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User name Breuer

Log entry time 20:52:02 on August 06, 2006

Entry number 120060

This entry is a followup to: 120017

keyword=Test detectors: comparison shielding with/without lead sheet

Mark made a log entry 120017 for normalized test detector results
with 2.3 + 1.6 mm lead shields added downstream of the right 
5" photo tube as well as the quartz glass (right side) 2" photo tube. 

This is compared below with the last measurement I took before the lead sheets were added (07/31/06, 05:20). Note that the left 5" tube and left 2" tube (borosilicate) had no changes between taking these two data sets.

Rates are in kHz/uA of beam on a LH2 target. 07/31 08/06 08/06 no lead no lead with lead Left 5" tube 5.25 5.4 right 5" tube 2.38 --- 2.27 left 2" tube 0.625 0.645 --- right 2" tube 0.155 --- 0.136

Thus the 4 mm of lead has only a small impact on the count rate, somewhat more for the 2" than for the 5" tube. This means that the residual count rate in the detectors, after applying the Boroflex sheet + 4" of borated polyethylene ("no lead" column, right 5" tube), is - not due to low energy gamma flux (< 0.5 MeV) - not due to low energy charged particles

Note - that 4 mm lead stops 4.5 MeV e-, 10 cm polyethylene stops about 17 MeV e-; - that 4 mm lead is about 0.7 radiation lengths and 10 cm ployethylene is about 0.2 radiation lengths

Since we should have seen at least some effect from lead for any gammas (I guess), I suspect that the residual rate in the tubes is from high(er) energy neutrons - unless we get most of the residual counts indirectly from the sides/top/bottom and upstream. Certainly we get some rate from those directions as shown by the reduction in rate when borated polyethylene was stacked all around the right 5" tube. Note that the 2" tube is rather nicely shielded from upstream by the 4" polyethylene between the 2" and the 5" tube.

If my interpretation of higher energy neutrons is correct (I don't know how effectively 4" polyethylene thermalizes neutrons) then the ordered Quartz tubes should give us the benefits we hope for.

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