395 07/20/06 00:11 beck/liu halo and paddle rates with C target
  • 118394 07/20/06 00:07 beck/liu Beam: harp scan to determine the raster
  • Wednesday

  • 118393 07/19/06 23:58 B. Quinn Target: Carbon target
  • 118392 07/19/06 23:55 beck/liu Beam: some halo values
  • 118391 07/19/06 23:48 B. Quinn Target: Hole target
  • 118390 07/19/06 18:56 B. Quinn Target: Heater excursions/ beam steering
  • 118389 07/19/06 18:45 B. Quinn Target: IOC reboot
  • 118386 07/19/06 18:12 swells Run Plan for Swing/Owl/Day July 19-20
  • 118384 07/19/06 16:17 smithg Target: tgt shift summary, snapshot, and plan for eventual beam
  • 118383 07/19/06 16:05 muether SMS: Transition Lead B DQP Trip (Yellow)
  • 118382 07/19/06 15:48 muether SMS: Ramping back to 2400
  • 118381 07/19/06 15:14 muether HKS Drift Chambers Electronics Note
  • 118380 07/19/06 15:11 muether SMS: Lead A thermocouple rmoved for repair
  • 118358 07/19/06 01:20 Breuer HV channels and values, rates for neutron test 5" and 2" tubes
  • 118357 07/19/06 01:11 Breuer NA CED's 8 Amplifier cable length corrections, Oct 1,3,5
  • Tuesday

  • 118355 07/18/06 23:28 Fatiha Full Coda Configuration
  • 118341 07/18/06 21:24 JSR, Goulven French scale2/roc8 moved on roc9
  • 118332 07/18/06 20:39 Maud Analysis: French FPDs gainmatching + new Fr and NA cerenkovs HV
  • 118329 07/18/06 20:32 muether HKS Drift Chamber gas now flowing
  • 118323 07/18/06 20:05 Maud. Analysis: French Cerenkov ADC calibration
  • 118309 07/18/06 19:14 spwells Run Plan for Owl/Day shifts 7/18-19/06
  • 118298 07/18/06 18:44 muether SMS: SMS is now at 2400A
  • 118294 07/18/06 18:26 Goulven French Cerenkov PMTs sum and corrected single baselines
  • 118292 07/18/06 18:21 muether SMS: Ramping Magnet to 2400
  • 118278 07/18/06 17:36 smithg Target: main gui ksnapshot
  • 118275 07/18/06 17:29 smithg Target: disabled electronics room temp alarms for tonight
  • 118271 07/18/06 17:12 saw Target: Bad signals in target display
  • 118270 07/18/06 16:55 smithg Target: Target cooldown summary
  • 118269 07/18/06 16:28 suleiman | F Beam: G0 CAvity BPM Test with RF Generator
  • 118268 07/18/06 16:15 beise High temperature in Electronics cage
  • 118267 07/18/06 16:11 beise Lumis set for 60 uA 362 MeV setting
  • 118266 07/18/06 16:11 beise Lumis set for 60 uA 362 MeV setting
  • 118265 07/18/06 16:07 Lee/Bosted 2"-PMT Test Detectors positioned and cabled
  • 118263 07/18/06 16:00 muether/lee Ferris Wheel Position: 4 in
  • 118262 07/18/06 16:00 muether SMS: Bad Water Temp Thermocouple
  • 118259 07/18/06 15:30 Goulven New sum threshold for the French Cerenkov
  • 118254 07/18/06 14:43 pking Analysis: Stopped hte autoanalyzer on the cdaql* machines
  • 118250 07/18/06 13:19 S. Bailey Flipper is ready to go.
  • 118249 07/18/06 13:06 Bailey & Sul G0 Injector Beam Studies -- 3rd Try
  • 118241 07/18/06 11:35 Fatiha Added the readout of the 9th scaler in roc 9 Datastream
  • 118238 07/18/06 11:20 JSR,Maud,Gou B4C shielding on the Cer6 PMTs
  • 118217 07/18/06 07:52 muether SMS: Temporary loss of water
  • Monday

  • 118215 07/17/06 23:17 Larry NA Cerenkov discriminators set to "Non-updating" mode
  • 118214 07/17/06 23:07 Larry Herbert's Paddle & New "Virtual" detectors (5" PMTs) positioned and cabled
  • 118213 07/17/06 22:56 Larry NA Cerenkov PMT dc offsets
  • 118207 07/17/06 18:40 Fatiha Will reboot the DAQ machine at 7 pm for disks Scan
  • 118193 07/17/06 17:49 muether SMS: Lead A Water Temp Thermocouple Problem
  • 118190 07/17/06 17:41 gaskell Plan for tonight/tomorrow
  • 118188 07/17/06 17:09 beise Analysis: Simulation of rates at 360 MeV, for future reference
  • 118180 07/17/06 16:21 saw cdaql4 reboot
  • 118174 07/17/06 15:54 Bailey & Sul G0 Pockels Cell Installation - 2nd Try
  • 118171 07/17/06 15:42 Goulven New French Cerenkov PMTs high voltage values
  • 118164 07/17/06 15:20 gaskell this is the position where FW was surveyed
  • 118163 07/17/06 15:05 Bailey & Su We are finished with CODA today and will need it again tomorrow at 8 am
  • 118158 07/17/06 14:25 horn Ferris Wheel Survey Result
  • 118137 07/17/06 13:17 Goulven New baselines for the French Cerenkov PMTs
  • 118108 07/17/06 10:45 ellis Lumi HV settings for 362
  • 118097 07/17/06 10:12 gaskell Moller cooldown complete
  • 118095 07/17/06 07:34 S. Bailey PC Alignment this morning - Please do not use CODA
  • 118094 07/17/06 07:22 gaskell start Moller cooldown
  • 118093 07/17/06 02:15 muether SMS: another water temp alarm
  • Sunday

  • 118092 07/16/06 22:11 muether SMS: Sucessful SMS Power test
  • 118085 07/16/06 20:50 muether SMS: Performing Magnet Power Test
  • 118080 07/16/06 19:34 Goulven run 29695 properties
  • 118073 07/16/06 17:27 muether SMS: recieved another water temp alarm on lead A
  • 118071 07/16/06 13:26 muether SMS: Water Temp A Low Alarm
  • 118070 07/16/06 09:53 S. Bailey PC Installation on Monday, need CODA beginning at 8 am
  • 118067 07/16/06 08:15 real run 29691 is junk
  • Saturday

  • 118056 07/15/06 19:53 real Run 29685 and 29683 are junk
  • 118024 07/15/06 16:13 JSR+G+M change of FASTCLEAR signal
  • 118022 07/15/06 12:50 JSR,Maud,Gou B4C shielding on the Cer4 PMTs
  • Friday

  • 118018 07/14/06 23:48 Breuer base for octant 1 FPD 6 Right should be replaced; seems to work however
  • 118017 07/14/06 23:43 Breuer Tested and repaired as necessary all NA FPD and CED signals.
  • 118016 07/14/06 23:35 Breuer Prepared HV, signal cables for two 5" tubes for shielding tests
  • 118013 07/14/06 20:29 real rates of FPD, CED and cerenkov FR
  • 118011 07/14/06 19:56 real french fastclear has changed
  • 118010 07/14/06 19:54 real Octant 8 was not in fastclear
  • 118008 07/14/06 19:34 JSR, Goulven New amplitude and offset values for French Cerenkov PMTs
  • 118006 07/14/06 19:31 real Ars channel 4 to 7 is now used for cerenkov octant 4 (it was analog sum)
  • 118005 07/14/06 19:25 real setting individual Fr cerenkov PMTs Discriminator in NON updating mode
  • 117997 07/14/06 15:37 muether SMS: SMS loving level with 42% max PID setting
  • 117996 07/14/06 15:03 gaskell DO NOT MOVE FERRIS WHEEL!
  • 117995 07/14/06 14:22 muether SMS: SMS Cool and in PID
  • 117992 07/14/06 09:20 muether SMS: SMS Level beggining to recover
  • 117990 07/14/06 08:18 kenyon SMS: Recovering g0
  • Thursday

  • 117989 07/13/06 23:44 Breuer reinstalled Oct 1 CED 9 preamp; removed capacitive couplers from Oct 7 CEDs 9
  • 117988 07/13/06 23:39 Breuer New NA singles scalers ROC 9 implemented and cabled up; TDC's may be affected
  • 117979 07/13/06 20:07 JSR,Goulven, work on french detectors
  • 117978 07/13/06 18:15 gaskell Hall C lockup delayed
  • 117977 07/13/06 17:46 muether SMS: Cryo Issues continue for the SMS
  • 117976 07/13/06 10:22 gaskell Hall C cryo issues this morning
  • 117975 07/13/06 03:30 Bailey & Sul We are done with CODA
  • 117974 07/13/06 03:28 Bailey & Sul G0 Beam Studies -- Day 3
  • Wednesday

  • 117949 07/12/06 22:54 suleiman Coda is now running in MCC
  • 117943 07/12/06 17:02 gaskell more Moller changes
  • 117933 07/12/06 11:30 jschaub PMT swap
  • Tuesday

  • 117929 07/11/06 21:17 breuer returned modified and repaired scalers from UMD to Jlab
  • 117923 07/11/06 15:29 muether SMS: LHe Level Dropped below 70%
  • 117916 07/11/06 10:26 gaskell Moller channel swap
  • Monday

  • 117915 07/10/06 23:34 Gilberto/Joh Detectors change
  • 117914 07/10/06 20:02 S. Bailey G0 Beam studies -- Day 2 (correction)
  • 117913 07/10/06 19:23 muether SMS: PLC heartbeat stopped
  • 117912 07/10/06 17:47 Fatiha test
  • 117910 07/10/06 14:09 ellis Lumi HV settings for LD2, 362Mev high current runs
  • 117909 07/10/06 14:09 S. Bailey I restored on gzero@cdaq
  • 117908 07/10/06 13:13 Bailey & Sul G0 Beam Studies -- Day 2
  • 117907 07/10/06 12:58 S. Bailey beam studies done today, returning CODA
  • 117886 07/10/06 10:26 saw Changes to EPICS gateway
  • Sunday

  • 117881 07/09/06 15:48 Bailey & Sul We are keeping CODA running
  • 117880 07/09/06 15:42 Bailey & Sul G0 Beam Studies -- Day 1
  • Saturday

  • 117827 07/08/06 12:44 S. Bailey Important: I changed on gzero@cdaq so beam trip cut is made on inj BCM
  • Friday

  • 117826 07/07/06 17:37 S. Bailey Beam: G0 Beam studies on Sunday
  • 117825 07/07/06 11:38 gaskell Moller cooldown complete
  • 117824 07/07/06 07:37 gaskell start Moller cooldown
  • Thursday

  • 117823 07/06/06 17:51 Fatiha/Herbe More on our tests on Friday
  • 117821 07/06/06 17:29 Pitt/Suleima Boron content of borpoly blocks
  • Monday

  • 117793 07/03/06 09:25 gaskell warm helium going off
  • Sunday

  • 117792 07/02/06 03:21 muether SMS: disabled Lhe level high and Lhe level low through orange
  • 117791 07/02/06 00:35 kenyon SMS: EPICS variables
  • 117790 07/02/06 00:20 kenyon SMS: g0 on cold return
  • 117789 07/02/06 00:02 kenyon SMS: switching to cold return
  • Saturday

  • 117788 07/01/06 23:04 kenyon SMS: g0 recovery
  • 117787 07/01/06 22:58 kenyon SMS: Software feature
  • 117786 07/01/06 22:37 kenyon SMS: Thawed PPR
  • 117785 07/01/06 22:12 muether/keny SMS: Cryo Failure
  • 117784 07/01/06 22:10 kenyon SMS: ESR problem